God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1083: The Killing God Walking Out of the Dark Void (Part 2)

Now, they once again regard themselves as hunters, for fear that if they are slow, they will not get any benefits.

Their eyes are eager, greedy and murderous.

They hoped that the sound was made by the ancient gods, so that they could go up and **** it.

Now, they are the hunters, the ancient gods are the prey, and everyone wants a piece of the pie.

The super peerless **** kings of the gods and star demons even faintly wanted to charge.

Hundreds of thousands of top **** kings released their killing intent, shaking the dark void, and even the faces of the fourth and fifth rank gods changed color. This kind of power is too terrifying, and they dare not face such killing intent.

All major races watched the live broadcast, their eyes were straightened, and they felt that something big was about to happen.

Many arrogance and powerhouses also lowered their eyes to the depths of the dark void.

The eleventh-ranked Tianjiao of the Shining Star Human Race, playing with taste: "It's a miracle to be able to survive, but there are so many **** kings here, how long can you hold?"

With his hands behind his back, he proudly overlooked the depths of the dark void. The radiant light on his body spread so that people dare not look directly at it.

He is a third-level god, invincible when a **** king, dazzling when a **** god, and has an amazing record in his life. The ancient **** dared to be called the number one **** king in the universe, which made him unhappy.

"Unfortunately, I am a **** now, otherwise I would be in the realm of a **** king, and with all my strength, I would be able to crush the ancient gods, and there would be no pressure!"

Tianjiao of the Shining Star Human Race sighed, with a look of regret that he only wanted to lose.

He raised his head, looked at the dark void, and said lightly: "Forget it, my era has passed, and I should give up the most dazzling position, ancient god, it depends on whether you can grasp it..."

Before the words were finished, the roaring sound surged out from the depths of the dark void, the sound was even louder, and it had an aura comparable to that of a god. combine.

Rumble! ! !

The momentum was so strong that the surrounding dark stars cracked, shattered, and annihilated one after another.

The line of **** kings connecting hundreds of thousands of **** kings was pushed half a meter abruptly.

The weaker first- and second-order gods, independent of the dark void, were caught off guard, and were blown off their backs by the impact. They rolled several times in the dark void before they stabilized their figure.

Hundreds of thousands of people were almost blown away by the momentum.

Those top gods just joined in to watch the show, but now all their expressions changed drastically, and they all opened their **** eyes, scanning the depths of the dark void.

When you look at it, you can see the big deal.

Because, they saw a blood-stained humanoid creature, holding a delicate corpse, dragging the endless corpses of dark void creatures, walking step by step.

They had never seen this scene before, and they took three steps back in shock, their expressions changing again and again.

Many people in the starry sky watched the live broadcast, and they couldn't see the humanoid creature or the corpse, but they could see the scene where the **** king and the gods were impacted by the momentum, and their faces changed drastically, and they couldn't help standing up.

Even several law-making gods were so startled that a strange color flashed in their eyes. Even if they were far away, their eyes pierced through the starry sky and focused their attention on the depths of the dark void.

At that moment, the **** kings were shocked, the gods were shocked, and even the gods who made the law were shocked.

The Tianjiao of the Flashing Star Race was almost blown away by the aura, and when he stabilized his figure, his hair was messed up.

He looked into the deepest part, his face was slightly pale, and he didn't dare to say another word before he finished speaking.

Because, he was startled and scared.

"Who is the prey? Who is the hunter?"

Some high-level gods sneered, their eyes fell on Yinxue, and there was a playful flash.

Yinxue was sweating in his hands, feeling creepy and ominous in his heart, but he simply didn't believe that in the depths of the dark void, facing the boundless attacks of ominous creatures, the ancient **** could survive for a month without dying.

Even if dark void creatures can't kill the ancient gods, dark nine is not a vegetarian.

Even if the ancient **** really survived, he would have been scarred a long time ago, and it was even more impossible for him to explode with such a terrifying aura at this moment.

"Don't panic, just think about it. It's a miracle to stay inside for a month without dying, and it's impossible to explode with such a strong momentum! He is not an ancient god, he should be a dark void creature!"

Yinxue shouted, and the sound spread here.

The faces of many **** kings were ugly, but after hearing this sentence, they became much more stable, and killing intent appeared in their eyes again.

Tianjiao of the Shining Star Human Clan nodded upon hearing the words, and said coldly: "That's true! How can a **** king burst out with such a strong momentum? Even I couldn't do it back then, let alone an ancient god?"

After speaking, he raised his head and looked at the dark void creature with a sneer, with a kind of arrogance and teasing in his eyes: "I want to see which dark void creature dares to charge at will!"

His mouth was wide open, and as soon as the words fell, there was another violent roar, rolling and crushing from the depths.

Like a storm in the starry sky, it ravages everything.

This time, many **** kings were ready, but they were still shaken by the blow, and the first and second rank gods had to spend a lot of effort to block the impact of this momentum.

This aura is too strong, so strong that hundreds of thousands of people's faces change color.

boom! !

Another powerful aura, in the roaring sound, crushed the universe and shook the dark void.

This time, the roar was even more intense, and mixed with a smell of blood.

Those who heard it couldn't help vomiting.

"This **** smell is so strong, it actually made me have **** fantasies!"

"This must have killed tens of millions, no, it should be hundreds of millions of dark void creatures that have such a strong smell of blood!"

Even the gods who have experienced many battles have the meaning of vomiting.


Hundreds of thousands of **** kings were upset.

This is not just as simple as being strong, to be able to release such a strong blood, must be a killing **** who can shock the stars and all races.

At this moment, the gods spoke.

"The **** king of the Moon Spirit Clan, I am the **** of the Moon Spirit Clan, obey my orders! Back off! Stop participating in the hunt!"

A deity with a crescent moon rune on her forehead, blooming with the power of a fifth-level deity, she stepped forward and issued an order.

Immediately, three or four **** kings of the Moon Spirit Tribe retreated one after another.

"God kings of the Changyu clan, back off! Don't participate in the hunt! Hurry up!"

The gods of the Changyu clan spoke.

And this is just the beginning.

More and more gods are ordering the **** kings of their clan to leave.

"God King of the Giant Iron Clan, step back!"

"God King of the Ming clan, get out of here! Don't join the hunter!"

"God King of the Condensation Bead Clan, step back and leave quickly! Otherwise, you will die!"

"God King of the Rain Clan, step back quickly..."

The gods seemed to have seen some terrible scene, and hurriedly let the **** king of the clan leave.

This move completely messed up all the **** kings present.

Some tribes have no gods, only **** kings, but when they heard these words, they panicked and retreated, asking what happened.

And there are more and more voices like this.

boom! ! !

The violent roar, carrying the boundless killing intent, the boundless smell of blood, and the explosive crushing momentum, swept across the edge of the dark void.

In an instant, a huge shadow weighed on the hearts of all the **** kings.

They forced themselves to calm down and looked towards the dark void.

There, there was a blood-stained human figure slowly approaching. Its power was terrifying, like a waking giant beast of the dark void, trying to wipe everything away.

A top spirit of the Void race murmured, "He came back alive."

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