God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1236: The Final Battle (Part 5)

He didn't use the power in his body, only the original essence power of the giant tortoise.

Huge body, absolute turtle shell counterattack, is the strength that a giant tortoise should have.

Roar! !

The giant tortoise broke through the ground and submerged the encirclement of the law-making gods.

Roar! !

There were several roars again, coming from above.

It was the giant beasts of the barren land that were roaring, and they were suppressing the giant tortoise.

"Ding! The counterattack talent has been triggered!"

"Ding! The counterattack talent has been triggered!"

The original counterattack talent of the tortoise shell was triggered, and those giant beasts stepped on the tortoise shell and were instantly knocked back.

Rumble! !

The giant beast broke through the ground forcefully, and stood on the ground with the momentum of supporting the sky.

It roared at the giants.

boom! boom! boom! …

The behemoths launched an attack, and if the turtle shell can't be hit, then hit other places.

The battle of giant beasts is imminent.

For a time, the earth roared, and cracks and rifts were everywhere.

boom! !

There were too many giant beasts, and they crashed into the giant tortoise. The giant tortoise retreated and smashed a mountain.

Boom boom boom!

A lush green forest was wiped out by giant beasts.

With a bang, the giant tortoise landed in the lake again, setting off waves that were a thousand meters high.


Thousands of people attacked, and various weapons hit the giant tortoise.

The turtle shell is fighting back all the time.

However, the tortoise shell could not achieve zero wear and tear, and gradually weakened under a large number of attacks.

After a while, blood was seen on the turtle shell.

In order to kill Xue Yimei, Ye Que paid a lot.

But he has no regrets.

"Come on, let's all fight!"

Ye Que's limbs started to move, every time his foot hit the ground, the ground trembled.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

His speed was so fast that he set off earthquakes, broke mountains, and smoothed out forests.

The giant tortoise rushed more and more fiercely.

He didn't care about the giant beasts attacking around him, and went straight to the group of people who were still besieging him.



When a group of people saw the giant tortoise rushing, their expressions changed greatly in fright, their legs became weak, and they dropped their weapons and ran away.

Without being able to use the strength in his body, who can withstand such a giant tortoise rushing forward.

This is simply the existence of a bulldozer, no one dares to contradict the impact of the giant tortoise.

"Want to run?"

Ye Que ran faster and faster, the inertia and momentum of rushing forward reached a peak.

Suddenly, he retracted his head and limbs into the turtle shell, and by virtue of inertia and momentum, turned into a giant shell and rolled.

This speed is terrifying, and now his whole body is counterattacking.

Whoever beats him will be beaten.

Rumble! !

The tortoise shell brushed the ground, setting off a strong wind, blowing away the giant tree and smashing the mountain.

Several unlucky eggs were crushed by turtle shells.

Someone uses the power in the body, it goes without saying, the giant sword of the true **** descends and kills them one after another.


Most people are still very smart, stay away from the battlefield in advance, and then use their internal strength to escape.

As long as you don't use your strength on the battlefield, you can use it at other times.

Rumble! !

The tortoise shell collided, and no one could withstand it.

Before, there was a giant beast, like a rhinoceros, 10,000 meters high, which kept attacking the giant tortoise, and the more it attacked, the more aggressive it became.

So much so that it forgot about the turtle shell's counterattack.

No, seeing the tortoise shell rushing towards it, its huge horn pushed up.

But today, giant tortoises are shell-rolling.

On its top, the huge horn was torn instantly, and blood gushed out, causing it to scream in pain.

"Step aside!!"

Ye Que knew that this was just the beginning, and there were still fourteen days left for him to hold on.

As long as he survives fourteen days, enters the road to the wild source, and hits the 99th place, then his goal on the road to the wild source will be accomplished.

If you reach the top 100, you can ask the true **** to send him home.

That's his current goal.

Rumble! !

The turtle shell rolled, and soon rolled into the distance.

"Catch up! It's going to kill him!"

A group of people killed it, their eyes were bloodshot, and they wished they could eat the giant tortoise alive.

With the speed of rolling, Ye Que quickly moved away from the battlefield.

Then he turned into an ancient god, and with a whoosh sound, he burrowed into the ground and fled again.

A super chase and a frightening escape were staged in the barren land at the same time.

Because this scene was too shocking, there are more and more people who eat melons.

"Whoever kills him, I, the Fire Origin Clan, will reward him with Texture Growth Liquid and Fire Origin Fruit!"

"It's the same for me, Bloodborn!"

The two major races began to recruit people.

Immediately, some geniuses in the form of giant beasts and giant monsters also participated in the hunt.

Ye Que's pressure instantly increased a hundredfold.

However, no matter how much he was hurt, he was tough to the end.

Back then, in the Ancient God Realm, he had been hunted down from a low level to a high level, and he had encountered all kinds of earth dragons, giant sky demons, great emperors, demon saints, and so on.

That's not enough to survive.

When they arrived in the Six Realms, they were also hunted down in various ways, such as life and death gods, many transcendences, and gods, etc., when they encountered them, they also survived.

Then to the starry sky, facing the pursuit of the gods, the encirclement and suppression of the gods and star demons, they were still able to escape from death again and again.

In the end, it was the same, allowing him to survive.

Now, the situation he faces is the same as back then.

It's just that the people who chased him down were a group of law-makers, a large number of gods, and huge beasts.

"Hold on! Hold on!"

Ye Que gritted his teeth and didn't regret it. If Xue Yimei appeared in front of him, he would kill him again.

Ye Ruan is not a very aggressive person, he can move his hands, but never speaks.

Rumble! !

The giant tortoise fled across the entire barren land, setting off a storm.

In the rear, a large number of giant beasts and giant monsters, as well as many strong men of various races, came out to chase and kill them one after another.

Time passed day by day, and gradually, many geniuses gave up chasing and killing.

They have to adjust their status and enter the road of barren sources, and they must not consume too much.

In this way, Ye Que's pressure was also reduced a lot.

But he also suffered too much trauma.

The turtle shell shattered, blood flowed profusely, and the body was reaching its limit.

"Wash him to death!"

Thousands of people control the giant beast and continue to consume the giant tortoise.

However, the willpower of the giant tortoise is astonishingly terrifying.

No matter how much you hunt him down, you will let him escape at the nick of time.

From this point of view, he must have been hunted down often before, and he has a lot of experience.

When the fifteenth day came, the fire and blood tribes gave up hunting.

"Come to the road to the source of waste, we are waiting for you!"

"You do have some means, but when you reach the road to the wilderness, your life is at an end!"

With a cold warning from many methods, they withdrew their troops.

As for the giant tortoise, its shell shattered, and the blood all over its body spilled onto the ground like a fountain.

Blind in one eye, with many holes in his head, he was panting in front of a distant mountain.

"Dharma God Fruit, it's ripe!"

"Thirty-eight rules, one rule can give birth to two Dharma God Fruits."

"Now, I have seventy-six Fashen Fruits that I can use!"

"And a magic fruit can add 5 magic lines to me!"

Ye Que suppressed his anger, and waited to go to the barren source road to fight to the death.

In that place, he can use Nirvana, the mind of creation, and everything.

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