God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1343: Cornucopia

The guy stood where he was, thinking about where to go to find the treasure.

In his mind, the continent of blood and fire kept appearing.

Especially that girl.

"Go to the place where I met Ningning."

By coincidence, Ye Que wanted to go to that dangerous place shrouded in deep fog.

ding ding ding—

A reminder sound suddenly came from my mind.

Ye Que froze for a moment, checking the data.

"Ding! Please choose the law that needs to increase the magic pattern!"

"Ding! Please choose the law that needs to increase the magic pattern!"

? ? ?

"I didn't absorb treasures, or spell liquid or anything like that!"

Ye Que's doubts grew stronger.

But soon, he discovered the truth.

On the dark ground, strands of invisible and colorless essence floated from all directions, continuously entering his body.

It's too rough to say.

To be more careful, it should be said that these essences are the cornucopia that entered his mind.

However, the treasures in the cornucopia will be absorbed by his body again.

"I, I, I, I..."

Ye Que's breathing suddenly became heavy, and his spirit also fluctuated violently.

"Damn it! I've become a humanoid cornucopia!"

He clenched his fists and laughed.

The cornucopia is in the soul, but it is not silent there.

It is still playing its role, constantly gathering the essence of the treasures hidden around it.


Ye Que was excited.

Although the increase is slow and not much, it is continuing to increase after all.

"calm down!"

Ye Que suppressed his excitement and began to analyze the pros and cons of being a humanoid cornucopia.



The cornucopia can absorb the essence all the time, allowing him to grow all the time.


As a human-shaped cornucopia, it is like a luminous font that says "I have treasures that can improve my state" on my body.

Once discovered.

That's over.

Cliffs will be hunted down.

Moreover, the people chasing and killing him were not just the Longyuan, Huoyuan, Bloodyuan and Hongyuan clans.

At that time, it may be the geniuses of the three hundred core races in the barren land, plus the geniuses from the multiverse.

Ye Que shuddered and completely calmed down.

And this does not include all the powerful people who flooded into the secret realm half a year later.

"I'm a bitch."

Ye Que wiped the sweat off his face, feeling chilly all over his body.

He is now a naked beauty, surrounded by big men who have been hungry and thirsty for countless years.

"No, I have to find a way to block the fluctuation of the essence entering my body."

"Or, I have to master the means to control the cornucopia!"

Ye Que looked around to see if there was no one around, so he took the giant python and ran to a more remote place.

Along the way, the essence floats around, and the feeling of entering the body is really refreshing.

Shuangguishuang, the disadvantages can not be forgotten.

Ye Que used various methods.

A variety of secret techniques, the invisibility of space, the occlusion of laws...

"No, the fluctuation of the essence entering the body will still be discovered by people."

Ye Que pondered.

Cast blood.

Nightmare occlusion.

"The essence is constantly gathering from various directions, and I am also constantly moving. It is impossible to accurately cover up the nightmare, and it will always reveal itself."

What about the occlusion of reincarnation eye illusion?

Ye Que's face darkened: "Unless I cast Infinite Monthly Reading..."

He looked up at the sky.

Nothing gray.

The point is, his reincarnation eyes don't have the ability to read infinitely.

Besides, this place is beyond the universe.

There is the Creator and the True God.

Not to mention these two great realms, even certain methods can break through the infinite monthly reading.

What he said is pure nonsense.

When Ye Que was at his wit's end, suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration.

"I can find a way from something connected to the cornucopia!"

Thinking of this, Ye Que turned his attention to the data.

I said it before.

The Fist of Zhiyang, the Pattern of Fate of Zhiyang and the Canon of Zhiyang are obtained from the Broken Sword or the Cornucopia.

Not to mention the fist of the sun, it is a boxing technique that can be released by burning blood.

Zhiyang fate pattern is a divine treasure, and it can be opened by absorbing the source of Zhiyang.

These two are nothing to look for.

"The Supreme Sun Manual...Although I have the heavenly book of good fortune, I don't need to practice the Supreme Sun Manual, but if it can help me control the broken sword, or the cornucopia, I have the need to practice!"

Leaf defect fell into deep thought.

Do whatever comes to mind.

Even if it's useless after cultivation, it's not a big deal.

"Then try it."

Ye Que sat cross-legged, and his thoughts entered the Zhiyang Mantra.

"Ding! The Zhiyang Canon mastered by the host is incomplete, and he can only practice the first volume. Do you want to practice?"


Ye Que replied decisively to the system.


The contents of the first volume of the Zhiyang Canon are gathered in the mind, and with the help of the system, they are integrated into the body.

in other words.

He has finished training.

Ye Que immediately scrolled to the first volume of Yang Zhendian.

With a buzzing sound, his body instantly glowed and turned into the sun.

Summarize with a common saying.

He is now a human-shaped bulb emitting golden light, no, it should be called a firefly.

The golden humanoid firefly was born.

"Give it to me!"

Ye Que drank in a low voice.

buzz buzz.

The broken sword, floating in the soul, bloomed with golden sun rays, wobbly, faintly about to fly out of the body.


Ye Que used all his strength.

The buzzing sound of the broken sword became more intense, moving in the soul, but still unable to fly outside the body.

"That's all!"

Ye Que tried his best, but still couldn't fully control Broken Sword.

"It seems that I have to practice the more advanced Zhiyang Canon to control Broken Sword."

Ye Que stopped controlling Broken Sword.

Although regrettable, but the heart is not lost.

At least he already understood that by practicing Zhiyang Manual, he could master the Broken Sword.

"So, what about the cornucopia?"

With this in mind, Ye Que started to drive the cornucopia while turning to the first volume of the Yangzhengdian.


The cornucopia does not move, but it glows and heats up.


With all his strength, the cornucopia glowed and started to shake, but he still couldn't leave his body.

It seems that the result is the same as the broken sword.

He only mastered the first volume, so he couldn't completely control the two treasures.

"Forget it, if you can't get out, you can't get out! At least, can you turn off the cornucopia ability of the cornucopia?"

Ye Que thought about it.

Immediately, the cornucopia stopped gathering treasures, and the surrounding essence no longer entered the body.

"It's done!"

Ye Que was pleasantly surprised.

Sure enough, as long as you run the first volume of Zhiyang Canon, you can control the cornucopia.

"It turns out that the cornucopia uses luck to collect treasures, no wonder it is so elusive. Unfortunately, when treasures enter the cornucopia, there will be fluctuations."

This is why Ye Que needs to control the cornucopia.

The cornucopia allows the essence of the treasure to be lost, making it difficult for people to find it.

But when the essence enters the cornucopia, it will be found.

He is a human-shaped cornucopia, and when the essence enters the body, it will also be discovered by others.

However, this is no longer a problem.

When someone is present, he turns off the cornucopia ability of the cornucopia.

When no one is around, he will open the treasure-gathering ability of the cornucopia, absorb the essence to his heart's content, and improve his strength.

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