God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1314: Tool Man Dragon Yuan Stone

"Hahaha, developed, developed!"

Long Yuanshi wiped the sweat from his face, and the mud on his hands made his face dirty and black.

But he doesn't care about that.

Looking at the treasures and nectar in the palace, his excited body trembled.

"Come to somewhere in the middle of the True Mystery Realm, and accidentally break into this quiet place. I didn't expect there to be a group of palaces here!"

Long Yuanshi felt that he was lucky.

Breaking into this quiet place, I found a group of palaces, and also found a small part of the palaces, hiding a lot of treasures.

"Ye Que, Ye Que! Just wait, I'll settle the score with you when I become stronger again!"

Long Yuanshi grinned grinningly, like a king picking up trash, his body was covered in mud and smelly, which couldn't stop his invincible brilliance.

After he finished speaking, he flew into the palace.


The heavy pressure of the palace made Long Yuanshi's body bend, and he almost had to crawl when he walked.

"I will definitely get the treasure inside!"

He was so exhausted that he knelt down and moved deeper step by step, not caring that the mud on the ground stained his whole body.

"Hey, poor baby."

Ye Que entered the door and found that Long Yuanshi was carrying treasures wheezingly.

At this moment, he looked at the pile of treasures outside the palace, and the Long Yuanshi who ran into the palace to carry the treasures, and shook his head.

"Thank you."

He thanked silently, then waved his hand, and was about to put away the treasure.

However, the treasure did not move at all.

"Huh... can't put it in the storage space?"

No wonder, Long Yuanshi wanted to move out the treasures in the palace one by one.

Look at him struggling.

Ye Que decided to help Long Yuanshi.

Pick up a piece of treasure that is similar to Ganoderma lucidum and emits divine light, and eat it in one bite.


The Nirvana bloodline he opened didn't work either.

"Ding! Please choose the law that needs to increase the magic pattern!"

"Ding! Please choose the law that needs to increase the magic pattern!"

Ye Que's eyes lit up.

Harmless, can increase magic pattern.


He opened his mouth to inhale, and swallowed all the treasures that Long Yuanshi worked so hard to bring out.

The ding ding ding sound kept ringing in my mind.

Ye Que grinned, seeing Long Yuanshi's seriousness, he decided to help him.

In the blink of an eye, top-level illusions wove a bunch of treasures.

With a thought of the power of nightmare, the authenticity of the treasure was once again enhanced.

"Come on! I like you!"

Ye Que used the law of space to hide himself, then took out the bench and lay down beside him.

He had 344 ranks before, and Long Yuanshi only had 300 ranks. It was completely crushed by ranks, and the opponent could not find him.

It's worth saying again.

The rank of the top-level first-order method: 110-250

The rank of the top-level second-order method: 260-370

The rank of the top three-level method: 380-490

"The treasures here are all mine!"

Long Yuanshi suppressed his excited laugh, kept crawling into the depths, and took out the treasures one by one.

He wiped his sweat and was covered in mud, but he didn't care about it.

Taking out one piece of treasure and putting it outside made him excited.

"Move it again, and it will all be emptied!"

Long Yuanshi was still very cautious, he had prepared a large protective formation and illusion around him, and now he ran to the palace again.

As soon as this unlucky guy left, Ye Que went up on his back and swallowed all the treasures.

Also at this time.

The ranking list outside has changed again.

The cheapest ranking list was originally black, but now there is a faint trend of sublimation towards gold.

"Damn! This guy is cheating again!"

"I just don't know which unlucky guy is being targeted by him!"

A group of people started gossiping.

Let's talk about Long Yuanshi.

He spent a lot of energy and even took risks to take out the treasure from the palace.

Now it's all swallowed up by Ye Que.

"Hahaha, it's all mine! Ye Que, just wait until I become stronger, no, even Long Yuantong has to kneel to me!"

Long Yuanshi put batches of treasures fabricated by Ye Que in the sack, and then went straight to another palace.

