God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1332: painful gas

Inside the basin, a 100-meter giant flower shaped like a lotus opened its stamens, emitting a fiery blood-colored beam of light.

The beam of light radiated light, and within the light, a round of firebirds was rising and flying.

The rich fragrance of treasures emanates from the firebird.

A group of gods came here first.

There are also some low-level manufacturing methods.

But before they could make a move, an invincible figure descended from the sky and smashed into the basin with a bang.

Everyone looked.

is a man.

With his face covered and his hair half black and half white, he was kneeling on one knee in the pit.

At this moment, he looked like a **** of war.

"The color of this hair... hiss... is Niu Kuangba from the Niulanshan Hot-blooded Martial Arts School, the first brother Kuangba back then!"

"Now he has surpassed the top-level third-order method, his strength is unpredictable, and he has a group of subordinates, so it is difficult to deal with. We will compete for treasures according to the situation."

Needless to say, the gods, low-level crafting methods choose to be cautious.

Brother Ba's compulsion is dazzling, and his compulsion is very high, Ye Que thinks it is only a little lower than him.


Two long rainbows struck.

When it landed, two beauties appeared.

It's Tianluoyi and Xue Aili.

Ye Que smelled it, and he could smell two familiar smells from a long distance away.

"When I was in a coma, two forces entered my body, which smelled exactly like theirs."

Ye Que looked at the two women in surprise.


The 21 gods of the Longyuan clan also came.

They covered up their figures, but they still couldn't escape Ye Que's perception.

Back then on the road to the wilderness, Ye Que used secret techniques to find them one by one.

Recognizing the identity of the other party is very simple.

But he was not discovered by the other party.


With his folding, camouflage, nightmare and reincarnation eyes, it is difficult for the creation to identify his identity without using all his strength.

"I didn't come to you, but you came to me! Court death!"

Ye Que became murderous, ready to kill these guys after fighting for the treasure.


The firebird uttered a long cry, and its sharp beak sucked away all the flames, including the giant lotus-shaped flower on the ground.

As the giant flower withered, the firebird became more and more dazzling.

Finally, it shook its wings and flew into the distance.

"Going to run!"

There is a first-order method to chase after.

Rumble! !

From the soil around the basin, a gigantic python with a thickness of 1,000 meters and a length of 10,000 meters suddenly drilled out, exuding the aura of a fifth-order manufacturing method on its body, and a deadly poisonous gas erupted from its mouth.

As soon as it appeared, it swallowed the first-order manufacturing method in one gulp.

"Sure enough, there is a guardian beast!"

"Run away!"

The gods were taken aback, and now they are still thinking about winning the treasure, and running away as far as they can.

In the rest of the time of making escape, there is still the ability to choose the direction.

They headed straight for the direction the firebird flew away from.

"Chasing! Everyone competes according to their abilities!"

Niu Kuangba is as steady as an old dog with his hands behind his back, and his strength is like an invincible God of War.


His body burst into flames, turned into a Vulcan, and went straight to the fire bird.


How could the giant python let them succeed and kill them wantonly.

Ye Que wanted to take advantage of the chaos to kill the gods of the Longyuan clan, but luckily he didn't.


The low-level creation methods of the Longyuan clan struck, and they helped the gods of the clan.

"These guys are really insidious! Let the gods go out on purpose, in fact, they want to attract me to show up and let the law-making kill me!"

Ye Que paused, and decided to collect the fire bird first.

"That giant python is too troublesome. In order to divert its attention and avoid other people's losses, Yuan Yuanyong, you have to sacrifice yourself!"

Niu Kuangba made a move, and while Ye Que was in a daze, he slapped out with a palm, and with the power of his magic, he pushed Ye Que towards the giant python.

chi chi chi—

The giant python opened its mouth wide, trying to devour him.

Seeing this, Ye Que was about to cast Law Storm.

Suddenly, the chaotic eyes trembled, and vaguely saw the painful gas emitted by the giant python.

Ever since the True God of Creation appeared and forcibly squeezed out his potential, he discovered his chaotic eyes and developed another ability.

After careful perception, the eyes of chaos can see the gas on most living things.

These gases come in many colors.

Each color represents an emotion.

Emotional gases such as anger, excitement, insidiousness, sadness, etc., can all be seen through the eyes of chaos.

"The giant python let out a painful gas, and there was even a puff of gas for help."

Ye Que looked at the mouth of the giant python.

The air of asking for help and pain came from within the python's body.

"The giant python is a fifth-order construction method. If I want to fight back, I will have more troubles. Why don't I use another method!"

He squinted his eyes, advanced instead of retreating, swiped the ground, and rushed into the mouth of the giant python.

"Hahahaha! Well done, Yuan Xianyong! You really deserve to be the character that I, Niu Kuangba, likes!"

Niu Kuangba laughed wildly, like a **** of war, and went straight to Huo Niao with his sneering subordinates.

Ye Que remembered these guys, and immediately got into the giant python's body without looking back.

Also at that moment.

With two sounds, Tian Luoyi and Xue Aili also got in.

Ye Que's heart skipped a beat. While he was apprehensive, he was also somewhat happy.

These two high-level manufacturing methods also flew in, most likely because they saw that there were treasures in the giant python's body.

This can be regarded as an indirect verification of his guess, which is correct.

"You will surely die if you enter the belly of the giant python. Since you have met us, you should save your life and survive!"

Tian Luoyi released a soft light with one hand, trying to push Ye Que out.

"Don't, don't, don't, I like to die!"

Ye Que quickly dodged.

What the hell?

And the habit of dying?

Tian Luoyi froze, and looked at Ye Que with strange eyes.

Faintly, one eye opened on her forehead, but not all eyes were opened, but a little bit was revealed.

Ye Que's body shook and resonated.

is the source!

"Tian Luoyi of the Tianyuan Clan actually has the source! It's hidden so deep! No wonder, she can see the strangeness in the giant python's body."

Ye Que suppressed the shock in his heart.

"Your name is Yuan Xianyong?"

Tian Luoyi was shocked.

She recognized who this man was.

This guy turned out to be Ye Que!

Hidden so deep.

If she hadn't opened the eye of Tianyuan, the creation probably wouldn't be able to see his identity when it came.

Ye Que saw that the other party withdrew his hand, so he continued to fly into the giant python's body, and responded casually, "I'm called Later Counseling."

"Obviously Niu Kuangba told you to be brave at first, why did you call him cowardly later?"

Xue Aili was dumbfounded.

"I was too brave before, but I was swayed by Niu Kuangba. Later, I realized it, so I changed my name to Later Counsel."

Ye Que's chaotic eyes kept flying in the giant python's body following the pain and help-seeking gas.

"Don't you like to die? This proves that you must be extremely brave. Why are you being cowardly again?"

Tian Luoyi sized Ye Que up close, but he didn't expose the other party's identity.

Because, she didn't like Longyuan Clan and others from the very beginning, so naturally she would not let Longyuan Clan and others know Ye Que's location.

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