God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1078: little girl joins the battle

Zimeihua listened to Ye Que's words and acted immediately.

Can Lang listened to Ye Que's words and sneered: "Isn't it over for being so sensible?"

What he said was extremely arrogant, and then, when he saw the tightly bound silver medal hunter standing up, his heart was shocked, and he was stupefied.

Purple Plum Blossom was even more impolite, and just kicked up.

"Don't kill him, I'm still useful!"

Ye Que grabbed the disabled wolf and flew up.

The remnant wolf was scared to pee in an instant.

At this moment, he came back to his senses, and a strong fear surged in his heart.

This is not a silver medal hunter at all, but a top powerhouse.

They were out of trouble a long time ago, but they were just fishing for big fish.

But he was still chattering in front of the other party?

"Last time you were lucky, but this time you might not!"

Ye Que threw the remnant wolf at the black card hunter like a cannonball.

Can Lang's heart trembled, and he instantly understood the meaning of the other party's words.

Yes, from the very beginning, he was very lucky not to provoke the other party to death, but now, he provoked him again, and in the end, there was only death.

"Do not kill me!!"

The remnant wolf screamed.

"It actually let you escape!"

At the critical moment, the black card hunter, covered in blood, was ready to completely suppress the dark void god, but unexpectedly, a remnant wolf flew from the side, startling him.

Roar! !

The dark void **** took the opportunity to pounce on the black card hunter.

"Not good! Court death!"

The black card hunter cast a secret technique, and the divine light exploded. Even so, the dark void **** succeeded and scraped away half of his body.

He was furious, and smashed the flying wolf into pieces with a slap.

As soon as the remnant wolf shattered, Ye Que behind him suddenly revealed his figure.


Before the black card hunter finished speaking, a scene that made him fear appeared.

This silver medal hunter, with a wave of his hands, tens of thousands of secret techniques, like the light of violently exploding fireworks, illuminate the dark void, and their bright lights are intertwined, turning into an aurora, dyeing the dark void eerie and bright .

But the silver medal hunter rushed towards him amidst these rays of light.

At this moment, he realized what a fatal mistake he had made.

"You've been waiting for this opportunity for a long time! Don't kill me! I'll give you..."

The black card hunter turned around tremblingly.

He had never seen anyone in the starry sky who could perform so many terrifying secret techniques in one blow.


Ye Que's full firepower, the power of the secret technique, the pupil technique, and the bloodline, all hit the black card hunter, and even the nearby dark void **** was not spared, and was also covered.

Rumble! !

Rumble! !

The strange light exploded, as if the starry sky had just appeared, with the breath of the original desolation.

The black card hunter was gradually wiped out amidst the screams.

Ye Que yelled, any secret technique was played round after round with a wave of his hand, three to four hundred thousand kinds of secret techniques poured out crazily, non-stop, non-stop, all smashed up.

Zimeihua in the rear, according to the plan, is going to follow suit to suppress the dark void gods.

As soon as she took a step, countless lights exploded in front of her, making her stunned for an instant.

This scene…

too horrible!

She never expected that the other party could be so strong!

"It's so familiar... This kind of secret technique bombing seems to be only known by the little ancient gods..."

While murmuring, a violent roar resounded through the dark void.

Boom! Boom! Rumble! !

She was so shaken that her bones were about to fall apart.

Looking at the explosion again, the great **** had already entered it and defeated the black card hunter. At this time, he was already holding a stick to kill the dark void **** covered by the secret technique.

Roar! !

The dark void **** roared and shook, carrying countless attacks, and launched a counterattack against Ye Que.

He is a fifth-level deity who is seriously injured, and his combat power has fallen to the peak of the third-level deity. Even so, it is not so easy to suppress.


Violent noises, devastating shock waves, and countless strange lights intertwined together, disrupting the dark void.

A doomsday scene kicked off in an instant.

"You either shoot or run! Don't get in my way!"

Ye Que cursed at Zimeihua.

With just this distraction, his head was smashed by the hoof of the monster bull.


Zimeihua was frightened.

But in the blink of an eye, Ye Que's head recovered from Nirvana.

"Ancient God Nirvana!!"

"You are a little ancient god!!"

Zimeihua's mind was shaken in an instant, and she turned into a little girl.

She has always been fantasizing about the power of the ancient god, fantasizing about becoming an ancient god, and even more wanting to be the daughter-in-law of a lesser ancient god.

That beautiful fantasy still remains in her young girl's heart.

Now, seeing the moment of the little ancient god, she really thought that the fantasy had come true, and the blood boiled all over her body, rushing straight to her brain.

With a scream, she stepped forward with a bang, and a pair of translucent wings bloomed from her back.

There are law patterns on the wings, but unfortunately there is no law, it can be regarded as a pair of immature wings of law.

"Little Ancient God, I am Fa Xiaomei of the Fayi Human Race, ahhh! I love you so much!"

This Hanhan's blood boiled with enthusiasm, and he was unbearably excited. His moves were full of secret techniques. Although they were pitifully few, they were still the power of a second-level god, and they were somewhat effective.

Ye Que said with a dark face: "Stay away, if you die, you will really die!"

This silly girl might really ruin his business.

"Okay, okay! Come on, little ancient god!"

The little fan girl joins the battle, remote output.

"I am not young!"

Ye Que fought to the death with the demonic bull. His whole body was covered in blood, his limbs were broken, and his arms were broken. He was desperately fighting for his life.

With a wave of his hand, tens of thousands of secret techniques fell down, like countless meteorites falling on the planet, stirring up monstrous light, and the dark void trembled.

Pupil techniques such as black flame, illusion, god's real hand, galaxy explosion, etc. are also poured into the dark void god.

Fa Xiaomei was dumbfounded, witnessing the ancient god's full-strength battle with her own eyes, feeling its terrifying fluctuations on the spot, shocked her so much that her heart and soul trembled.

"This... is this still a **** king?"

She was shocked, she was obsessed, and she didn't forget to take out a recording treasure to record this scene.

This ominous creature is a fifth-order god. Although it is in a fallen state, its ability has not weakened. Now it is suppressed and beaten by the ancient god. It is too terrifying.

"I want to tell all the people in the starry sky that the ancient gods are powerful! Only the king of gods can fight against the fifth-order gods!"

She was short of breath, and the moment she saw the ancient god, her heart was in a mess.

Looking at Ye Que again, he was desperate and not careless.

This guy was seriously injured, and was suppressed by a black card hunter. It was only when he made a move, with all his strength and desperately, that he was able to suppress the opponent gradually.

This shows the opponent's strength even more.

It also showed Ye Que's cautiousness.

"You must die!!"

He didn't dare to slack off, outputting unlimited firepower to the peak, until the end, and mindlessly pouring damage on the opponent.

Suddenly, the dark void **** screamed and began to lose strength.

Injuries, exhaustion, and the current saturation attack made him unable to resist, his mind trembling, and he turned around and wanted to run.

"Where to run!!"

Ye Que smashed it down with a stick.

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