God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1071: The Second Coming of the Prophet (1)

"Brother, did the Silver Wing Hunter Pavilion provoke you?"

Even the local dogs think that the Silver Wing Hunter Pavilion is too miserable.

"Almost killed me! What do you think?"

Ye Que squinted at the dog.

"Dare to mess with my elder brother, I'll gather a group of brothers tomorrow and dig up the ancestral graves of the Silver Wing Clan!"

The earth dog took out the golden shovel and cursed.

"Call me when the time comes!"

Ye Que was most afraid of the Silver Wing Clan, but he was not afraid of the Silver Wing Clan.

The Silver Wing Clan ranks twenty-eighth. They created a method in ancient times, and were later ravaged by star demons. Now they don't even have tenth-level gods, and the strongest are only seven-level gods.

When he was looking for a way to deal with the Prophet, he followed suit.

"Okay, let's get started!"

The earth dog went to look for sellers, and Ye Que went to the underground market, looking for shops in the Silver Wing Hunter Pavilion everywhere, buying all kinds of god-level materials wantonly.

Ye Que knew that this kind of thing would not last long, after all, it was too disruptive to the market, and it was easy to be beaten by the Silver Wing Hunter Pavilion.

So, take advantage of the fact that you can earn a few pennies now.

Batch after batch, Ye Que earns the middle price, which is not an ordinary effort.

Received from the Silver Wing Hunter Pavilion, and is selling it to the Silver Wing Hunter Pavilion.

The material remains the same, but the price has been raised several times.

As a result, most of the shops in the Silver Wing Hunter Pavilion were almost destroyed by him.

Because Ye Que made too much noise, many branches of Silver Wing Hunter Pavilion began to contact the headquarters and report to the higher-ups, and some contacted other branches to ask if there was a black-hearted traitor.

Oh shit.

When I asked this, something went wrong.

"Damn, they were all cheated!"

"So it's not just my family that suffers, but also other branches! He came here for our Silver Wing Hunter Pavilion, right?"

When several shopkeepers gathered together, their lungs were about to explode.

Suddenly, a shopkeeper said, "What is he buying so much for?"

"No, he probably wants to sell it to the underground market!"

"Damn, he won't sell us the Silver Wing Hunter Pavilion again, right?"

Several shopkeepers were caught off guard.

At this time, the black-card hunter from the Silver Wing Hunter Pavilion came over, he was a fifth-level god.

That's right, it was the fifth-order deity that was dealt with by Ye Que last time.

In the Silver Wing Hunter Pavilion, there is one sixth-tier **** and two fifth-tier gods, and he is one of them.

As for the seventh-level **** in the Silver Wing group, he is still in the guardian group and has not come here.

At this time, the fifth-order **** walked over with a silver mask and a dark face. Before he had time to ask, when he heard about this, he was almost so angry that he exploded on the spot.

"Buy ours at a discount and sell them to us at a high price?"

Yinxue, the fifth-order deity, asked through gritted teeth.

The funds of these shops all come from the Silver Wing Hunter Pavilion. If the funds in them are broken or there is a mistake, it will bring huge losses to the entire Silver Wing Hunter Pavilion, and it may even go bankrupt and dissolve.

"I guess so..."

Some shopkeepers are careful.

"Come on, follow me to the underground market, I want to see who dares to mess around!"

Yin Xue took the people to the underground market.

Coincidentally, Ye Que resold another sum of materials to the Silver Wing Hunter Pavilion shop in the underground market.

"I made another 1.5 trillion yuan! It's so cool!"

Now, he has resold several transactions, making a total net profit of 4.7 trillion yuan. Adding his own 3 trillion yuan, he got 7.7 trillion yuan.

Ye Que was overjoyed thinking about it.

"The 13 trillion fourth-grade star core is not far away, and it is only 6 trillion to break through to the tenth-order **** king!"

He rubbed his hands, turned around and was about to go to the ground, but he ran into an old acquaintance head on.

Thanks to his disguise now, otherwise the fifth-order **** would chase him and cut him down.

