God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1319: Conditions come true

Ye Que slowly raised his head, the eyes of good fortune, eyes of reincarnation and eyes of chaos revealed the deep cold killing intent, like the ice that freezes the world, it can freeze everything.

"what happened?"

"Our strength, why is it all at the tenth level of God King?"

Long Yuantong was covered by the aurora of the law, his strength declined, and he panicked.

Long Yuanchen, who was guarding him, was also stunned.

The Fire Source Sunburn of the Fire Source Clan.

The blood of the blood-born clan knows no bounds.

Hong Tieyun of the Hongyuan ethnic group.

They felt the decline in strength, and there was panic and a trace of fear in their expressions.

Those watching the excitement around, looking aloof and speaking some pretentious words, also fell into fear.

Tian Luoyi, Xue Aili and others also turned slightly pale.

Those present had all dropped to the level of the tenth-order god-king.

Yes, even the peerless **** king's combat power can't be beaten, a complete tenth rank **** king.


The serious drop in combat power made them feel a kind of uneasiness that they had never felt before.

"Without the backing of the high realm, are you afraid?"

Ye Que took out the time wheel and the space wheel, and slowly overlapped them.

He doesn't like the suppression of Law Aurora, he still likes to suppress himself.

After all, this suppression is under his control.

"You yourself, aren't you also a tenth-rank **** king... Hey, no, you haven't come into contact with the suppressing power above!"

"It's not that his combat power was suppressed to the tenth rank of the **** king, but his realm was suppressed to the tenth rank of the **** king!"

"There's no need to think about it. He is the same **** king as us. This is the most important thing. We can still kill him!"

The thing that can divert everyone's panic is Ye Que's still arrogance in this situation.

Ye Que smiled, and platinum flames burned on his body, like an invincible **** of war.

Holding the long-lost hitting stick, he said coldly: "You are the **** king whose combat strength has been suppressed to the tenth rank, and I am the **** king whose realm has fallen to the tenth rank. There is a big difference."

Step by step towards the source of fire.

With just one footprint, there is a platinum flame burning.

"When I was in the tenth-level **** king, I beat the sixth-level gods."

boom! !

One stick, split the earth.

"Not only that, when I was still in the realm of the tenth-rank **** king, I killed hundreds of thousands of **** kings, including the tenth-rank **** king, the peerless **** king and so on!"

There was blood on his hands, and the blood dripped down the stick to the ground.

The aura was terrifying, every step of approach could make Huo Yuanzhi and others feel great pressure.

"Can you do it? If you can, resist!"

When Ye Que said this, he happened to be in front of Huo Yuanzhi.

His strong killing intent and momentum made Huo Yuanzhi's body tremble slightly, and he retreated subconsciously.

"As you said just now! If you were me, what would happen!"

Ye Que raised the baton, and the power in the stick was like a giant star exploding.

Huoyuanzhi lost his high level, and his mentality obviously collapsed. Facing Ye Que, who was as calm as a monster and as murderous as a sea, he was panicked and at a loss.

Almost, he wanted to turn around and run.

"Rampant, kill him!"

Longyuan Tong's Longyuan Zhenyan has a touch of silver white, and that silver **** sweeps across the whole body, and the combat power is forcibly raised to the tenth level of the gods.

This is the source, and it is also a kind, and few can limit its power.

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes! Kill him!"

These guys were so frightened that they almost ran away, but when they felt Long Yuantong's strength, they became courageous again.

They roared and attacked Ye Que.

Ye Que dodged easily and wanted to use the Libra blood.

But also at this time...

The Law Aurora covered it, and he felt that he was not affected in any way.

"People with low realms will not be suppressed?"

During Ye Que's contemplation, he looked at the overlapping heavy wheels floating beside him. (chong)

Now, he has a guess.

"Before you still had reason to say that I was waiting to bully you because of your high level, large number of people, and status. Now everyone is fair!"

Huo Yuanzhi was flustered and bewildered before he was angry, but under shame and anger, there was hatred in his heart.

He was high above, pointed at Ye Que, and said, "I'll kill you now, are you convinced?"

"Are you convinced?"

Xue Wuya, Hong Tieyun and the others created methods with one voice, bursting with murderous aura, and forced Ye Que.

Long Yuantong smiled playfully, and the tenth-level combat power of the gods directly suppressed Ye Que.

He suppressed the opponent so that the others could take action.

And these people kept saying that everyone was fair, but they all tacitly ignored Long Yuantong's help.

Ye Que shook his head and said with a smile, "Your confidence comes from Long Yuantong?"

He said what Tian Luoyi and Xue Aili wanted to say.

This sentence is quite heartbreaking.

The group of people involved had gloomy faces and even more killing intent.

"Kill him!"

"As the king of the gods, can you accept me now?"

The rumbling attack smashed towards Ye Que.

Ye Que retreated, and slowly disassembled the overlapping double wheels.

boom! !

The realm of the tenth-rank **** king began to soar infinitely.

With the separation of the two wheels, his realm, from the tenth rank of God King, soared all the way.

The first rank of the gods, the second rank of the gods, the third rank of the gods...the tenth rank of the gods.

boom! !

Ye Que returned to the realm of the tenth-level gods, and his combat power returned to level 400, which is the top-level third-level combat power.

The terrifying momentum suppressed the audience.

Everyone was crushed to the ground, unable to even raise their heads.

Wow! !

Everyone's pupils contracted, and their bodies and minds were shocked.

How is this going! !

"He was obviously covered by the aurora of the law, how can his realm and combat power be restored?"

Long Yuantong was horrified, and there was fear in his eyes.

He just raised his combat power to the tenth rank god, which is incomparable to the opponent.

There are smart people who have already guessed what's going on.

Such as Tianluoyi.

"Law Aurora, when it comes to contact with others for the first time, it has the power to suppress."

"But once in contact, there will be no suppression force."

When she said this, Xue Aili looked at Long Yuantong and the others with some pity, and said indifferently: "In other words, as long as the realm is suppressed to the king of the gods in advance, you can escape the suppression of the law of the aurora."

"The realm is suppressed to the **** king? No one can do it!!"

Long Yuantong didn't believe it.

Suppressing the realm to the realm of the god-king is just a theory, and it is an absurd statement that no one can do.


The difference between a **** king and a **** lies in the presence or absence of rules.

Where there are laws, there are gods.

If there is no law, it is the king of gods.

And the law cannot be erased, even if it is sealed, it still exists.

As long as it exists, it will never be possible to suppress the realm to the level of the **** king.

"It's just that you think no one can do it!"

Ye Que sneered.

It is estimated that in the multiverse, only he can suppress it.

The heavy wheels overlapped, and his laws of time and space were forcibly obliterated.

Without the law, one would naturally fall to the level of the **** king, thereby avoiding the suppression of the law aurora.

After the Law Aurora passed, he took the heavy wheel apart again, and the realm returned to its former state.

This kind of method may make even the true **** feel confused.

"Now, let's switch roles. If you are my condition, it has come true. Come on! Use your fearless state of mind to shock the world and kill me completely!"

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