God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1081: True and False (5)

The three great gods followed and intentionally attracted dark void creatures to bury Bing Yining and the ancient **** here.

Just when a big crisis broke out, an even bigger crisis broke out outside.

Fa Xiaomei took the recording treasure, turned around and flew out of the dark void passage, and returned to the Double Void Square City.

"I remember that the 13-star ancient **** has been to the universe city. I need to contact the partners in the universe city and ask them to inform the 13-star ancient god, otherwise something will happen to the little brother of the ancient god!"

When she contacted, the Prophet had released the news that Gu Haochen was in the Double Void Square City and had entered the Dark Void.

This news instantly detonated all the hunters in the entire Double Void Square City.

"It's here! I said why can't I find it!"

"Come on! Go to the dark void and have a look, if we kill the ancient god, we will make a lot of money!"

For a while, a large number of hunters poured into the dark void, basically all of them were at the level of **** kings, and there were also gods following them, but most of them were just to join in the fun.

Still not satisfied, the Prophet left the double void, came to the starry sky, and leaked the news of the ancient **** in the dark void.

Moreover, the coordinates of the dark void where the ancient gods are located are also released.

Not necessarily, you have to enter the dark void from the double void.

You can also enter the dark void from the starry sky.

As long as there are specific coordinates.

boom! !

Countless **** kings were shocked, all of them seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, and they entered the dark void where the ancient gods were located by relying on their coordinates.

"It's still a bit far away, but it doesn't matter, let's go around the edge!"

"Hahaha, I finally found you!"

"The number one **** king in the universe, hum! Starting today, you are no longer the number one **** king in the universe!"

A large number of **** kings rushed into the dark void, circling from the edge, without randomly provoking the monsters in the depths.

Deep in the dark void.

Bing Yining's power of the fifth-order **** was fully bloomed.

Her strength is not comparable to that of demonic bulls and fierce creatures, and she has beaten the ancient gods to nirvana many times.

The ancient **** remained indifferent, and kept sprinting among the many dark void creatures, still flying to the deepest point.

The three gods attracted batch after batch of dark void creatures, and there were even god-level existences in them.

Seeing Bing Ning suppressing the ancient **** with one blow after another, they breathed a sigh of relief, and looked into the depths with fear in their eyes.

"There is still half an hour before I can fly to the giant dark void nest, it's almost there!"

"Dark Nine is killing the ancient god, and surrounded by so many dark void creatures, he can't survive!"

"Go, you can leave!"

The three gods didn't dare to stay for a long time, and took a deep look at the ancient gods. Among them, Yinxue sneered: "I don't believe that you can kill from inside!"

"He can't be killed, and there are a group of **** kings waiting outside. This is a game that must die!"

They turned and left, not wanting to stay here for long.

"If I can come out, you are all waiting to be revenged by me!"

Ye Que was covered in blood, and he went into the deepest part without looking back.



The law of darkness is harvesting all life, and Bing Yining is not polite to Ye Que.

However, when the three great gods left, Bing Yining stopped.

There was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of her mouth, and the look in Ye Que's eyes also changed from cold to gentle: "My lord, why don't you run away?"


It turned out that what she did before was actually pretending.

Ye Que shook his body, removed his nightmare mask, and revealed the face of an ancient god. When his three eyes glanced at Bing Yining, his eyes were even more shocked, but in a crisis, he could only forcefully calm down.

After a moment of silence, he opened his mouth and said, "Flee away and wait for the **** king and the hunter to hunt me down? Will those guys let me go?"

Bing Yining was relieved, it would be more dangerous to escape.

There was a roar, and many dark void creatures rushed in, surrounded densely, which was terrifying.

Once surrounded, it is estimated that it will be difficult to get out alive.

She turned around and looked outside, the boundless darkness.

There was a little self-deprecation in the voice: "Young master, you are still using the power of nightmare on me, right?"

I didn't want to say this sentence at first, but it was uncomfortable, and she couldn't help it.

Ye Que suppressed his astonishment, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Actually, from the moment the nightmare power broke, I knew there was something wrong with the nightmare power."

Is the power of nightmare really weak?

As the power of the bloodline of the ancient gods, it can be at the same level as Qian Fu and Nirvana, how could it be weak.

Once there is a problem with the power of nightmare that he exerted, he will perceive it instantly.

However, he didn't fix it.

Because, to deal with a girl struggling from a poor environment, just the power of the broken nightmare is enough.

After all, he was still soft-hearted.

Bing Yining turned his head to look at Ye Que, especially those firm three eyes, thinking of something, his face changed slightly.

Gradually, her breath became short of breath: "My lord..."

Ye Que looked at the endless dark void creatures, and continued: "Even if the prophet eliminates your nightmare power, I can destroy the prophet's soul point in an instant, and control you with the nightmare power again!"

The more Bing Yining listened, the more horrified his face became, and his heart was churning with monstrous waves.

She looked at Ye Que, felt something, her body trembled slightly.

Roar! !

The Dark Void God, the Dark Void God King, and many ominous creatures are about to surround the two of them and devour them.

"Then why don't you control me?"

She trembled, telling the truth that she didn't realize, and she couldn't believe the change in herself.

She thought that she was still controlled by the power of the nightmare, so she pretended to chase and kill the young master, thinking that she was the influence of the nightmare...

did not expect…

"Only if you chase me down, they will give up and follow me! So if I control you, it will only kill me! So, I didn't control you, but I didn't expect... Even if you completely release the control, you are willing Call me son!"

Ye Que's thought of turning on the dark void mode was suppressed.

In fact, as long as he turns on the dark void mode and temporarily becomes a dark void creature, he can avoid all attacks.

This was his plan from the beginning.

But at this moment, he looked at Bing Yining and chose to close.

Bing Yining's body trembled violently.

There is a kind of horror emerging in my heart.

It turned out that she had lied to herself from the beginning.

She thought she was still being controlled by the power of nightmare, so she kept pretending.

She knew that the young master had Nirvana, so she was not lenient, just to make it more realistic.

From the very beginning, when she woke up, all she thought about was how to escape with the young master.

And all of this, she thought she was still being controlled by the power of nightmare.

just in this moment...

It dawned on her.

Roar! !


A large number of dark void creatures finally came.

Ye Que took a step forward, full of energy and blood, staring at the dark void creatures around, and said indifferently: "If you can get out alive, help me kill people!"

boom! !

Eleven Taoist seeking jade stars, hundreds of thousands of secret techniques, and many pupil techniques were all released.

He started killing.

Amidst the roar, Bing Yining trembled, watched the young master fight, and suddenly smiled unrecognizably: "So, this is the real me, okay, young master, go out alive, I will help you kill, you want to kill me?" I will kill whoever I kill!"

A fifth-order deity, an undead magic **** in the dark night, is killing in this boundless dark void creature.

They live and die together, back to back.

until a month passed.

In the dark void where the ancient gods lived, there were **** kings and hunters everywhere.

They have in-depth knowledge, but basically they dare not enter the deepest part.

All teetering on the edge.

There are also gods watching the show.

Yin Xue sneered even more: "It's been a month! A whole month! Even if you are the number one **** king in the universe, you won't survive!"

He looked at the deepest part, with playfulness in his eyes.

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