God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1271: Kneel down to save lives 100%


The light shield condensed by the creation was devoured by the star sea worms in an instant, completely unstoppable.

Not to mention Gu Fayue and Ye Que.

They disappear instantly.

Universe City released the sky-blue star sea sand, which turned into a natural barrier to block the impact of star sea worms.

There are star sea worms in the central starry sky, how could Universe City be unprepared.

But whether it works depends on this time.

After all, this is the first application.

bang bang bang—

A group of star sea worms drilled into the sky-blue star sea sand and swallowed the universe city forcefully.

The starry sky is tense.

But soon, a large number of star sea worms in the back chose to bypass the universe city and devoured all creatures overwhelmingly.

"Huh! Block it!"

"It can be said that they have fooled more than 90% of their attacks!"

"The full-scale invasion of the dark void has caused many dark void creatures to be unable to leave in time, and they will die under the devouring of the star sea worms."

"Unfortunately...they are still dead."

The survivors of the Void Clan, Fayi Human Clan, and Huiyu Toad Clan fell silent.

"I can't die! He can't die!"

Bai Yechen clenched his fists and spoke indifferently and firmly.

"His fate is so great that he can't die!"

Huang Youyao said with a pale face.

"Brother Ancient God..."

Die Tinghan clenched her fists and looked up at the blue sky outside.


Jin Duande flew to the city wall, looking at the Xinghaisha and Xinghaiworm outside the light curtain, his eyes were red.

"Brother, you must survive! Jin Duande kneels down for you!"


Jin Duande knelt down and kowtowed.

call out-

Two **** lights penetrated through the Xinghai sand and hit the light curtain.

Everyone was stunned.

"It's the wave of the ancient gods! This is the origin of the ancient gods, they are still alive!"

The pinnacle of magic casts spells instantly, controls the creation-level weapons, and makes a small hole in the light curtain.

With two sounds, the two beams of blood light entered the universe city and turned into phantoms of Ye Que and Gu Fayue.

Everyone gasped, and the way they looked at Jin Duande changed slightly.

This miraculous man who once knelt down to save the Seven Realms, and then knelt down to save his elder brother, once again showed his ability to kneel down to save people.

Kneeling down this time, rescued Ye Que and Gu Fayue again.

"No, the source is about to disappear!"

A circle of fabrications surrounded them, and they all figured out their origins and sent them into two phantoms.

Jin Duande flew over, squeezed out a place, and knelt down awkwardly: "Brother, I kneel down for you! Come back to life!"


He knelt down again.


The two phantoms bloomed with blood, and the weak breath of life was getting stronger.


Everyone looked at Jin Duande, and there was something wrong.

Kneeling to save people 100%?

Of course, many people can see that it is because everyone pinches the original source in the phantom, which makes its vitality strong.

But some things are unpredictable and uncertain, and everyone must always have someone to rely on.

"Kneel quickly!"

Many people shouted.

"Brother, I kneel down for you!"

Jin Duande kowtowed.

The avatars were not idle either.

Huang Youyao squeezed out nearly 90% of her true nature and sent it all into Ye Que's body.

Bai Yechen, Die Tinghan, Gu Cardinal and others all pinpointed their origin.

With more and more sources, the phantom gradually solidified.

But in the eyes of everyone, it is also related to Kim Duande's kneeling.

Kneeling 100% saves lives.

This mysterious ability has made many people admire and feel safe.

Jin Duande also gradually opened his eyes and smiled.

Kneeling is his specialty.

Seeing his eldest brother and Fashen getting better, he felt proud, thinking that it must be affected by his kneeling.

He has no other skills, but he has many crooked methods, but he is quite clever.

But Ye Que had another change.

"Ding! The host's source of life is declining by 30%...20%..."

"Ding! The host's source of life is declining by 30%...20%..."

Ye Que's original source is always declining, even if there are many external sources, it can't support the heavy damage he suffered.

The initial improvement was just a shell, and the injury was getting worse.

His body was illusory again, and his consciousness was also in a state of confusion.

"No, our source does not belong to the ancient gods. If they want to live, they must use the source of the ancient gods for relief!"

A voice came into Ye Que's ears.

At that moment, he felt an ominous premonition.

Not worrying about your body.


"Ding! The source of life of the host is increasing by 20%...30%..."

"Ding! The source of life of the host is increasing by 20%...30%..."

His heart ached, and he wanted to open his eyes but couldn't.

Because his body is gone, only the incomplete source remains.


He shouted in his heart.

"Ding! The source of life of the host is increasing by 50%...60%..."

"Ding! The source of life of the host is increasing by 50%...60%..."

His cries were ineffective, the source was still rising.

"This... Fashen is sacrificing himself..."

The voice he expected came in.

Silence followed.

That silence carried a kind of heaviness.

Ye Que's heart twitched, but he couldn't control and vent.

"Sister Youyao, you donate nearly 90% of your source, it won't work, you need the source of an ancient god...don't mess around."

"We can't stop Fashen's own choice."

A heavy voice came.

Ye Que could only accept it passively.

"Ding! The host's source of life has risen to 80%!"

"Ding! The host's source of life has risen to 80%!"

Brush the floor.

His body condenses.

At the moment of condensation, the source sent by the **** of law is isolated.

Of course, there was only a small phantom left in Gu Fayue.

"You can't die!"

Ye Que released the power of blood, lifted the phantom, and then jumped into the world inside the body.

He is weak now, but Gu Fayue is weaker.

"Origin, I will give it to you too!"

Ye Que transported the origin in the opposite direction, barely maintaining the phantom form of Gu Fayue.

"Ding! The host's source of life has dropped to 50%, and there is imminent danger of death!"

"Ding! The host's source of life has dropped to 50%, and there is imminent danger of death!"

Ye Que stopped before his body collapsed.

But Gu Fayue's phantom is still very illusory, and there is a feeling that it will disperse when the wind blows.

"As long as my life evolves, the source will be restored!"

Ye Que took out the incomplete source of chaos and the huge skeleton of the giant chaotic tortoise.

"Although I have the law of chaos, it is the body of an ancient god. My turtle form does not have the origin of chaos!"

There was firmness in his eyes, and he decided to take a gamble.

"This incomplete source of chaos comes from the chaotic giant tortoise clan. It is contaminated with the life breath of the tortoise. There is a 20% chance for me to evolve!"

"With the addition of the bones of the giant chaotic tortoise, the probability will increase by 20%!"

There is a 40% chance of successfully evolving.

if fail...

He may be backlashed by the laws of chaos.

After all, the current him has very little origin and is too weak.

"I don't care, just take a gamble!"

Ye Que looked to the left and right, and suddenly turned into a tortoise, devouring the unfruitful **** tree, and then devouring all the treasures he had accumulated.

In the end, he looked at the skeleton of the giant chaotic tortoise, and the incomplete source of chaos of the giant tortoise.

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