God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1305: The strongest 50/50 split, I, Ye Que, did not open it!

Ye Que took another bite before leaving reluctantly.

He can still tell the difference between a full meal and a full meal.

If you want to continue to grow the pattern, you can't eat it all.

After leaving the inner world, Ye Que continued to search for treasures.

With the blessing of laws, many dangerous places have become safer.

This guy is also very good at finding treasures, and has experience, drilling around like a loach.

But, what should come, still has to come.

Ye Que had just crossed a river when he realized something was wrong around him.

There are terrible murderous intentions lingering here.

He calmly opened his good luck eyes to see.

Left, right, front, back, up, and down, there are respectively ambushes.

"It's the creation method of the Longyuan clan!"

Ye Que ran away.


The sea of ​​laws turned into a prison, locking the heavens and the earth, suppressing the space, and trapping Ye Que to death inside.

"There are accounts, we should settle them!"

Long Yuantong came out, the longan in his eyes was quite terrifying.

Every step he takes, he has the aura of a top-notch sixth-order method.

Behind him, there are all third-, fourth-, and even fifth- and sixth-level creations.

Their laws were stretched to the limit, and they had special talents, they sealed off this place and surrounded Ye Que.

"Ye Que, Ye Que, your days are coming to an end!"

Long Yuanshi played with taste, and the killing intent of the super-top second-order manufacturing method was close to Ye Que.

"What? You still want to besiege and kill me under the supervision of the ancient battlefield?"

Ye Que said coldly.

On the ancient battlefield, you can see everyone's situation.

The siege of Long Yuantong and others can be observed by everyone.

"Don't you understand the rules? Those who kill wantonly will be banned. We just killed one person. It's not a big mistake!"

Long Yuantong said indifferently.

What he said was quite unreasonable.

Always, this is a scene that shouldn't happen.

But Long Yuantong dared to do it, and more importantly, there was really no movement on the ancient battlefield, and no one would stop it.

Ye Que's face darkened, and his blood was fully opened, turning into an ancient **** with many bloods.

Special eyes, all open.

The left eye is reincarnated, the right eye is good fortune, and the third eye is chaotic.

"It seems that some regulators are your people."

It's not surprising that Ye Que had this idea.

The Longyuan tribe is originally a race of true gods, and the regulators are inclined to them, so naturally they have nothing to say.

Not to mention, Long Yuantong is still the son of Yuan Sheng, with a high status.

When Long Yuantong heard this sentence, he put his hands behind his back, and the corners of his mouth curled up, noncommittal.

"Whether it's strength, status, identity, or connections, you can only look up to me!"

Long Yuantong couldn't forget the scene of the Flaming Purgatory Terrace, so he emphasized the gap between Ye Que and him.

"This time, you can die in peace! I will take good care of Princess Hatsune in the future."

Long Yuanshi sneered and took the lead.

With this shot, other methods of making have also been shot.

Ye Que took it easy, sighed and said, "You guys... really know how to seek death!"

clang! !

Here in the world, a golden light exploded out of nothingness.

The golden light is like a dye, dyeing everything golden yellow.

At the same time, an incomparably huge scale was suspended in balance on the top of the golden world.

The destructive power of Long Yuantong and others' attacks was instantly suppressed to the level of Ye Que's combat power.

"From now on, all living beings are equal, and you and I will have a 50-50 split!"

Ye Que's fission clone walked out.

Surrounded by golden light, both of them have eyes of reincarnation, eyes of fortune and eyes of chaos.

Reincarnation Eye, Infinite Illusion, and many Pupil Techniques came on stage one after another.

The eye of good fortune can see through all falsehoods, can be disguised, and can be folded.

Chaos eye, see the enemy's movement trajectory in advance.

The two easily dodged everyone's attacks.

"what happened?"

"Our combat power has been suppressed!"

Long Yuantong and the others were inexplicably horrified, they looked left and right, and finally looked at Ye Que, with killing intent in their eyes.

"Say! What the **** did you do?"

Long Yuantong asked.

Ye Que shook his head: "I, Lu Ben...cough, I, Ye Que, didn't hang up!"

While speaking, fission clones flew out of his body.

This is the power of the Nightmare Bloodline, which can be fabricated out of thin air, both true and false, and it is impossible to see through the true and false.

In an instant, tens of thousands of Ye Que appeared, all releasing laws.

As we all know, no matter where it is, a fake body cannot possess the power of law.

The power of nightmares can be fabricated, so these avatars are all real in the eyes of outsiders.

"what have you done?"

Long Yuanshi trembled.

The others stood back to back with solemn expressions.

There are tens of thousands of Ye Que surrounding the entire golden world. There are hundreds of thousands of laws, so it's no wonder they are not afraid.

"I really didn't hang up!"

Ye Que's Nirvana, Latent Rage, Giant God, Nightmare, Dharma Body, Libra, and Sealing Spirit all lingered in his body.

Especially Feng Ling.

His right hand was surrounded by the curse of the great witch to seal the spirit, turning into a piece of witch white.

Anyone who is touched by this hand will be sealed into a statue.

"I really didn't cheat!"

Ye Que took tens of thousands of himself and slashed at Long Yuanshi and the others.

This guy is also badass.

While opening and hanging, while talking nonsense.

"These people are all fake, don't be intimidated, there are only two who really attacked!"

Long Yuantong opened Longyuan's true eyes, but he still saw the truth.

He pointed out Ye Que himself and the fission clone, and the rest of them tacitly acted.

Rumble! !

A lot of mystical techniques will devour the sky and the earth, drowning Ye Que and the fission clone.

"Even if the strength is equal, but there are eight people on my side, and you are only two people, what are you fighting with me?"

Long Yuantong was furious, he stood on the top of the sea of ​​law, like a god, arrogant and arrogant.

In fact, he already had jealousy in his heart.

The blood of the ancient gods made him jealous.

"Grandpa Turtle will fight you with his life! How many lives do you have?"

Ye Que was destroyed by the opponent's attack, but was soon reborn from nirvana.

With a long roar, millions of secret techniques bombarded him, and he fought back forcefully.

Roar! !

The Shiyuan giant tortoise, as if about to open up the world, walked out of the explosion, surrounded by chaos, enveloping everything, and isolating everything.

His pupils opened the eyes of chaos, he could see through the trajectory of dangerous attacks, easily dodged them, and also fought back forcefully.

Yes, this guy's Libra bloodline plus Nirvana, so he is just cheating 1

"More people beat fewer people, right? In the same combat force, I specialize in beating more people!"

Nightmare Libra Immortal Spirit God, stepped on the shell of a giant tortoise, jumped up, opened unlimited firepower, secret techniques and millions of fireworks, and exploded instantly.

In an instant, dazzling mushroom clouds rose up on the absolutely fair battlefield.

"Explosions are art!"

Ye Que smiled sinisterly, and that smile revealed a kind of creepiness.

Many people have seen everything through the ancient battlefield.

They originally thought that it would be unlucky for Ye Que to meet Long Yuantong and others who were powerful and related.

I never thought that this guy's ultimate move is one after another.

Especially that laughter, so eerie, it makes people feel cold in the crotch.

"As expected of the most coquettish and insidious man!"

Someone looked at Long Yuantong and the others sympathetically.

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