God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1330: that man

"not good!"

Sheng Tianming also ran away.

Even the 7,000-year-old creation has run away, which shows how serious the matter has reached.

"Help! I don't want to die!"

The eighth-order method of the Longyuan clan, burning blood and using forbidden techniques, almost broke his leg.

"Help!! Someone help me!"

"Father! Mother!"

The other dharma creations and gods are all hopeless to the extreme, so let's run away, and they are still full of ugliness.

Having faced the terror of the True God, no one dared to take any chances.

buzz buzz —

The eight true gods faintly activated their divine power, ready to block the gap between the barren land and the true mystical realm.


A large group of people on the Huangyuan Continent fled and returned to the world they belonged to.

"You! You!!"

Ye Que's voice changed completely, becoming magnetic and vicissitudes, faintly capable of shattering time and space.

boom! !

Platinum flames completely covered the whole body.

Fifteen star patterns, blooming platinum light.

He went from crumbling to hanging in silence, as if he was about to destroy the world.

Seeing this, True God Longyuan shook his body, probably there was a shadow.


Ye Que's voice was like a devil that devoured people's souls, and everyone who heard it burst into tears and snot, and their bodies and souls were on the verge of collapse.

"You! You bunch of idiots!"

Ye Que cursed suddenly, and ran away from the opposite direction.

Two-level reversal!

The scolding sound was unreasonable, and the way the girl ran away was very much like love.


Everyone, really everyone, including True God, was stunned for a moment.

Then, they all reacted.

"Is this fake???"

"The appearance of the true God of Creation was imitated by himself!"

"Isn't Yuan unable to imitate? How did he imitate?"

"Maybe... maybe for the ancient gods, the source can just imitate!"

"Damn! I was tricked!"

Everyone's face was dark, and they were startled and frightened before, but now they are swearing, and feel very uncomfortable, feeling that Ye Que is standing on their heads and peeing.

The true **** was silent.

Being tricked by a god, they were silent for a while, not knowing what to say.

It's not their fault either.

The appearance of the true **** of good fortune has too much influence.

As a result, they didn't investigate at all.

"The ancient gods have a power called Nightmare."

"I remembered."

There are several true gods.

Then, it fell into silence again.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

In the end, they quietly returned to their respective worlds and decided not to show up again.


Ye Que ran as far as he could without stopping, like a coquettish chasing boy.

Those dharma-making gods who fled still had tears and snot wiped away, and they didn't react until Ye Que ran away.


The eighth-level construction method of the Longyuan tribe shattered the nearby mountain with a slap, and was so angry that it wanted to explode on the spot.


"Chase! Catch him!"

The rest of the method, with a livid face, chased after it with gritted teeth.

swipe swipe—

The sixteen statues turned around and turned into sixteen long rainbows. In the dim real mysterious realm, they began a life-and-death hunt.

At this moment, everyone reacted.

After most people are stunned, they feel that they can't laugh or cry.

Some people think that Ye Que is an optimistic living treasure.

Only those who targeted Ye Que would be so angry.

In the distance, Tian Luoyi and Xue Aili looked at each other after being stunned for a moment, and both saw the smile in their eyes.

"This man really can always burst out with unexpected power no matter what time it is."

Tian Luoyi smiled lightly.

Since she came to the True Mystery Realm, within a few short months, her emotions have been like a roller coaster, changing at any time.

"Are you in love with him?"

Xue Aili is gentle and meticulous in observation.

Tian Luoyi froze for a moment, blushed a little, shook his head and refused to admit it: "It's just curiosity."

"It's true, whether it's a desperate situation, a dangerous situation, or a tragic situation of isolation and helplessness, he will always find a way to get through it. His attitude has always been optimistic, and his whole body exudes a radiance of confidence. It's not enough for you to look at him. strange."

Shirley was talking to herself.

"I'm just curious, don't draw your own conclusions."

Tian Luoyi glared at Xue Aili, wondering if this girl had stayed at home for too long, how could her mind jump so much.

"The next time I meet him, I will connect you."

Shirley was talking to herself again.

"Ai Li is a black-bellied guy, when I see him, I'll introduce you to him too!"

Tian Luoyi said while flying.

the other side.

Ye Que ran wildly.

He didn't expect that even Yuan could imitate his own nightmare and deceived everyone.

"Wait until I fully recover, and see if I don't kill you!"

Ye Que was cursing and flying. At the same time, he also split into a clone and disguised it to confuse the line of sight and mislead the enemy's pursuit.

Because those guys ran too far before, and he opened the distance again from the opposite direction, causing the distance between the two sides to be too far.

Coupled with Ye Que's various methods, he ran and ran, but disappeared.

The sixteen monks chased after him for three days and three nights, but they didn't see a single person, so they could only return in despair.

"Within half a year, do your best to find it!"

"If you can't find it, just wait half a year later, when everyone enters the arena and the Creator makes a move! Ye Que, Ye Que, at that time, no one will be able to save you!"

The Longyuan Clan's eighth-level method of making is gnashing their teeth, and this proposal has also been recognized by others.

Ye Que was famous for his cunning.

When he was on the road to the wilderness, he showed his ability to camouflage and escape.

In this strange and dangerous true mysterious realm, it is even more difficult to catch Ye Que.


They overlooked a problem.

"If you don't chase me, I will chase you!"

Ye Que flew into a large rift valley to recuperate his injuries, the killing intent in his eyes was as real as it was.

The law makers never expected that Ye Que would dare to chase them down instead.

He shook his head, stopped thinking about it, settled down, and took out the storage rings of Long Yuantong, Long Yuanchen, Huo Yuanzhi and others.

Ever since Ye Que killed these guys, before he had time to take stock of his gains, he encountered many difficulties.

Now is the time.

"That's right, these guys found a bunch of treasures in the True Mystery Realm!"

Ye Que moved his index finger and swallowed all the treasures into his stomach.

Ding ding ding sounds.

The spells are constantly growing.

"I don't know how to awaken this source. As for how to collect the source, I am even more confused."

Ye Que didn't do much research on this matter.

He doesn't even have the concept of this, so let's use the pattern to break through the realm honestly.

Swallow it all.

Check out the spells.

"The law of chaos and the law of destruction are all full of tattoos!"

"Now, the law of time is also full of tattoos! Physical strength has also been developed more!"

"Duan, even reaching 490!"

It is worth mentioning that.

The rank of the top-level second-order method: 260-370

The rank of the top three-level method: 380-490

He has already reached the pinnacle of the super-top third-order method.

Next, you can move towards the super-top fourth-order manufacturing method.


Ye Que was holding a machete, and his face was covered by a nightmare mask. Standing in the darkness, he looked like a night owl death god.

"There are two ways to increase spell marks."

"First, treasure hunt."

"Second, kill someone."

"I choose, treasure hunting and killing!"

With a swipe, Ye Que rushed into the night, recalling the appearance of the sixteen statues in his mind.

Of course, he didn't forget any of the Longyuan, Fire, Blood and Hongyuan tribes.

See one, kill one, grab one.

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