God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1258: Reappear the ancient path of time and space

Jin Duande and the earth dog couldn't hear that low growl, but he was the only one who heard it.

Isn't this just telling him clearly that the giant tortoise is growling at him.

As the same old bastard, there is a certain feeling.

It's like the resonance between the ancient gods and the ancient gods.

"It would be even better if I could bring out a living Chaos Giant Turtle this time!"

Ye Que rubbed his hands, took out a shovel given by the earth dog, and then led Jin Duande and the earth dog to go deeper.

Above the gloomy and dark tomb, three wicked things are moving.

Occasionally passing by a few good tombstones, the three of them still have to stay for a while, and then move on after making a mark.

"Boss, should we find an opportunity to kill those three first-tier gods?"

On the cemetery, the grave guard trio began to inspect the cemetery, and one of the fifth-level gods spoke gloomyly.

"We must do it! Those three little **** dare to take our positions! I can't stop talking to them!"

Hei E, the sixth-order **** known as the boss, gritted his teeth, wishing he could tear Ye Que apart.

"After today, let's look for an opportunity tomorrow to see if we can kill them all!"

Another fifth-order **** is also coming up with ideas.

The three discussed while patrolling.

Few people came to this cemetery, and they discussed without lowering their voices.

Ye Que passed by. He is a ninth-level deity, and his concealment skills are so good that the other party can't find him.

Hearing what the other party said, he smiled coldly: "You asked for this!"

He calmed down and found three meters in front of him. His body had a strong connection with the giant chaotic tortoise, so he walked over and said in a low voice, "Start to act!"

Ye Que held a shovel in his hand, cast a spell to isolate the place, and then began to dig into the ground.

Jin Duande and the earth dog were also very nimble, pried open a tombstone, and a deep and dark passage appeared in front of them.

Ye Que opened the Eye of Fortune and the Eye of Reincarnation to look, and found that before the passage, there was a dense texture of transparent formations.

"It seems that this place has been reinforced!"

He squatted down, analyzed the texture of the transparent formation with a transcendent talent, and finally deciphered it smoothly.

"Jin Duande, let the wind go up there! The dirt dog comes down with me!"

After Ye Que gave his orders, he went down the passage with the earth dog.

He has the eyes of fortune and reincarnation, and can see dangers in advance, and go all the way without any danger.


The deep voice became clearer and clearer.

Ye Que resisted the urge to turn into a giant turtle, and went down step by step. The pace was very steady, and he didn't speed up the pace because of the roar.

The passage was derived in a rotating manner, and Ye Que walked for three hours before reaching the end of the passage.

At the end, it turned out to be an underground magma.

In the middle of the underground magma, there is a low mountain.

Halfway up the mountain, there was a 100-meter-tall black-gray giant tortoise, roaring at Ye Que.

There is a red divine light on the mountainside, covering the giant tortoise, it should be suppressing the giant tortoise.

In addition, there are more than one hundred law chains protruding from the magma to block the giant tortoise's limbs and head.

On the top of the mountain, there is a broken sword of the magic level, inserted obliquely, revealing the waves of the magic level, and severely suppressing the giant tortoise.

"This method is ruthless!"

Ye Que looked at the chain light and the broken sword, thinking that it might not be easy to untie the giant tortoise.

"Tugou, you let the wind blow by, I'll look for it."

He stared at the black-gray giant tortoise, which was still growling at him, and suddenly, he always felt that something was wrong.

The eyes of fortune and reincarnation looked carefully.

Suddenly, his heart sank.

"What kind of giant tortoise is this? This is clearly the skeleton of a giant tortoise!"

Ye Que's face was ugly.

The body of the giant tortoise is fake, it is formed by the fluctuation of laws in the bones.

The reason why he growled at him was because of the resonance of the giant tortoise.

"Thousand God Palace is ruthless! Trapped a giant chaotic tortoise here!"

There was murderous intent in Ye Que's eyes, and the hatred for Dark Void in his heart increased several times.

Chaos Giant Turtle Clan, what did they do wrong?

To be subjected to such abuse!

"There must be a secret! I must find it!"

Ye Que took a deep breath, slowly suspended above the magma, looked at the giant skeleton tortoise, and faintly recalled an experience in the ancient **** world.

At that time, he was also underground and above the magma.

At that time, he was devouring a fire unicorn, becoming the Linyan Devouring Emperor Tortoise.

Ye Que shook his head, didn't think about it anymore, looked at more than a hundred law chains protruding from under the magma, thought for a while, and then slowly approached the magma.

"It's the origin of the law of magma!"

Ye Que approached, touched it lightly, and found that it was the source of pure magma law.

After pondering for a while, he slowly entered the magma.

There was no danger at first, but at the next moment, the source of the law of magma swallowed him.


Ye Que released the Eight Great Laws, which in turn encircled and suppressed the origin of the laws.

call out-

A fiery figure flashed past his eyes and went straight to the bottom.

"That should be the essence of the source!"

Ye Que released the fission avatar to chase after the essence of the source, while he went to see the root of the law chain.

Going all the way, you will soon come to the end of the connection of more than a hundred law chains, where they are all connected by a magic-level formation.

"Building a magic-level formation, connecting the chain of laws, just to forcibly bind the giant turtle above!"

Ye Que pondered, and flew up again.

Fly out of the lava and stare at the red light around the giant tortoise.

There are dharma-making fluctuations in the divine light, reaching the third-order dharma-making level, which is the great supernatural power of dharma-making.

As he approached slowly, the originally empty eyes of the giant tortoise skeleton suddenly condensed into two chaotic eyes.

Ye Que was caught off guard and looked at the Eye of Chaos.

With a bang, the brain roared.

The world in front of me has changed.

Impressed him deeply, the gray-looking Ancient Space-Time Dao appeared in front of him.

He is now suspended in the air of the ancient road.

There is a long river of time and space running under your feet.

The chaotic mist on the bank made it hard to see clearly, but he could still vaguely see some figures in the chaotic mist.

Looking upstream, there is the past, but it is chaotic and distorted, nothing can be seen at all.

Turning around and looking downstream, a quaint gate of chaos is suspended on the downstream river.

And in the river, a huge chaotic giant tortoise was submerged in the long river of time and space, but the tortoise shell propped up the gate of chaos.

Ye Que's face changed slightly.

Is this chaotic gate supported by a giant chaotic tortoise?

"Brother Ye Que..."

A tired and weak voice came from the chaotic fog on the side.

Ye Que looked sharply and saw a woman in the mist.


It's Xue Lingluo.

Her limbs were bound by chains, and she sat slumped in the chaos, her appearance was very mature.

This is the future body of Xue Lingluo, the future girl known as God Lord Xueye, who was once exiled by the ancient time and space.

Unexpectedly, she was within the ancient road.

Ye Que wanted to fly over, but before he got close to the shore, everything disappeared in a blink of an eye.

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