God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1085: One against the crowd (Part 4)

boom! ! !

The law of darkness surrounds the whole body, the undead magic armor is activated, and the dark nightmare undead magic **** is once again bathed in blood, and another round of killing begins.

His whole body was blooming with terrifying power, and the dark void was shaking. The first batch of **** kings who dared to come over were directly torn apart by the power.

It's too scary, before it gets close, it is suppressed by its power and aura.

The ancient **** hugged the corpse tightly, with sadness, anger and pain.

His attitude towards Bing Yining was ups and downs.

He never really regarded her as one of his own, but this also made him feel even more guilty.

Until this time, after entering the dark void, his attitude changed drastically.

In the endless attack of dark void creatures, the starry sky creatures didn't know that he and Bing Yining were besieged.

Not to mention how he and Bing Yining spent that month.

But Ye Que vividly remembers it in his mind.

The crazy killing never stops.

Being surrounded and then breaking out, and after breaking out, being surrounded again, time and time again, the corpses and blood under their feet also changed from a pool of blood to a river of blood, and from a river of blood to a sea of ​​blood.

He and Bing Yining were back to back, blood stained his body, injured his body, he recovered, but Bing Yining gradually weakened.

He devoured the star core and the immature **** fruit, and promoted to the tenth rank **** king. Even if she swallowed the **** fruit and the star core, it would be difficult for her to break through, and it would be even more difficult to recover.

In the boundless slaughter, they experienced life and death, and experienced encounters of life and death together.

If there is an injury, we will carry it together.

There is danger together.

Escape together if you can.

never separate.

Until the end, Bing Yining, who was full of injuries, knew that he would not survive, so he gave everything to the ancient **** and the young master.

When she died in his arms...

Thinking of this, Ye Que felt a twinge in his heart.


The domineering armor like an exoskeleton is dyed with the pattern of law, and there are cumbersome runes of the law of darkness on it, like an ancient stone slab being activated, and a sleeping giant is waking up.

Flames emanated from all parts of his body, like a dark **** of death who wanted to harvest all life, lingering between the dharma armor, and the breath of immortality deterred the gods.

Eleven seeking Taoism jade stars, engraved with the runes of the law of darkness, rotate at high speed, oscillating a terrifying wind, strangling all incoming enemies.

He held Bing Yining with one hand, feeling her coldness and the stickiness of her blood, Ye Que roared angrily.

Like the sorrow of a beast.

There is anger in sorrow.

With a bang, he stepped out.

The law of darkness is like a dragon, spiraling around its body.

He is the first Dharma God.

He is the tenth-order peak **** king.

He is the Dark Nightmare Undead Dharma God.

Darkness is latent anger.

Nightmare is a nightmare.

Immortality is Nirvana.

Dharma is Dharma body.

God is a giant god.

Dark Nightmare Undead Dharma God, holding a stick, the law is wrapped around it, and with a buzzing sound, the stick reveals terrifying power.

He took this stick from the Tower of the Gods. It is an ancient law-making soldier hundreds of millions of years ago. Although its power has declined in the past hundreds of millions of years, when the law is poured in, the terrifying power inside it collapses instantly. Everything comes to the enemy.

Sweep with one stick.

The **** kings of the God Race and the Star Demon Race who bore the brunt were directly wiped out.

God King Baiyu exploded with the power of a fourth-order god, and was seriously injured by this stick, and was almost cut in half.

He was terrified, he was angry, and he was hysterical: "Kill him!! At all costs!!"

Rumble! !

The boundless mystic art of the king of gods covered the dark nightmare undead magic god.

At that moment, the entire dark void was illuminated.

The thunderstorm, the dark golden sun, the black hole that devours everything, and the aurora that tears everything apart, all fell on the body of the undead Dharma God.

Roar! ! !

Immortal Dharma God fearless, roared, and waved his hands, densely packed secret techniques counterattacked.

One against all.


Don't be afraid.

"Go away!! Silver Wing God, I will kill you!"

Ye Que was furious, no one knew how hard and painful what happened that month was to him.

