God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1207: The Law of Regaining (Part 5)

Just one sentence shakes the world.

Countless people were shocked, and the photos uploaded by those girls also completely became popular.

Not only did the photos become popular, but those girls also became popular.

They were interviewed by many top media that day, and every time they were asked about the ancient gods, they were flattered, and one of them cried with excitement.

Soon, the news spread throughout the Earth, and even other colonized planets.

The girls have also become celebrities of the entire earth's civilized race by virtue of their contact with the ancient gods.

Many people envy them.

With the body of a mortal, shoulder to shoulder with the gods.

It is estimated that in the entire civilized race on earth, only those few girls can do it, and they are the only ones who can do it.

As for those few photos, they have been collected by the United Nations of Earth Civilization Race, and have become the most valuable photos of Earth Civilization.

Because of the ancient gods, the tourism industry of the earth has increased by tens of billions of profits.

That city of science and technology has also become a famous city, especially the road that the ancient gods walked, and it has become a must-go place for tourists.

Ye Que, on the other hand, naturally ignored it.

To become a real power, the mentality has changed, and the vision has changed.

He came to Earth because it was his home, that's all.


Under the torrential rain and thunder, the sea surged.

Ye Que walked from the beach to the sea step by step, there was depth in his eyes, and the power of time and space lingered on his body.

Faintly, this area was affected by a special force.

"Tracing back in time, shaping space!"

He walked slowly into the sea, and there was another scene in his eyes.

Without the law of time and space, he can also rely on his own memory to trace the past.

The road he is walking now is the road that once led to a small town in Zhejiang, which was his home.

Slowly enter the shallow sea, and then enter the deep sea.

Finally, he came to a strait, and further down, he saw the abandoned city.

At least in the sea, they still exist.

In the abandoned cities in the sea, sea mud has accumulated, inhabiting many fish, corals and other marine life.

He was walking on the street, looking at the abandoned cars, feeling nostalgic.

Looking up and looking around, the movie city, milk tea shops, shops and restaurants all reveal the atmosphere of that era.

Before he knew it, he came to a dilapidated rental house on the outskirts of the city.

He had no father or mother in his previous life. After leaving the orphanage, he has been doing odd jobs and living in a remote rental house.

That room contained his painful memories and struggles of surviving in the city.

Shaking his head, he entered the room with more nostalgia in his eyes.

In the end, he left.

chi chi chi—

Nine fools are fighting.

Ye Que frowned, and said coldly: "I said before, don't mess around on this planet!"

That's the condition for him to let them out.

Immediately, the nine fools stopped fighting, and flew pitifully in front of him, gesticulating.

Ye Que was surprised, something that could cause nine fools to fight was not ordinary.

Are there treasures in the earth?

"You lead the way."

Ye Que followed the nine fools out.

Swim all the way to the deep sea.

He remembered that this place was once called the Pacific Ocean, but he didn't know what it was called now.

Before they knew it, they came to a depth of 10,000 meters under the sea.

chi chi chi—

Fuck and Niubi provoked each other, and then pointed to a gray dot under the seabed.

Ye Que frowned, and opened his divine eyes to see.

"Vase! The seabed pressure here is so high, how can the bottle withstand it!"

It really made him notice the difference. The casting of the spell attracted gray dots, and the gray dots flew out of the sea mud. It was a gray bottle.

The bottle is simple and unremarkable.

But as soon as it fell into Ye Que's hands, it immediately made him feel special.

"There are laws in it!"

He was shocked, and opened his eyes to spy on the bottle.

A law in a bottle!

"The origin of the law of water!"

Ye Que was amazed, and looked around. Could it be that these natural forces have reached the extreme, and the law of water is naturally derived?

Just like the thunderstorm I got last time, it was derived from the thunder pool.

But he still has a doubt.

Could it be that the earth still hides some power?

Shaking his head slightly, let's not talk about these for now, let's first integrate the source of the law into the blood of the law and body.

Eighth law: the law of water.

His strength is increasing again.

Slow down, get up your spirits, and check whether there are other treasures and uncommons in the bottom of the sea.

Ye Que unleashed the power of the gods and pushed across the bottom of the sea.

Just releasing a trace of the power of the gods caused a tsunami to be set off in the Pacific Ocean, and the situation changed, even affecting the continental plate, and there were earthquakes.

He cast another spell to stabilize the situation on land and let the situation in the sea change color.

However, such a large situation in the sea still attracted the attention of many people.

"Could it be caused by the ancient gods?"

Many mortals, and some who are in good realms, stood by the seaside and watched.

"Wait for me to go into the sea and have a look!"

A person who escaped into the sea, he was born on this planet, and was injured when he first came into contact with the sea.

puff! !

Spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Don't go in!! The whole sea has a power that I can't understand!"

"It must be the ancient **** inside!"

"This power, puff! It's so strong, everyone, don't go in, this power is not aggressive, but after touching it, you will still be shocked! Especially those who have no cultivation base, don't touch it!"

With Yin Yang three steps back, he was also injured by the shock.

All of a sudden, more and more people gathered at the seaside, even the strong men from the next planet came.

Let's talk about the ancient gods.

He searched for everything in the sea, but unfortunately, he couldn't find anything extraordinary.

Even, he looked at the eye of fortune to spy on the core of the planet, but found nothing special.

"It seems that I was thinking too much. The origin of the law of water should have been derived from a long, long time ago. Even when it appeared, I was still on Earth."

Since there is no extraordinary on the earth, it can only be said that the sea on the earth is lucky, and unknowingly derived the origin of the law of water.

Ye Que smiled: "I was just looking at the earth, but I didn't expect to discover the law of water!"

This luck is not generally good.

Without staying too long, he flew out of the sea.

Enough watching, time to go.

Put away the divine power, restrain your breath, and fly out of the sea.

As soon as he came out, everyone exclaimed.

He didn't stop there, and flew directly out of the earth to Pluto.

All the powerhouses there held a meeting to discuss the creation of a pure land.

A few days later, the powerhouses from all parties who were still discussing were suddenly alarmed by a sudden change.

The whole universe shakes!

A giant fist containing chaos and destruction was punched **** from the sea of ​​chaos, and went straight to the dark void.

boom! ! !

The power of that punch was too terrifying. It pierced through the starry sky and hit the depths of the dark void. There were screams and a breath of creation level erupted, but it disappeared in an instant.

The powerful creatures from the extreme south, the extreme north, the extreme east, the extreme west, and the central starry sky all looked at the strange cosmic sea shrouded in mist.

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