Since the treasures cannot fit into the storage space, put them in sacks, wait until they are all searched, and then find a rare and remote place to devour them properly.

Ye Que followed behind him, waiting for him to collect treasures.

"There is also a palace with hidden treasures here!"

Long Yuanshi laughed loudly, and suddenly lowered his voice again, for fear that others would hear him.

"I want the treasure inside, the Dragon Origin Stone!"

He struggled to climb in again.

I went back and forth several times, during which I was almost killed by a trap.

Fortunately, all the hard work is worth it.

Looking at the treasures on the ground, he stuffed them into sacks contentedly, and went to other palaces again.

After Ye Que swallowed the treasure of the Dragon Yuan Stone, he followed again.

The worst tool man, Long Yuanshi, didn't know that his sack was full of fake treasures created by Ye Que using illusion and nightmares.

"The rank has reached 369."

Ye Que was only one step away, and Ye Que could reach the pinnacle of the super-top second-order manufacturing method.

at the same time.

In the depths of the central area, the high-level craftsmen came to a dark swamp.

They were very careful, using various means to test, and after finding out that there was no danger, they entered the swamp.

However, the horror in the truly mysterious territory cannot be peeped by the law.

If they can't detect it, it doesn't mean there is no danger.

It's just because the realm is too low to test it out.

After a batch of manufacturing methods entered the swamp, the swamp lit up with a blue light, teleporting them away instantly.

When it appeared, it was in a crystal palace.

"Where is this?"

Long Yuantong opened the Longyuan True Eye, which contained the power of a real dragon, but he still couldn't see anything.

Boom! !

Someone cast a secret method to shatter the palace.

However, the palace remained motionless.

Just when he was at a loss, someone exclaimed.

"Hey, there are people outside."

Huo Yuanzhi, whose face was slightly pale, opened his mouth.

After he was beheaded, he used all the treasures on his body, plus a lot of life energy, to restore his body.

Although most of his strength had recovered, his vitality was seriously injured.

Now, he must find the treasure and heal himself.

"It's the Dragon Essence Stone!"

A super-top tenth-order crafting method spoke in a deep voice, with indifference in his eyes.

He is a long-haired man, and he is the strongest genius of the Longyuan Clan so far.

A top-notch tenth-order method.

But even if the realm is high, it cannot be compared with Long Yuantong.

Although Longyuantong is only above the top sixth level, but there is a source in his body, and he is the source saint son of the Longyuan clan.

This alone doomed the fate of the long-haired man, who could only be a minister, while Long Yuantong was the king.

He stood behind Long Yuantong, guarding Jun, and was willing to guard him.

"It's not considered waste, but you can still find treasures! I just don't know, can he see us?"

Long Yuantong said lightly.

The Crystal Palace where they are located is next door to Longyuan Stone.

"Long Yuanshi turned his head and looked at us... Uh, it seems that he didn't notice us."

Some people were surprised, and vaguely guessed that in the Crystal Palace, you can only see the outside from the inside, and you cannot see the inside from the outside.

"This guy is lucky, and he got a lot of treasures."

Greed appeared in Huo Yuanzhi's eyes, he urgently needed treasures to recover from his injuries.

When he thinks of recovering from his injuries, he thinks of Ye Que.

"Damn guy!"

He gritted his teeth, and his calm state of mind was messed up again.

However, the next scene that made some people crazy and some people shocked happened.

Just as Long Yuanshi took out the treasures from the palace, and entered the palace again to fish for treasures, Ye Que on the back foot manifested his real body and secretly swallowed all the treasures into his mouth.

This scene stunned Huo Yuanzhi and shocked Long Yuantong.

The rest, such as Tian Luoyi, Shan Ren and others, were even more stunned.

They thought to themselves, can they still do this?

Maybe it was Ye Que's operation that was seen by others.

The ranking list on the ancient battlefield suddenly changed.

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