He hid it deep in his heart, and wanted to make the gods of the Silver Wing Clan pay back their debts with blood.

"I will not let go of any of the participants, and I will deal with you one by one!"

He put Bing Yining into the body of heaven and earth, swept with a stick with one hand, and shot with a secret technique with the other.

The Daoist Jade Star engraved with the runes of the law forcibly broke out during the attack.

There are laws possessing the body, and the stars are immortal.

With the Immortal Armor attached to his body, Ye Que is indestructible, at most he can only destroy his body and arms, and then be restored by Nirvana.

The law lingers around him, and he is in the God King Realm, and his combat power has risen again.

boom! boom! Rumble!

He stomped out the thunder, smashed the black hole, leveled the fire dragon, and wiped out all the attacks that fell on him.

The rumbling noise continued.

Countless **** kings rushed up and were destroyed one by one by him.

It's too scary. Looking at it from a distance, it's like countless cannonballs gathered at the ancient god, but they were smashed and sent flying by the ancient god's attack.

The ancient **** has no defense, but is killing endlessly, and, what's more, he is still rushing forward!

Overwhelmed by countless secret techniques, he is still rushing forward, so ruthless, he doesn't dodge these injuries at all, of course, he can't dodge either! Don't be afraid to hide!

The expressions of the surrounding gods changed drastically, and goosebumps appeared all over their bodies.

"Although I am a fifth-level god, I dare not fight with so many **** kings! I will die!"

"The ancient **** has transformed... His current combat power is at least the fifth-level godly combat power, but he is different from ours in the same realm. He has magic armor, nirvana, and countless secret arts... and the one who dares to fight against the enemy The courage and madness of the masses!"

Even the gods of the seventh and eighth ranks were terribly intimidated by the ancient gods.

The strong need not only strength, but also courage and tenacity.

Obviously, the ancient gods exist, and they are outstanding.

At least at this moment, they dare not face so many top-notch **** kings, but the ancient gods dare.

"Don't forget, he just came out from the depths of the dark void, it's been a whole month!"

A ninth-level deity of the void clan was shocked by the ancient god.

Many hunters, many gods, do not know what language to use to view this scene.

I just feel that my soul is trembling.

However, Ye Que's strength doesn't stop there.

"Silver Wing Clan, she is dead, what will you pay me for?"

Ye Que roared angrily, even though he was surrounded by laws, protected by stars and winds, his whole body was being destroyed, but Nirvana was still forcibly restoring his body.

His voice was very angry, with a murderous intent.

Sweeping with a stick, a large area of ​​God King was wiped out and fell at his feet. The blood stained the dark void and accumulated into a river of blood, which finally joined the sea of ​​blood behind him.

This boundless sea of ​​blood was created by the ancient gods blow after blow.

Why should he be afraid of these **** kings?

In that month, he faced more beasts of the dark void than before his eyes!

He has been through danger for a long time, so why not be afraid!

"Kill! Kill him!"

"Consume him to death!"

The peerless **** king of the star demon **** clan was furious, pouring down all the attacks, and many **** kings were also killing.

It's terrifying, the dark void at the edge is completely covered by countless strange lights, and there are constant roaring noises.

Ye Que's whole body was being destroyed, but the anger in his heart could not be extinguished.

With a wave of his hand, he played out the secret techniques that he had learned from the killing in the past month, as well as all the secret techniques that Bing Yining gave him before his death.

Dark Yue Aurora, Dark Spirit Fist, Dark Finger, Roar of the Giant Nest!

Dark God Scythe, Dark Spirit Divine Comedy!

He rushed forward, destroying one piece after another of the **** kings, living among hundreds of thousands of people, advancing step by step.

He is desperate, in the dark void, only his attacking anger is spreading.

In an instant, the thousands of people in the starry sky watching the live broadcast were shocked from the inside out, and the gods and hunters present were even more frightened and backed away.

Although they didn't face the ancient gods directly, they were shocked by this ruthlessness and madness.

However, the horror of the ancient gods has just begun.

"Level 2 dark void mode, open it for me!!"

The ancient **** shouted angrily in his mind.

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