God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1277: Barren Prison Valley

Ye Que stared at this 7,000-year-old creation, he couldn't see it clearly, and felt a sense of inscrutability.

"That's right! Do you still believe what my brother said?"

Sheng Hatsune, a loli, has an unusual background.

The genius brother, the elder creator, among her peers, there are many ways to protect her, and there is a true **** above.

The more Ye Que thought about it, the more he felt that this girl was not usually favored.

As soon as he was born, he reached the end of others, which is the ultimate kind.

"Hey, I don't want to work hard anymore."

He purposely covered his thoughts with folds to avoid being peeped.

"Any genius on the road to the barren source can only stay in it for ten thousand years. I have stayed in it for seven thousand years, but I will wait for you in it for three thousand years!"

"If you reach the top ten within three thousand years, I will betroth my sister to you."

This sentence of seven thousand years of creation can stir up a thousand waves with one stone.

However, no one dared to refute.

Both his parents were creatures, they didn't say a word, they just stared deeply at Ye Que.

If there are two 7,000-year-old creations of the Shengyuan clan, the influence will not be so great.

"Ah! Brother! This big liar, how...how could I want to marry...marry him!"

Sheng Hatsune blushed, pinched and hesitated, everyone could see that she was shy and wanted to be reserved, but she showed unexpected surprises and unconscious irony everywhere.

Ye Que wanted to refute a few words, after all, there are several domestic flowers, not to mention wild flowers.

Every time Bing Yining met him, he would wantonly exude the scent of wild flowers, just waiting for him to pick them.

But thinking that he had just come here, he couldn't speak too directly, so he didn't refute.

Sheng Chuyin secretly looked at Ye Que, and when he saw that he was silent, his face collapsed.

But she is self-optimistic. She thinks about boys, and she must want to save face. If she can't agree directly, I will take it as your acquiescence.

Thinking of this, she covered her face with her hands, blushing down to the base of her neck.

This funny girl gets more and more ashamed as she thinks about it.

I don't know where to go.

Ye Que was speechless, and after a while, he looked at the true **** and said respectfully, "True god, what contribution do I need to make in the barren land to bring out the creatures in the universe?"

The True God had already expected that he would say this, and before leaving, he only said: "Hold the sky jade, put out the hellfire. From now on, you will be a member of our Shengyuan clan and serve our clan for three thousand years."

The second half of the sentence is the condition for Ye Que to come to the barren land.

Ye Que responded, but it attracted a lot of repercussions.

"Tianyu... Impossible to master! Even my brother can't master it! The ancestor..."

Before Sheng Hatsune could finish his horrified words, the true **** disappeared.

"My lord father, my lord mother!"

Sheng Hatsune turned her attention to her parents.

"Listen to the ancestors, listen to your brother."

They also left.

The cousins ​​and sisters had nothing to say, so they also slipped away.

"Go to Huangyuan Prison Valley and wash away the karma of misfortune on your body. If you succeed in washing it off, you will return to my Holy Source Clan. If you don't wash it off, you will die in Huangyuan Prison Valley forever."

Seven thousand years of creation dropped this sentence, and with a single hand, Sheng Hatsune was taken away by him.

At the same time, a ray of divine sense flew out of his body and landed in front of Ye Que.

Ye Que put it away.

He stood where he was, looking at the barren forest and grassland, which was very similar to when he first came here.

But the mood is different.

Last time, he was forced, eager to go back.

This time, he must come here to become stronger, and to hold Tianyu to extinguish the **** fire.

I glanced at the thoughts with the eye of fortune, it was just some content information, and there was no other danger, so I inhaled it into my body.

Immediately, he had a different understanding of Huangyuan Continent.

The barren continent has three hundred core races.

Among them, the eight major races have true gods and are the core races in the core.

"Shengyuan clan, Longyuan clan, Tianyuan clan, Zhenyuan clan, Zhuyuan clan, Shanyuan clan, Xueyuan clan."

Ye Que remembered them.

"This 7,000-year creation will really find something for me to do! Want me to marry Sheng Hatsune?"

His face darkened.

Those are the eight true **** races. I don't know how many people want to cling to them.

Especially among the Shengyuan clan, the most favored Saint Hatsune.

Many people don't know her existence.

It doesn't matter.

As long as the top geniuses and high-end people know about it, that's fine.

As for the younger generation who knew Sheng Hatsune, I don't know how many people pursued her.

Not only coveting beauty, but also wanting to cling to the thighs of the Shengyuan clan.

"The son of the patriarch of the Longyuan clan, he openly pursued Sheng Hatsune, and was the number one suitor..."

Ye Que muttered, and finally stopped, and went to Huangyuan Prison Valley.

It is a valley of fire that can burn the creation to the ground.

Flame is born from source qi, and it is the supreme flame above the universe.

He needs to venture into it and burn the karma of calamity in his body, otherwise the true **** will let him leave the barren land.

The Barren Source Prison Valley is located on the eastern green soil of the Barren Source Tower.

Ye Que flew over, trying not to release too much power.

Using power on the barren continent will be lost and cannot be replenished.

The only way to get supplements is to go to the road to the wild source, or the barren source tower.

If you use your strength to fight, you will be wiped out by the true god.

He takes these rules to heart.

"I really don't know what is the benefit of doing this. Is the Huangyuan Continent afraid of being unable to manage it? Or is it afraid of being discovered?"

Ye Que shook his head and came to the barren source prison valley.

"Those who have no Prison Valley Token are forbidden to enter!"

There were two lightly armored guards standing at Taniguchi, and there was a faint power of law-making in their bodies.

"Second-order construction method."

Ye Que didn't dare to take it lightly.

This is not the method of making in the universe, but the method of making in the barren land.

The gap between the two is quite large.

"I don't have a token, but through the Holy Source..."

When Ye Que wanted to explain his intentions, nine people flew from behind, and their fluctuations were so strong that they drowned out his voice.

He looked back.

The bodies of the nine people are faintly filled with divine light, and their eyes are more profound. They are very young and have no sense of vicissitudes. They should be super geniuses of the core race.

Say it here.

Only the geniuses of the gods within five thousand years are eligible to enter the road to the wilderness.

But no matter who you are, you can only practice in it for ten thousand years.

That is to say, if a five-thousand-year **** enters, he must exit after ten thousand years.

The gods enter after four thousand years, and must leave after ten thousand years.

In short, the younger you are, the more benefits you get, and correspondingly, the more risks.

The geniuses of Huangyuan Continent are divided according to the rules of Huangyuan Road.

Wannian is a genius.

After ten thousand years, they will be free practitioners.

"You're in the way!"

"Brother, if you want to go in, go in, if you don't go in, leave here."

The first two of the nine were handsome men and pretty women, with divine light on their bodies and cold and arrogant expressions. When they saw Ye Que blocking the entrance of the valley, they reminded them coldly.

"You don't have a token, step aside!"

The guard's face turned cold when he heard what Ye Que said before, but when he looked at the nine people, there was a hint of awe and flattery on his face.

When they heard that he didn't have a token, the faces of the nine became even colder.

"A bumpkin from space?"

The leading young man frowned, and when he mentioned the universe, there was indescribable disgust in his tone.

"It should be from the universe. People of the three hundred core races will not make such low-level mistakes."

When the young women in the lead looked at Ye Que, they unconsciously raised their chins, instantly feeling aloof, with contempt and disgust in their eyes, very strong.

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