God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1051: High Antique God (4)

He attacked with a large number of secret techniques, and although most of the anger of the **** kings behind him disappeared, after all, they already knew the reason why the ancient gods provoked them, but in order to reward them, they still attacked fiercely.

A large area covered the past, even covering those few gods.

The hearts of the **** kings were shocked.

When they saw that the ancient **** was covered in blood, had been destroyed many times, his limbs and arms were broken, and he was still attracting their attention. His purpose was to drive away the three gods...

The way they looked at the ancient **** changed.

This man was burdened with infamy, anger and pursuit, just to drive away the three gods and save his woman.

How much courage is needed for this.

For a moment, they looked at the ancient gods without any anger, but with admiration, envy and amazement.

Of course, having said that.

You still have to get the rewards you should get. These **** are very ruthless, and their moves are fatal.

However, he was also deeply touched by the actions of the ancient gods, so when he made a move, he deliberately shrouded the attack on the three great gods.

They are a large group of **** kings, each of whom has a history, so they are not afraid of the gods, and the gods don't want to die, don't want to be wiped out, so they can only endure it honestly.

The **** kings can empathize, seeing all the creatures in the live broadcast, they naturally understand the intentions of the ancient gods.

"In order to save my lover, I was willing to attract tens of thousands of **** kings. I was beaten to pieces many times, my limbs were broken, and I was almost left behind several times!"

"Oh my God! Before, I kept calling him stupid and arrogant... No... I didn't expect... Ahhh! What kind of love is this!"

"Yeah, he was too arrogant before, and he scolded the **** king when he saw him. I wanted to beat him to death! Unexpectedly, there is such a beautiful scene hidden in it!"

"What the hell, let me eat dog food after a fight! Let no one live!"

"He's so handsome! He's so courageous! When everyone was puzzled and cursed at him, he chose to be indifferent, just to save his lover! Hey! I lost!"

"In this battle, I decided not to support either side. It doesn't matter whether the **** king of my clan suppresses the ancient gods or the ancient gods fight back, it's their own choice!"

"Yeah, I don't support either side."

"This is the Silver Wing Clan, right? Being so shameless and bullying their women, the Ancient God had no choice but to call the God King to rescue them! I really want to kill them!"

Many creatures in the starry sky were instantly shocked by the intention of the ancient gods, and a feeling that their souls were trembling filled their whole bodies.

So what about bearing infamy?

What about being hunted down?

In order to save his own woman, the ancient **** would give up everything!

This is not something anyone can do!

On the other hand, the Silver Wing Clan was scolded by countless people.

It is estimated that after this battle, the Silver Wing Clan can be regarded as a stinking street.

Look at Ye Que again.

Behind him was a dense attack, he kept resisting, and he was also constantly nirvana, but his footsteps did not stop, and he was still fast.

He killed the three gods and cursed: "You have the guts to beat me! Three idiots! How could your grandpa turtle have you three grandsons!"

Rumble! !

Slice after slice of attack swept away.

Although the three gods of the Silver Wing Clan were not afraid of these attacks, they were too scattered after all, but they were shocked by their aura and feared by the race behind the **** king.

Look at that Bing Yining, who risked his life to resist.

The fifth-level **** of the Silver Wing Clan said with a gloomy face: "Black Hunter, I remember you! The Silver Wing Hunter Pavilion in the hunter organization will trouble you!"

Turning her head, she looked at Gu Shen and said, "Don't even think about it!"

After all, run away directly.


Ye Que had already thoroughly remembered the Silver Wing Clan, the Silver Wing Hunter Pavilion, and this fifth-level god.

If he goes to Double Void, his goal will be to destroy the Blade Hunter organization.

As for the Tier 1 and Tier 2 gods?

"Leave them both!"

Ye Que yelled loudly. He was already at the forefront. With Bing Yining's assistance, he directly intercepted the first and second rank gods of the Silver Wing Clan.

"not good!"

The expressions of the first-tier and second-tier gods changed drastically, and they wanted to escape.

The fifth-order gods wanted to take action even more, but saving people was not the same as killing people.

It is much more difficult to save people, and with Bing Yining's obstruction, unless the fifth-order **** stays to fight, otherwise, he can't stop it at all.

"If you dare to kill someone, I will kill you!"

The fifth-order **** was angry and pointed the finger at Ye Que.

Ye Que sneered: "Since you've said that, then I'm really doomed!"

"Okay! I want to see who dares to anger the gods!"

The fifth-level **** of the Silver Wing Clan was enraged and forced to stay. He didn't hurt the God King, but he wouldn't stop there.

Ye Que grinned grinningly, facing the overwhelming attack, and killed him head-on.

The fifth-order **** was angry and suppressed it with a slap.

He knew that the other party had nirvana, so a slap was considered punishment.

If you really want to kill, you still dare not.

Now it is the war of the **** kings, and it is also stated on the stele of the **** kings that the gods are not allowed to take action.

Now that the entire universe is broadcasting live, the little Silver Wing Clan cannot bear the wrath of killing the ancient gods, the anger of the thirteen three-star ancient gods.


Before Ye Que was crushed, he took a sinister look at the fifth-order gods, and at the same time cast a large number of dazzling secret techniques.

Crackling, the moment he was smashed, all kinds of dazzling brilliance spread, making the eyes of all present slightly narrowed, and they couldn't see clearly for a while.

At this time, Ye Que was reborn from Nirvana, and through the disguise of the eye of good fortune, he copied the soul source of the second-level gods and the foundation of the body.

Yes, he had completed his disguise in an instant.

Also, it's a double disguise.

On the surface it is the disguise of the Nightmare Ancient God, but on the inside it is the camouflage from the root of the Creation Eye.

He has now become a real high imitation of the second-tier **** of the Silver Wing Clan.

At that moment, the real second-order **** was stunned.

"What are you looking at?"

Ye Que slapped it up, and at the same time used the disguise of Nightmare to change the appearance of this second-tier **** into that of an ancient god.

The **** kings couldn't see this scene, but the gods saw it clearly.

Bing Yining was moved to tears, but he was also suffocated by this operation. As for the fifth-level gods and first-level gods, he was even more confused.

Those live gods were also shown so that their scalps tingled, but they all shut up and didn't interfere.

Otherwise, not everyone would be able to bear the slap of the Thirteen Star Ancient Gods.

So, when the countless dazzling rays of light dissipated, the high imitation second-order gods fled in the opposite direction to the top of many **** kings.

Bing Yining is also smart, so he just ran away.

Today, only the high-ranking gods of the Silver Wing clan, the first-order gods and the fifth-order gods are left.

"Hit! Kill him!"

"Kill the ancient god, and we will get the origin!"

The **** kings took advantage of their large number of people, their strength, their strength, their background, and they didn't pay much attention to the gods, so they released their attacks one by one.

At this moment, the attack of 70,000 to 80,000 **** kings concentrated and unified on the high imitation ancient god.

Before the second-order gods could react, people ate a super invincible version of unlimited firepower.

Moreover, this is still highly concentrated, not a concentrated attack of 70,000 to 80,000 **** kings scattered.

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