God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1199: Fashen supply station

That top ten dark void god, who had never seen such a battle, was dumbfounded.

If this **** can understand the language of the starry sky, Jubi will yell at the other party for not being able to afford it, what's wrong with it!

"Come on, let's commit suicide together!"

Ye Que pulled the tenth-order dark void **** into the law storm.

There was fear in the eyes of the dark void god, and he kept shaking his head and backing away.

"You're welcome! Together!"

Ye Que is a ruthless person, and if he catches one, he will kill him.

boom! !

boom! !

With the sound of the explosion, one after another high-level gods died.

"It's so easy to use!"

This guy is addicted to playing desperately, and from this moment on, he added a new trick.

Following Unlimited Firepower, Desperate Flow has become one of his new methods.

In the end, the dark void creatures didn't dare to come over.

Needless to say, the **** king will die if he meets him, and the same result will be the same for middle and low-level gods.

Even the high-level gods are afraid of him.

He was the only one who could startle the entire invasion with his own strength.

No, the gods didn't dare to come, so the creation of the law came.

As soon as they came, two came, just to deal with the ancient gods of the third rank of gods.

Ye Que didn't panic in the slightest, behind him, a great sun came, and amidst the wave of hundreds of millions of gods, Dharma God stepped forward, and with a thought, a storm of laws intertwined with ninety-nine laws swept out.

Thousands of star fields have been affected, and nearly one percent of the invaded area has been emptied.

"This is no longer a storm of laws, but a storm of God of Law!"

Ye Que was envious when he saw it, and thought that Dacheng's Dharma God is really awesome, especially when playing group battles, it is a sharp weapon.

"Hao Chen."

Fashen called him.

Ye Que understood in a second, and gave her a messy meal when she went up, ahem, she made a mistake, it should be a meal when she went up.

The Dharma God Storm consumes a lot of energy and needs energy supplies.

Ye Que became the Dharma God's supply station, and the Dharma God was fully charged.

"The law is against the law, and the gods are against the gods."

Fashen opened his mouth, and there was the power of law in his voice, which shocked the starry sky.

If they can reach the spell-making level, the other party can more or less understand the language of the starry sky, and the two eyes of the spell-making eyes are full of fear, and they back away quickly.

Seeing this, Ye Que regained his energy immediately, turned into a tortoise, and then retracted his limbs and head back into the tortoise shell to become a starry sky chariot.

Here comes the real group weapon.

Boom! Boom!

The heart of good fortune is also boosting the power of the turtle form.

Although it cannot be nirvana, its recovery ability has also been improved several times, and even a broken tortoise shell can be recovered in a short time.

This is all thanks to the power of good fortune.

Not to mention, his defensive ability has been greatly improved.

With 400% anti-injury, the dark void creatures dare not even make a move, and they commit suicide if they make a move.

When facing the ancient gods before, they were still able to attack, but this time they ran away when they saw the giant tortoise, but they couldn't run away, so these dark void creatures were miserable.

Rumble! !

Rumble! !

Slices of Dark Void creatures die.

Of course, in order to take into account the improvement of spell marks, he mainly uses the ancient **** form.

Kill all the way through, no one can stop it.

Look at the data again.

Mark of Darkness: 317 before, 321 now

Counterattack pattern: before 318, now 322

Time pattern: 306 before, 308 now

Space pattern: 308 before, 310 now

is still increasing.

"One day has not passed yet, I can continue to brush!"

Ye Que played his life, no one could offend him.

The continuous use of Nirvana's bloodline can't produce side effects, and can no longer limit his ability.

Rumble! !

A large number of gods were killed.

Even if there are high-level gods to besiege, he will either use the law storm, or start suicide, or use other means, there will always be one who can deter people.

The terrifying power poured out crazily, and even the eyes of Dark Void's creation changed.

It was also from this battle that news about a life-threatening ancient **** gradually spread.

"Hao Chen!"

It was that familiar voice again.

As the Dharma God supply station, Ye Que was obliged to go up to recharge.

The two cooperate with each other tacitly, one is the **** of law, a pervert in the law-making process, and he is a ruthless person who dominates the law-making.

One is the Desperate God, a super pervert among the gods, who kills everything except creating spells, even himself, and is even more ruthless.

The key point is that they haven't lost any wear and tear, and they have been at the peak of the battle peak, displaying 200% of their combat effectiveness.

Originally, this invasion was enough to cause the extreme northern starry sky to bleed, and nearly 30% of the creatures would be wiped out, but with these two ruthless people, the main offensive of the invasion was stopped.

Hit and hit, hey, a bunch of dark void creatures will walk around when they see them.

"do not!"

Ye Que chased after him and killed him.

The increase of magic lines depends on them.

This is equivalent to brushing proficiency. The more laws are used, the more magic lines will be. This proficiency cannot be let go.

Gu Fayue had never experienced this kind of fighting method before, so he didn't need to consider the loss, he just had to fight at the limit, and he fought heartily, so he also chased after him.

Therefore, a strange scene appeared.

The two ancient gods scare away the dark void creatures all over the starry sky.

swipe swipe—

The two ancient gods caught up with one pass.

Two days later.

Ye Que looked at the data again.

Dark spell: 321 two days ago, 400 two days later

Counterattack pattern: 322 two days ago, 400 two days later

Time pattern: 308 two days ago, 394 two days later

Space pattern: 310 two thousand years ago, 396 two days later

Darkness and counterattack are already qualified for him to break through to the fourth-order god.

It's just time and space.

"After brushing today, I will definitely be able to break through!"

He liked Fashen's moves more and more, and decided to look for the source of the law and increase his own law.

"Haochen, does this limitless energy of yours have a time limit?"

Gu Fayue asked.

"It will be gone after today."

Ye Que is positive, and if he wants to use it again, he needs to wait for the cooling time.

"Then we should go!"

Gu Fayue saw most of the invading creatures and was killed by them, and the remaining small part could be handled by the extreme northern starry sky.

No, a large number of starry sky creatures have reacted and started to fight back.

Among the Huiyu Toad Clan and some middle and high-level races, the methods of making that survived from ancient times have all been shot.

A large number of gods, gods, gods, and gods are also dispatched.

"Miss Fa, according to what the creator **** said, the dark void creatures may invade on a large scale many times from this time on!"

Ye Que's expression was solemn, and he didn't think that the following starry sky would be such a good living environment.

"The old patriarch's whereabouts are unknown...We can only rely on ourselves."

Gu Fayue sighed lightly.

By now, it is estimated that the entire starry sky has realized the importance of the existence of the thirteen-star ancient gods.

"Then let's build a starry sky pure land, let the starry sky gather together!"

Ye Que opened his mouth, this is the last way.

Of course, he is not the only one acting. The extreme north, the extreme south, the extreme west, the extreme east, and the central starry sky are all creating the final pure land.

To put it bluntly, this is the last bastion when the doomsday comes.

The dark void is too strong, they can only use this method to deal with it.

Gu Fayue was silent for a while, then nodded slowly.

"To the extreme north, or to the extreme south?"

Ye Que asked.

"The six realms in the extreme south have been sealed, there is no serious problem, it is the same everywhere."

Gu Fayue glanced at him.

This is for him to make a decision.

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