God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1263: humanoid

Ye Que shook his hands, but said nothing, going up was just a trick of the scales.


Here the darkness is tinged with gold.

The battlefield of Libra appears.

For those who enter the battlefield, the combat power of all creatures is equal to that of Ye Que.

With a buzzing sound, a black light shot out from the eyes of the old patriarch, Ye Que managed to dodge it.

"Be careful!"

Gu Fayue pulled Ye Que back.

boom! !

The old patriarch stood up, and the power that could make the peak creation tremble burst from his body.

Ka Ka Ka!

The golden battlefield of Libra is shattering.

"Your bloodline is indeed strong, and it has suppressed part of my strength, but with your realm, you can't suppress an existence that surpasses the pinnacle of creation!"

Gu Fayue looked ugly.

Her power was partially suppressed, but the strength of the old patriarch couldn't be suppressed at all.

"He...may not be the old patriarch..."

Ye Que muttered, a little lost.

Is it too late?

The old patriarch is dead?

Rumble! !

The old patriarch's body was covered with black light, and black blood flowed from his chapped skin, and a chilly aura erupted from his body.

boom! boom!

Ye Que and Gu Fayue were crushed to the ground.

The battlefield of Libra is cracking, and wisps of black light flood the golden battlefield.

"Continue to suppress! As long as we can suppress, let's go back!"

Gu Fayue spoke in a low voice, and then struggled to crawl out of the battlefield.

Ye Que was not reconciled, but also very sad.


The old patriarch's kick shook the battlefield of many laws, and the golden scale battlefield was almost unstoppable.

Ye Que suppressed the emotions in his body, and gradually separated from Gu Fayue.

Roar! !

A roar came from behind them.

That voice was ferocious and cold, too unfamiliar, and had nothing to do with the old patriarch at all.


Gu Fayue used law to transform her wings and forcibly flew out.

But just when the two were about to go out, the entire Libra battlefield shattered.

boom! !

The terrible power of the old patriarch was released suddenly, pressing Ye Que and Gu Fayue into the bottom of the sea, and the surrounding cosmic sea creatures, no matter how they were made or created, were all crushed on the bottom of the sea.

At that moment, no one dared to resist him.

boom! !

The old patriarch was completely covered by the black light, like a humanoid creature in the darkness, stepping out step by step.

Every step shakes the bottom of the ocean.

puff! puff!

Gu Fayue and Ye Quaku vomited blood and their bodies were injured.

They want to move, but can't.

The power of the old patriarch is too strong, no one can resist.

Roar! !

His voice rang out from the cosmic sea, and the echo could be heard throughout the universe.

In the starry sky, the creator gods were attacking the universe city, and when they heard this sound, they all sneered.

"Sure enough, as it said, everything should be buried!"

"The True God will not appear again, and the Thirteen Three Stars have perished!"

"Break through the universe city, and the universe of the ancient gods will be our property!"

Many creations made a strong move without showing mercy.

Rumble! !

The ocean floor is crumbling.

The old patriarch was shrouded in black light and turned into a terrifying humanoid creature, cracking the bottom of the sea with one step.

Every step he takes is as heavy as a million jun, and no one can bear it.

Boom boom boom!

He approached Ye Que and Gu Fayue step by step.

Ye Que vomited blood, his body shattered, if it wasn't for Nirvana, he would have died long ago.

Gu Fayue's body was also being torn apart, unable to move, not even able to transmit sound.

boom! !

Humanoids came before them.

Ye Que could only move his eyeballs up.

The vague dark shadow of the old patriarch appeared in his eyes.

At this moment, the old patriarch punched him.

Before his fist got close, the power of the fist crushed him and Gu Fayue.

The two slowly came out of Nirvana again.

Just as they came out of Nirvana, the old patriarch punched again...

However, that punch suddenly restrained its power.

Stress, relieved.

Ye Que was able to raise his head.

"Old patriarch?"

he yelled.

The old patriarch stood on the bottom of the sea, his face was stiff and his body was tense, as if he was suppressing something.

"What are you waiting for?"

An abrupt voice came from behind Ye Que and Gu Fayue.

The two turned their heads and looked, shocked.

A dark humanoid creature, suspended in the dark sea water, stared at the old patriarch with dark eyes.

"Kill them."

The humanoid creature whispered, and there was a kind of magical power in the voice, which shook the repressed old patriarch.

The old patriarch took a step, but that suppressive force never released.

Gu Fayue and Ye Que got up and flew outside.

"Kill them!"

The humanoid drank again, the voice low and terrifying.

The old patriarch moved, but it was this humanoid creature that moved.

boom! !

The power of mass extinction vibrated in the cosmic sea, almost silencing everything.

Roar! !

The humanoid roared.

"You dare to disobey even a little incomplete will! If you don't kill me, I'll kill you for you!"

The humanoid roared in the darkness.

Immediately afterwards, a ray of black light turned into sharp claws, piercing directly through Ye Que and Gu Fayue.

The two came out of Nirvana and fled again.

"Total darkness, you cannot be trapped!"

In that roar, the dark claws attacked again, this time they did not tear the bodies of the two, but covered them strangely, slowly eroding them.

That power is terrifying, and even the infinite energy can't resist it.

Yes, this is not annihilation, but a struggle.

That power is fighting against the infinite energy, pressing every step of the way, trying to suppress the infinite energy back to the heart of good fortune.

bang bang bang!

Ye Que's left half was shattering, and so was Gu Fayue.

Their left side has been covered by darkness, without infinite energy coverage, they can only rely on the power of Nirvana itself, but this can't last long at all.

"Escape as far as you can."

Ye Que and Gu Fayue were still flying outside, and they soon approached the surface of the Cosmic Sea.

Of course, there are more and more dark forces covering them.

Roar! !

A roar came from the bottom of the sea.

It was the roar of the old patriarch.

boom! !

The cosmic sea collapsed, a large area collapsed, and a large amount of sea water spilled into the starry sky.

It was also because of this roar that the dark power covering Ye Que and Gu Fayue broke.

Ye Que and Gu Fayue were able to get out of trouble and jumped out of the sea in an instant.

I thought it was to see the sky through the clouds and mists.

Unexpectedly, what appeared in front of them turned out to be countless densely packed void creatures.

The dark void is invading again.

And what is even more terrifying is yet to come.


The humanoid creature slowly emerged from the sea.

"Everything will be buried!"

The humanoid creature shouted, and its body released dark light, covering the creatures in this area.

Immediately, a palm, like a boundless mountain, wanted to crush Ye Que and Gu Fayue.

Just as the giant palm fell, a tattered but majestic body supported the giant palm.

It is the old patriarch covered by black light.

He turned his head slowly.

Ye Que and Gu Fayue retreated vigilantly, but were stunned for an instant.

I saw that there was no longer darkness on that face, but tiredness and vicissitudes: "This is the last time I will help you..."

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