God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1074: Purple Plum's Boast (4)

Can Purple Plum Blossom be threatened at will?

Her original intention was not to save the little silver medal hunter, but to target the disabled wolf.

"Do you dare to try to move him?"

Zimeihua stood in front of the remnant wolf, her voice was light and calm, but the iconic purple plum dress showed that this person didn't care about revealing his identity at all.

This is the self-confidence of a strong man.

At least Can Lang didn't dare to face the edge.

Zimeihua is well-known and has a tough attitude, which scares Can Lang.

He clenched his fists tightly, feeling extremely ugly, and even thought that the silver and gold medal hunters behind him were staring at him mockingly.

The edge is on the back.

He took a deep breath, suppressed the humiliation and anger, turned his head and gloomily stared at Ye Que and said, "You are very lucky to meet Zimeihua to help you! However, you are only lucky this time! Just wait and see!"

Ye Que glanced at Purple Plum Blossom, feeling a little good about it. Although he doesn't need anyone's help, it's one thing to take the initiative to help or not.

Turning his eyes, seeing Can Lang's man-eating eyes and Chi Guoguo's threatening tone, he smiled: "Yeah, you are just lucky this time."

If Purple Plum Blossom wasn't there, Can Lang would definitely die today.

But these words fell into Can Lang's ears, and he immediately laughed back angrily: "I haven't seen such an interesting silver medal hunter for a long time!"

"Boy, let's go. My sister will **** you to the Dark Void Passage today. As for whether you can come back, it depends on your luck."

With her hands behind her back and wearing a gold medal mask, Zimeihua slowly flew towards the dark void passage.

"I have a name, Ye Fei."

Ye Que never puts on airs, as long as he feels compatible, the other party is a little Martial Emperor Wu Zun, even at Yuan Wujing, he can also brag about the other party.

"Ye Fei...you really dare to reveal your name, you really have a big heart."

Zimeihua didn't think much about it, it was a matter of dropping by.

It's just that I didn't expect this kid to dare to reveal his name. I hope it's a fake name.

"It's fake anyway."

Ye Que is straightforward, he has many false names, such as Ye Chen, Ye Han, Han Ye, Ye Liangchen, Gatling Bodhisattva and so on.

Well, Gu Haochen is not a pseudonym, it is his real name of the ancient god.

"Hehehe, you are really interesting."

Purple Plum Blossom chuckled.

One after the other, the two entered the dark void passage and stepped into the dark void completely.

Here is a dark color, whether it is a galaxy, a star or a shooting star, it is all dark, as if it has lost its light and is very depressing.

Feeling this kind of oppression, Ye Que inexplicably showed a cautious attitude of keeping a respectful distance.

The dark void is the other side of the starry sky, which contains mystery and danger, and is something that all starry sky creatures repel and fear.

Ye Que doesn't reject or fear, but chooses to keep it at arm's length.

It's just because of the dark void, it's not as scattered as the starry sky.

There are thousands of races in the starry sky, which seem to be prosperous, but in fact they are doing their own thing and fighting constantly.

On the other hand, the Dark Void is dominated by the legendary True King of the Dark Void, surrounded by the top ten seals.

Each Seal Lord alone controls a thousand Thousand God Palaces, and each Thousand God Palace alone controls tens of thousands of giant nests of dark void.

Each giant nest alone controls countless dark, empty and weak nests.

Each weak lair of the dark void is distributed all over the dark void, and there are a large number of fierce creatures of the king of the gods and below, and even gods.

"This is a starry sky that has not suffered from star demons, has not suffered from racial wars, and is racially unified and highly centralized..."

Zimeihua's eyes were in a trance, and she mumbled something, not knowing whether to say it to Ye Que or to herself.

The dark void that existed since the birth of the universe has multiplied to this day...

There are so many strong people in it that it is terrifying.

It is estimated that there is really a saying that there are thousands of people in the starry sky, there are so many ways to make things, and the situation that creations are walking all over the ground appears.

"They are so strong, why don't they choose to invade the starry sky?"

Ye Que has been in the starry sky for a long time. Although he knows the general situation of the dark void, he still doesn't understand why the dark void is so stable. The resources of the starry sky are obviously more.

"Little guy, have you heard of the ancient gods?"

Facing the dark void, Zimeihua felt a little bit of emotion and fear, so she seldom said a few words to Ye Que, and at the end, there was a hint of arrogance at the corner of her mouth.

Ye Que spared his head and said with a smile, "I am."

Zimeihua rolled her eyes, not wanting to make such an idiotic joke with this guy: "It's not funny at all, okay?"

"Okay, you go on."

Ye Que smiled lightly.

"It is said that the dark void creature is the first life born in the universe. It is so powerful that it can unify the light and dark sides of the universe, that is, the starry sky and the dark starry sky."

"But... do you know why they dare not unify the double starry sky?"

Purple Plum Blossom was excited, and she was excited to talk, just like those people who get drunk and start bragging about state affairs.

"you say."

Ye Que was also curious about what this girl was thinking.

"Because of the ancient gods! The ancient gods are as strong as clouds, and their 13-star ancient gods can climb to the top of the starry sky and step on the gods of creation. He alone makes the entire dark starry sky dare not send a single soldier. !"

The corner of Zimeihua's mouth curled up, her waist straightened.

"It's fake, there are also star sea worms, these idiots are also quite fierce."

Ye Que analyzed it carefully.

"Fart! You know what you know! The ancient gods are the strongest, those idiots just know how to eat and drink all day long!"

Zimeihua stared at Ye Que, and seeing Ye Que was silent, she thought that the other party was like her, thinking of the destruction of the ancient gods, so she sighed softly.

"This is the difference between the dark void and the starry sky. Fighting and killing in the starry sky, I can't wait for this clan to be wiped out and that clan to disappear. The ancient gods were killed by the star demons and **** clan beasts under such circumstances. "

Zimeihua clenched her fists tightly, quite indignantly.

Ye Que listened enthusiastically, this little girl has a strong sense of justice, but she can understand.

Without this sense of justice, it is estimated that he would not have helped him.

"However, even so, the ancient gods are still terrifying. The thirteen-star ancient gods are too powerful. They will frighten the true king of the dark void and all life in the dark void!"

This is probably the little girl's own guess. In the end, she was very excited.

Ye Que's face darkened, and he was speechless when he thought of the old patriarch.

If it weren't for the old patriarch, how could he be hunted down by all the **** kings in the universe?

"So, we can have a stable today, thanks to the 13-star ancient gods, the ancient gods are too strong! With them, I dare to face the dark void!"

Zimeihua became even more excited when she said this, and turned to Ye Que and said, "Have you heard of the little ancient god? And the legend of the fifteen-star ancient god?"

Ye Que almost spat out a mouthful of water.

Fifteen-star ancient god?

He made it up by bragging himself, how did it get here?

"What legend?"

Ye Que was really curious, he looked at Zimeihua with a confused face.

"The little ancient **** is the eleven-star ancient **** who was thrown into the starry sky by the thirteen-star ancient **** to undergo hell-level training. Did you know that the little ancient **** was once bullied by many creator gods and creator gods, At the time of danger, the ancient gods of the fifteen stars descended, and with one order, a hundred thousand ancient gods rushed over!"

Zimeihua waved her hand, she didn't know where she heard the new version, and she spoke with even more enthusiasm.

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