God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1230: big trouble

Ye Que took out a beating stick, the murderous intent in his eyes was released, and his mouth was full of murderous intent.

The twin brothers were so frightened that their faces turned pale and their bodies trembled.

These two guys never expected that the ancient **** would be so strong.

Ancient God's previous weakness was simply pretending.

Look, he fought against Zhun Zaofa before, and he still won, and he knocked away the unyielding eyebrow, which can explain everything.

More importantly, they are still not sure whether the ancient gods will use their full strength or not.

Not to mention the twins, even Lu Dehuang, Yue Yingxiao and the others couldn't tell whether Ye Que had used all his strength or not.

"Don't you guys want me to know the gap between me and a genius?"

Ye Que sneered, the Eight Great Laws turned into a net, sealing this place, making it impossible for the twins to escape.

Immediately afterwards, the fission clone flew in, turned in place, and turned into a giant tortoise.

"Ever played baseball?"

Ye Que was holding a stick in his hand, and cast a spell to make the stick bigger, then clasped his hands tightly, making a gesture of swinging the stick.

"You... you are bold! The Huoyuan tribe is the 300 core races of the barren land! You hurt us, and you will pay a huge price!"

"Yes! You'd better leave here, otherwise, when the barren source road is closed, our clan will definitely kill you!"

When he was able to beat him, he was so arrogant that he demoted Ye Que to nothing.

When you can't beat them, make threats and reason, and analyze the consequences clearly.

"Can you be any more stupid?"

Ye Que swung the beating stick and slammed it **** the turtle shell, and then the turtle shell began to attack violently.

Boom boom boom! !

The tortoise shell hits everywhere, and the 400% of the damage on it, coupled with the sweeping of many secret techniques, knocked the two of them into tears.

Ye Que was not soft on his hands, one stick after another, making the opponent howl.

"Stop hitting!"

"We already know our mistake, we will leave the treasure later, you can go."

The two of them had bruised noses and swollen faces, their heads were bleeding, and their bones were broken and broken. They were as miserable as they wanted to be.

Ye Que is a ruthless person, when he saw one turtle was too lonely, he turned into two turtles.

One master, one avatar.

The two turned into giant tortoises, and even played with bumper cars in the net of laws intertwined.

You touch me, I touch you.

400% rebound of each other, the power is doubled, the damage is doubled, and the happiness is doubled.

Boom boom boom! !

The twins of the fire source tribe were desperate. They wanted to fight back, but the giant tortoise fought back.

As soon as they make a shot, the turtle shell will bounce back with a force four times higher than the attack.

This is simply killing yourself.

Therefore, they dare not make a move.

It's just that if you don't make a move, the opponent's tortoise shell will crush it again.

This is so unreasonable.

No shot, no shot.

Desperate, the two began to beg for mercy.

But it's useless.

Ye Que enjoyed double the happiness, the turtle shells collided with each other, like a bumper car, bumping into everything he saw.

"Our leader is a ruthless person, you can't afford to mess with him!"

The three-eyed young man opened his eyes, seeing the scene of the giant turtle being crushed, he couldn't help but squinted, his crotch was cold.

"No, it's a cruel turtle!"

Lv Dehuang swallowed his saliva, expressing that he couldn't offend Bandit Ye.

"I almost forgot, when the leader dealt with Zhunzao, he didn't use the giant tortoise at all!"

Yue Yingxiao's face was ugly. To be honest, he felt inferior in front of Ye Que.

The realm of invincible gods that he once thought was invincible in front of the opponent.

"Hiss... This is a badass, he must still be hiding his rank!"

Hearing Yue Yingxiao's words, a large group of people suddenly responded, thinking that this guy was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Two shrill screams resounded through the area.

Everyone fixed their eyes, um, the twins died.

Ye Que merged with the fission clone, turned into an ancient god, took away their treasures, and then stretched his arms: "Not bad, not bad, recently using the form of a giant turtle is very useful."

"How big is it?"

A strange and cold voice came to his ears.

After hearing this, Ye Que smiled, and looked at the source of the sound with a look that men could understand: "How big is it? Look at your crotch..."

He couldn't go on.

Three thousand women with hair like a waterfall, with their feet on the sea of ​​law, hanging in the void, were looking at Ye Que with a livid face.

She is not a man, so she doesn't understand Ye Que, and there is no big guy in her crotch.

"I was still thinking, who hurt Xue Yimei, but I didn't expect it to be you, giant turtle!"

She recalled the embarrassment of that day.

Xue Yimei used the blood-born secret method to pollute her clothes and body.

This caused her to take off her clothes and refine the secret method of the blood-born clan in her body.

Otherwise, if there is even a little bit of pollution, the cycle will be endless.

Until she loses herself.

For this reason, she entered the body of the giant tortoise, took off the contaminated clothes, and refined the secret method of the blood-born clan.

But she never thought that all of this was seen by the man in front of her.

Since she was a child, this is the first time the opposite **** has seen her body.

"Cough, cough, who is the **** eyebrow? I don't know, brother, you must be mistaken!"

As soon as Ye Que closed his eyes, he was about to take people away.

"I was right!"

There is evil in a woman's beautiful eyes.

Ye Que observed the situation, and when he saw something was wrong, he immediately said, "You can't blame me for what happened that day! If it wasn't for me, something would have happened to you long ago!"

He simply said it out, anyway, he made sense.

Although the opponent is making a law...

Create a law?

"Since you are a law-maker, why can't you get that unibrow? Instead, blame me?"

Ye Que became more confident.

When the woman heard this, she was really helpless.

She came here because she was curious about who would dare to draw a **** eyebrow.

Xue Yimei is the son of the patriarch of the Blood Origin Clan, with a high status, few people would dare to provoke her, so she was curious who would dare to make a move.

But as soon as he came over, she was very angry, it was the giant tortoise.

However, she didn't even think about doing it.

It was the other party's reasoning, so she couldn't mess around.

"Forget it, you don't provoke him in the future!"

She turned around slightly, showing her delicate figure, surrounded by the sea of ​​law, and returned to the depths of the road to the barren source.

When she was far away, the three-eyed young man opened his arms and gave Ye Que a thumbs up: "It's amazing! You can even get the Qingyuan clan's method!"

He didn't know Xue Yimei, but he knew the female genius of Qingyuan tribe.

The reason is very simple, purely because of good sex.

"Qingyuan tribe..."

Ye Que watched the woman leave, frowned, and asked again: "What's the relationship between the Qingyuan clan and the Bloodyuan clan?"

"Marriage! Now that I've said that, I remembered!"

Bing Zhikai's face changed slightly.

"In the early years, there were rumors that the Qingyuan tribe was weak, and they were likely to be expelled from the three hundred core races and become a race that opened up the universe. But in order to avoid weakening, they decided to marry the blood-origin tribe!"

The more Bing Zhi opened his mind, the more ugly his face became.

"That **** eyebrow may be a one-word eyebrow, and the one-character eyebrow may have a complicated marriage relationship with the woman who made the law just now!"

When Ye Que said this, it made sense why the woman who created the law was so strong, but didn't make a single eyebrow at the blood of the law-maker.

"Master, you will have a hard time in the future. If you offend the Fire Origin Clan, and then the Blood Origin Clan, I guess the Qing Origin Clan will not let you go. After all, you interfere with other people's affairs..."

Lv Dehuang sighed softly, and looked at Ye Que with pity.

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