God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1060: dark moon and high wind (2)


Ye Que was dressed in black, wearing a nightmare mask, and went straight to the top of the sky after being invisible.

"Above the Double Void Square City is the territory of the Void Clan. The Void Clan is divided into ten territories. We are going to the tenth territory. There is a geomantic treasure land on the edge. I think there are treasures there!"

The earth dog is covered by the map of the gods and spirits, so pitch black that it is not easy to be found.

"It won't be the ancestral grave of the Void Clan, right?"

Ye Que's face darkened, and he felt a little guilty.

That's the ancestral grave of the thirteenth race, so it's not easy to provoke.

The Void Clan hides extremely deeply and has never been ravaged by star demons, so they are very powerful and have two creation methods.

If he digs someone's grave, if he is caught by Zaofa, the **** will be thrown out.

"Definitely not! I know all the ancestral graves in the top ten territories of the Void Clan, and the edge is not within the range of the Void Clan's ancestral tombs. You can dig them!"

The earth dog swears, and looks like an expert.

After saying this, Ye Que felt a little relieved.

The two brothers came to the top of the sky, inside the dog's tooth ring, spit out a shit-yellow halo.

"This is a tomb-digging ring, which can penetrate through the powerful enchantment! This is unique in the starry sky!"

The earth dog smiled triumphantly, and then got into it.

Ye Que thought about it, thinking of finding a chance to get the grave-digging ring.

Through the enchantment, you come to another strange continent, which is more spacious and in a time of complete silence.

"This is the tenth territory of the Void Clan, brother, it's not far ahead."

The earth dog ran to a barren hill ahead, and Ye Que hurriedly followed. At the same time, he secretly released Fuck and Niubi, and cast a spell to cover up the light on them for the purpose of letting the wind out.

When they came to the barren hills, the earth dog dug with a golden shovel.

Ye Que also took out his black stick and began to pry stones.

When the moon is dark and the wind is high, the two goods start digging for treasure.

Fuck and Niubi hide in the woods, gnawing on all kinds of flowers and trees, keeping their eyes alert for things around them.

Suddenly, a large number of strong men from the tenth territory came, all of whom were in the first and second ranks of gods.

In front of these strong men, there is also a masked robber who is running desperately.

"I still want to steal the pet of my family's daughter, I want to die!"

"This is the tenth territory of the Void Clan. If you dare to mess around, you will be killed!"

"Go, intercept him!"

These first- and second-tier gods chased and killed them frantically, the masked robber was sweating, and the strength of the first-tier gods was exerted to the limit, but they still had to be caught up.

Seeing that something big was about to happen, he cast the secret technique, his speed skyrocketed, he panicked and rushed into the barren mountain.

But at this time, Ye Que and the earth dog were digging really hard, they dug up a corner of the stone gate below, and suddenly the star sea worm gave an alert.

In the next moment, countless strands of powerful power swept over.

Ye Que and the earth dog were taken aback.

Could it be that it was discovered?

"Fuck, awesome! Come here!"

Ye Que flew towards the star sea worm.

Earth dog:? ? ?

You were discovered, and you are still awesome.

What about trouble?

Of course, before he could think about it, things went awry.

The masked thief came very fast, smashing the ground and shattering the mountains, and just happened to meet Ye Que head-on.


The masked thieves slashed away, and the golden law inside fell viciously.

Ye Que's face changed slightly, thinking that if the other party is so cruel, then he is not polite, and instantly opened his blood, his form is not exposed under the cover of the nightmare, but his strength has risen infinitely.

He smashed the knife with one punch, turned around and kicked, knocking the masked robber to the ground.

"Fuck him!"

The earth dog took the gold shovel and slapped it down with one shovel.

"Take a shovel and run away! You **** me up and said you wouldn't be discovered! Something big happened!"

Ye Que felt a great pressure coming, so he ran away immediately.


The earth dogs wanted to run too, but the masked thieves took too much time for them, and the group of strong men had already surrounded them.

"Looking at the situation, we can only forcefully break through!"

Ye Que saw that the group of strong men formed a circle with killing intent on their bodies, and immediately wanted to break out of the encirclement.

Unexpectedly, the other party's behavior made him dumbfounded.

"Finally caught this masked thief! Huh! The task can be explained!"

"Thank you to these two brothers!"

The two second-tier gods in the lead wiped off their sweat and thanked Ye Que and the earth dog with a smile.

One person and one dog are a little confused.

But they were experienced and understood what was going on in a blink of an eye, so they all expressed their impoliteness.

"Just passing by, it's easy!"

"Nothing, let's go first!"

Ye Que and the earth dog laughed dryly, turned around and left.

The Void Clan is not limited to these powerhouses, and if they stay any longer, something will happen.

"Hey, what are the names of the two brothers?"

Seeing that he could not catch up, the leader of a second-tier **** asked questions.

"Leave your name anyway, don't run away in such a hurry!"

Another second-tier **** spoke again, which made Ye Que and Tugou even more guilty.

What are you running for?

Did you do something wrong?

The two of them stopped immediately, and Ye Que sighed softly: "If you want to change your name or your surname, my name is Ye Han."

"My name is Xin Yongsheng, it's a trivial matter, nothing to worry about!"

The earth dog made an excuse casually.

They didn't dare to stay any longer, and flew into the distance.

"Brother, let's come back tomorrow. I have already buried that place and covered it with a special technique of digging graves! It is difficult for the gods to find!"

"It's a good thing they didn't come to look for us! Let's go!"

The two returned to the mainland of the Double Void Square City below, and stayed for a day. On the second night, they ran up again, sneaking around and being more careful than last time.

Came to the last location and excavated again.

When they dug to the stone gate and could go in, there was another wave from behind, and it was stronger than last time.

"Discovered again?"

Ye Que covered the Shimen, trying to find a place to hide, but it was too late.

Those who came were two masked thieves, who were at the second level of gods and spirits, and flew over directly. Behind them, there were also a large number of strong men chasing and killing them, just like last night.

These two goods are stronger than the first-order gods last time, and they are also flying to where he is.

His face was black: "Oh! Did it on purpose?"

These two guys are also very vicious. Seeing Ye Que blocking the way, he cast a deadly trick: "Get out! Court death!"

Ye Que had no choice but to take out the beating stick, open the blood instantly, go down with the stick two or three times, and beat the two guys to their knees and howl.

The two shovels of the earth dog went up to make up the knife, casually groping for the treasures on the two guys.

"Hey! Brother Ye Han and Brother Yongsheng!"

"It's these two kind-hearted people again, thank you very much, if you didn't intercept them, we almost failed to hunt them down!"

This group of strong people is also a little confused, why this place is exactly the same as yesterday, and what happened is similar to yesterday.

"Where, where!"

"It's just passing by, it's nothing to worry about!"

Without blushing or panting, the two turned around and ran away.

Seeing them leave, the inspectors of the Void clan guarding the tenth territory sighed softly: "Good people! There are not many!"

Let's talk about Ye Que.

He said with a dark face: "Oh, come back tomorrow, I don't believe that I can encounter exactly the same thing again!"

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