"I have to go! Seeing the gloomy look on this guy's face, I guess he's here to ask for trouble."

Ye Que sighed lightly, thinking that he could only change the target.

He took the earth dog and left together, and passed by Yinxue.

And Yinxue didn't know that the profiteer left beside him, but went straight to his own shop in the underground market. When he asked, his mentality collapsed.

"Buy ours, sell it to us, and earn three to four trillion yuan in the middle, who is it?"

Yinxue was furious, but he was also very calm, and quickly ordered all his shops to close to prevent that profiteer from coming again.

He was so angry that his chest heaved and he couldn't let go of the aggrieved feeling, and he was so angry that his seven orifices were smoking.

Let's talk about Ye Que.

He went to the above-ground market and saw that all the shops in the Silver Wing Hunter Pavilion were closed, thinking that the other party should have found out.

"Go, go to another house!"

However, before Ye Que had time to go far, he saw the people from Fangshidian come to check the shops and observe the passers-by back and forth, as if they were looking for something.

He frowned slightly, trying to listen to what these people said.

Suddenly, his face turned black.

"Did the news spread so fast?"

He knew what these people were here for, to find the guy with the half-fold card.

It's true, his behavior of destroying the market has already attracted the attention of Fangshidian. It is estimated that if he continues like this, he will be troubled by the people of Fangshidian.

"Forget it, I also earned three or four trillion yuan, enough!"

Ye Que didn't want to finish it, but he also knew the lesson that greed is not enough, so he was ready to stop.

"Are you so capable? What did you use to earn three or four trillion yuan?"

A cold voice came from the side who was caught off guard.

Ye Que narrowed his eyes, turned around and punched.

With a bang, the void exploded.

The black shadow behind disappeared ahead of time.


His face darkened slightly, feeling the breath of his black shadow deliberately left in the void, and his voice was more cautious: "Peerless God King!"

"If it weren't for the 13-star ancient **** of your clan, our clan would have sent gods to destroy you! However, your ancient **** clan can only rely on him. What!"

The black shadow slowly appeared, wearing light armor, holding a sickle that seduces the soul, and the unique tentacles of the prophet on his head have been covered by the light armor, which is tightly protected.

Ye Que sneered coldly: "The Prophet is so strong, why did he have to hide in the central starry sky for hundreds of millions of years in the face of the Star Demons, relying on the star sea worms to survive?"

This hurts my heart.

The light-armored prophet didn't speak, and his killing intent became stronger and stronger.

In the end, he said indifferently: "I'm just waiting to avoid a conflict, Ancient God, no matter how well you pretend, the prophetic aura that my prophet left on you before he died, you can't erase it!"

"In this case, let's fight! I'm only a ninth-rank **** king. With your peerless **** king strength, you can easily destroy me!"

When Ye Que stepped on his feet, a golden light spread from the soles of his feet.

"Ninth-rank God King?"

The Prophet in light armor frowned slightly, trying his best to suppress the horror on his expression.

He originally thought that the other party was the top among peerless **** kings.

But never expected that the other party was only a ninth-rank **** king.

Thinking of the scene where this person destroyed the gods and kings, he was terrified. It may be based on the prophet's sense of superiority. He didn't want to admit how strong the other party was: "In front of the prophet, you are a stupid, clumsy ant!"

"So much bullshit, come on, hit me!"

Ye Que walked towards the prophet.

"If I kill you, do I still need to do it myself? I will make your identity public. Let's see how many hunters want to hunt you. Look at the two fifth-level gods and one sixth-level **** in the Silver Wing Hunter Pavilion. How to kill you!"

As soon as the light-armored prophet finished speaking, his face changed drastically, because he understood the other party's thoughts.

The prophet can predict the opponent's thoughts in the next three seconds, and can also predict the opponent's actions in the next three seconds.

As soon as he finished speaking, he guessed what the other party was going to do, and his figure exploded.

Then it was too late.

"I know you are special, so how could I not have taken precautions in advance, come in, enter this mustard space! I want to see how capable you are!"

As soon as Ye Que took a step, the world changed into a golden world.

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