God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1317: Tender with a little bit of ruthlessness

Ye Que naturally didn't know that he became the first person in the shock department.

His two slaps almost sent Long Yuanshi to his funeral.

Inside the Crystal Palace, a group of people were shocked.

Of course, the fastest responders were those from the Longyuan, Huoyuan, Hongyuan and Bloodyuan tribes.

They were shocked at first, and now they are outraged.

"Ye Que!!"

Long Yuantong shouted angrily.

His first gaffe.

Huo Yuanzhi didn't speak, his purple face already showed that he was going to lose his mind with anger.

The people of the Hongyuan and Bloodyuan tribes were not only angry, but also hated.

The more lively Ye Que was, the more heartbroken and resentful they were.

This person beheaded countless gods in their clan, and made their clan pay a heavy price. The elders in the clan even scolded them bloody.

How could they look at Ye Que with such unharmed arrogance?

They were angry and hated.

Perhaps it was their reason. On the ancient battlefield, a new ranking list appeared again.


The ranking list that pulls the most hatred has broken through the ground.


The wrathful ranking list broke through the ground.

The melon-eaters, who were still suppressing their shock just now, couldn't hold back anymore.

Everyone was shocked.

"Damn it! Isn't it! There is a ranking list again, and each one is more weird than the other!"

"Ye Que made this up."

"I'm afraid, what kind of strange man is this, who can create so many records!"

"On the ranking list with the most hatred, the first place is Ye Que... Is this guy in it, and has his ashes been thrown away?"

"Ye Que is also the number one on the anger ranking list, which is exactly the same as the shock ranking list. This guy not only attracts hatred, but also arouses anger!"

Not to mention them, the great figures of the eight true **** races are all speechless.


True God Shengyuan couldn't bear to look any further, and turned his head to look up at the sky.

Also at this time.


Shocking the ranking list, the second sublimation.

This sublimation was due to Ye Que.

"Damn, our shock gave this guy another wave of presence!"

"Sorry guys, I can't hold back anymore!"

"Me too! This guy made a ranking list with the most hate and a ranking list, and I couldn't hold back the shock in my heart!"

Under the operation of Ye Que's Xiu'er, they could no longer suppress the shock in their bodies, and let Ye Que eat and drink for nothing.

Everyone looked at Qicai's shocking number one on the ranking list, with Qicai's name Ye Que flashing, they were speechless for a long time.

"Everyone must suppress it! Don't let the shocking ranking list appear for an unprecedented third sublimation!"

People who eat melons are talking about it.

Ye Que slapped the still-struggling Longyuan Stone firmly under the ground, unable to pull it out.

"You are the last batch of treasures, I accept them with a smile!"

He walked to the side of Longyuan Stone and swallowed all the treasures into his stomach.

Look at the data again.

His rank has reached 400.

The rank of the top-level second-order method: 260-370

The rank of the top three-level method: 380-490

"Not bad, keep up the good work!"

Ye Que collected his heart, his eyes fell on the dying Long Yuanshi, and he sneered, "Say, should I kill you?"

Long Yuanshi didn't have the strength to speak, mainly because his face was pressed against the dirt, so he couldn't make a sound.

"Then I will take it as your default!"

Ye Que's law of destruction slowly flew towards Long Yuanshi's body.

Destroy the law, destroy everything.

As soon as Long Yuanshi's body came into contact with the law of destruction, his clothes and skin were directly decomposed and dissipated.

Until, his whole body, including his heart and soul, disappeared.

The law of destruction stops destruction.

Ye Que is not soft on his hands.

Anyway, the relationship between him and the other party has already been formed, and it cannot be untied.

Today, if he doesn't kill Long Yuanshi.

From now on, it will be Long Yuanshi who will kill him.

So, you can't be too gentle.

Be gentle and a little ruthless.


Ye Que glanced at the door Ning Ning opened for him.

The door has dissipated, its function is only to send him here.

However, when he came here, he happened to meet Long Yuanshi who came here by accident.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Anyway, the treasure has been obtained.

"Next, while looking for treasures, we must also look for trees!"

Ye Que stared at the place where the door dissipated, with seriousness in his eyes.

boom! !

boom! !

There was a tremor in the dark earth and the gray sky.

On top of the contiguous palaces, a space gate emerged between heaven and earth.

Rumble! !

A loud noise came from the gate of space, which seemed to be the sound of attacking attacks.

Ye Que turned his head to look.

boom! !

Some kind of barrier of the gate of space was broken.

Long Yuantong, the super-top tenth-rank powerhouse who followed Long Yuantong, and the super-top nine-rank powerhouse Huoyuanzhi and other high-level methods all appeared.

They come out.

There is killing intent in the eyes, and it is so strong to the essence.

Ka Ka Ka!

The void is distorted, the torrential rain is born instantly, and the thunder and lightning are flickering and roaring.

The dark world became even more ferocious.

"leave here."

Tian Luoyi had a nutritional problem, so he reminded Ye Que.

"Sheng Tianming's group of top figures are not here, but you still can't resist them! Get out of here."

Shirley also opened her mouth.

They were unintentional words, but they angered those who had a grudge against Ye Que.

"Ye Que, Ye Que! We saw clearly what you did just now!"

"No matter how many sources there are in your body, whether they are all developed or not! It doesn't matter, anyway, you don't belong to a certain core race!"

"Damn you, you still have to die!"

A group of top-notch high-level manufacturing methods were launched with a bang.

In an instant, yin and yang were reversed, the demon soil was reborn, and the breath of destruction lingered in this land.

The palace complex collapsed one after another.

The earth is also sinking.

Ye Que used all his strength and the heart of good fortune, but he was still destroyed.

He came out of Nirvana and fled underground to the distance.

"You, you can't escape!"

The guardian of Longyuan Tong, the genius of the Longyuan clan who is a top-notch tenth-order spell-maker, Long Yuanchen, cuts off the world with one palm.


The source of the fire is fierce.

The dignified and top-notch ninth-level manufacturing method has been teased by Ye Que many times.

This time, even if he is shameless, he will torture Ye Que, who is in a low level, to death.

In addition, top high-level methods such as the Blood Origin Clan and the Hong Yuan Clan also block the world.

They attacked fiercely and trapped Ye Que to death.

"Next, we will consume him slowly!"

Long Yuantong looked at the ground.

Under the earth is Ye Que.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, thinking he had everything under control.

However, what they didn't know was that the collapse of the palace group triggered a certain mechanism or broke a certain balance.

This place has been peaceful for a billion years, and because of their destruction, the peace has never been the same again.

In the gray sky, layers of grotesque law auroras have emerged.

There is a kind of oppressive power in that law.

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