God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1233: Xue Yimei came to find fault by himself


Lu Dehuang waved the **** bag, and the **** and urine flew together. The scene was so shocking that anyone who met him had to give way.

Fight all the way to the 40th rank ranking area.

The ranking of the 40th segment is roughly in the range of 174th.

Ye Que is in this ranking area.

Lvdehuang is behind him, if anyone dares to grab the ranking, give him a **** bag first.

"Jinglei, this sky-reaching cultivation base has fallen into the purple gold hammer!"

"Zidian, this Xuanzhen Flame Nine Heavens Xuanjian is shocking!"

Lv Dehuang shook the **** bag with both hands, shook his head, and bragged.

With this posture, I felt disgusted and joined a gang to compete for the rankings on the spot, but I couldn't accept that feeling.

Ye Que opened the shield to block the smell from outside.

With a dark face, he thought to himself that this guy has such a virtue, if he had known it earlier, he would not have been recruited.

If other people know this, they must give him a stare.

It's you who made the whole atmosphere crooked.

Feel free to tell someone else.

Time passed day by day, and occasionally those who competed for the rankings were dismissed by Ye Que.

Waited until the fifth day.

Someone is looking for trouble.

The person who came was a person with a **** eyebrow.

This was within Ye Que's expectation.

Last time, he slapped his eyebrows bloody.

This time, Xue Yimei will definitely come for revenge.

"Come with us to the top ranking!"

A tenth-level **** with blood-colored eyes, with his hands behind his back, spoke indifferently, and gave orders to Ye Que.

Ye Que sat on the ranking stele and picked his ears, but he didn't care.

"Give you one last warning!"

The expression of the tenth-level **** was even more indifferent, and his tone was oppressive.

Ye Que still ignored him.

"Okay! Very good! You have to be clear, you will bear the consequences!"

The tenth-level **** snorted coldly, turned and left.

Not long after, Lu Dehuang's eyes were filled with blood, and he rushed to the deepest point.

Ye Que stopped him: "What's the matter?"

"They captured my wife!"

Lu Dehuang's killing intent surged wildly.

They should refer to people with **** eyebrows.

But why did they arrest Lv Dehuang's wife?

"What do I want you to do?"

Ye Que used the power of law to suppress Lv Dehuang's fury.

Lu Dehuang's expression was gloomy, he was silent for a while, and then said: "Kill everyone in this gang."

The corner of Ye Que's mouth curled up.

Sure enough, it was to provoke him.

"Your strength is not enough to go in! I'll go."

Ye Que happened to go to see who was inside, so that he could be prepared when he killed Xue Yimei on the last day.

Lu Dehuang was going to go, but was persuaded to come down.

His strength in the past will only add to the chaos.

Therefore, Ye Que went alone.

Along the way, the gap between rankings is getting longer and longer.

After all, he has already reached the top level.

45 paragraphs is the minimum ranking standard for quasi-fabrication.

The ranking area is roughly around 160.

When he flew over, he received a lot of attention, but no one stopped him.

When he reached the 45th rank ranking area, he saw a **** eyebrow.

This person stood on the 154th ranking stele, and beside him, there was a woman **** by a formation.

"I thought you'd have a lot of backbone to watch people in the gang get into trouble."

With his hands behind his back, Xue Yimei stared at Ye Que with cold eyes.

"Let her go."

Ye Que said calmly, he has a strength of 48 ranks, he really **** him off, he slapped him to death.

"Go grab it yourself."

Blood sneered.

That day, he was hammered by the opponent, not only in physical pain, but also in mental pain.

He was not reconciled to being suppressed by a god.

With his hands behind his back, Ye Que flew closer to the opponent step by step.

Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows and realized something.

"I will let you die slowly!"

Xue Yimei suddenly shouted.

This voice is a signal, and when a word comes out, the surrounding area is lit with red light.

In the rays of light, there is a terrifying coercion of quasi-fabrication.

Ye Que fled out symbolically, but was blocked by the red light.

"Hmph! Just wait until the day when the road to the wilderness is closed. At that time, you will still be empty and unable to compete for the ranking, then you will definitely die!"

Xue Yimei wanted the other party to suffer extreme suffering and pain.

The blood turned into a net, suppressing Ye Que inside.

Ye Que fought back, but all of them were absorbed by blood.

"It's useless. This is made by the power of many quasi-fabricated methods. The surrounding area is surrounded by quasi-fabricated methods. I can still do it by borrowing their power!"

Xue Yimei looked at Ye Que in the net, and the corner of his mouth was cold.

"Let her go!"

Ye Que stopped resisting and stared coldly at Xue Yimei.

The net was indeed strong, but it couldn't withstand his full attack.

If the other party really wants to mess around, he will make a move in advance.

"I don't have the habit of killing women yet."

With a loosening of Xue's eyebrows and hands, the woman in the formation got out of trouble.

The woman looked at Ye Que with complicated eyes, and bowed to Ye Que before flying away.

"Let me see, which of your gang members will dare to rescue you next, or none of them will dare!"

Xue Yimei wants the other party to suffer mental torture.

Ye Que was expressionless, sitting cross-legged in the **** net, motionless.

Time passed day by day.

None of the Locust Gang came to him.

"Hehehe, a bunch of stink bugs really can't make a fortune!"

Xue Yimei taunted, and began to release attacks to suppress Ye Que.

Ye Que released the law mask to isolate the attack.

Xue Yimei tried his best, but still couldn't break through the mask.

This time, it was time for him to look ugly.

Even the power of a **** can't break through, his quasi-creation method is really useless.

"The quasi-creation methods around 45th stage should be quite common, right? I heard that they were composed of low-ranking tenth-level gods?"

The top gods in the 20th and 30th ranks, if they can't improve their ranks, they will impact the method of making.

Once the attack method is created, naturally, the strength will be greatly improved, and one's own rank will also rush up.

Xue Yimei used to be a 26-level super god, but later he really couldn't improve his strength, so he rushed to make a law and became a quasi-made law, and his strength was greatly improved.

In this way, he came to the ranking area of ​​45th dan.

Here, it is only the area of ​​general quasi-fabrication.

Ye Que's words were a pain in their hearts.

"You are so powerful, why don't you break the mask? When the last day comes, I want to see how you can resist the power of the true god!"

Bloody eyebrows play with taste.

"Then, let's wait for the last day!"

Ye Que was extremely indifferent.


Xue Yimei released attacks from time to time to suppress Ye Que, but they were all blocked by the law mask released by Ye Que.

Until the last day comes, the road to the barren source is about to be closed.

Anyone who did not rank on this day and did not stand on the ranking stele will be obliterated by the power of the true god.

Ye Que was trapped in the blood net, so naturally he couldn't rank.

However, he is not in a hurry.

"Now, the time is up!"

Ye Que got up slowly, and there was a bright light of law in his eyes, like a giant **** descending.

With a bang, the fission clone walked out, and the two shot, tearing the blood web forcefully.

"Blood Eyebrow, your time of death has arrived!"

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