God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1049: Bing Yining's Despair (2)

More than three trillion fourth-grade star cores.

Although Ye Que expected it, his heart was still heavy.

I looked in my pocket.

There are more than 200 billion remaining, plus the fourth-rank star cores of two fifth-tier gods and seventh-tier gods...

It is only more than one trillion pieces.

"It's still more than 2 trillion... I can only go to Double Void Square City to earn star cores."

Get up and get ready to go out.

As soon as I went out, I saw that the planet was filled with gunpowder and smoke, there were wars everywhere, and there were many corpses of **** kings.

Ye Que's face changed slightly, he glanced around, and found that there were no **** kings, so he hurried to collect the storage rings on the corpses of these **** kings.

Mosquitoes are still meat no matter how small they are, and they can't stand up to the large number. If you gather them together, there will always be a lot of fourth-grade star cores.

As soon as he finished collecting, the entire planet was bombarded by a powerful force.

Ye Que was in the center of the explosion, and suffered a lot of injuries, even his skin was scratched.

"I'm going, what are you doing?"

He opened the eyes of good fortune and scanned the starry sky in the explosion.

Suddenly, he discovered that there was a battle between the gods and spirits between the two planets in front of him, and there were fluctuations in the law of darkness, and the aftermath oscillated out, smashing all kinds of planets around him.

Ye Que's heart moved, and he flew over.

The law of darkness, that is the power of Bing Yining, she is fighting with other gods.

It didn't take long to see what was going on.

Three men with silver wings on their backs, holding the weapon of the gods in their hands, surrounded by the magic of the gods, are besieging Bing Yining.

Now, Bing Yining is covered in blood and surrounded by the net of law, but his will is firm and he is still resisting.

"It's you birdmen again! Why are you so strong!"

Ye Que's face darkened, and he glanced at the three birdmen.

One **** level one, one spirit level two, and one spirit level five.

He is very familiar with the birdmen of the first and second ranks.

In the realm of the ethereal nebula, these two birdmen smashed his body, and if it wasn't for the Nirvana bloodline, he would have died long ago.

Those fifth-order gods should be supported by strong people from the same clan, and they want to take revenge on Bing Yining.

His heart sank to the bottom, and he estimated that even with all his strength, he would not be able to withstand the power of the fifth-order god.

"Huh? There are still people here!"

The fifth-order **** flapped its silver wings and turned to find Ye Que.

"It's the ant blocking the way, why isn't it dead?"

"It's the ancient god. I checked the information before, and his name is Gu Haochen, and he has Nirvana!"

The first-order and second-order birdmen were amazed.

"It turned out to be you! Now you are in the stage of being hunted down by the king of gods. It is difficult for me to wait for the gods to make a move. Spare your life and get out!"

The fifth-order deity is one-eyed, with two wings on its back, and every time it flaps, it can shake out a wind blade. There is the power of law in it, and it is stronger than Bing Yining in terms of strength.

Not to mention, there are first- and second-order gods to assist him.

"Run, son, there are **** kings around. I killed a group before, but there are too many **** kings, and there are still many nearby."

Bing Yining wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and opened his mouth to remind Ye Que.

"Oh? So I know you! Then I'm even more excited! Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

The fifth-order **** looked at Bing Yining with a little more evil look.

He wanted to kill someone before, but now, he changed his mind.

The first-rank and second-rank bird people also heard the meaning of the laughter, turned around, and stared at Ye Que with a gloomy expression.

"Boy, now you are being hunted down by the **** kings of the whole universe. It is not easy for us to kill you. You are lucky!"

The first-order gods play with taste.

"Don't worry, the people in the Silver Wing Hunter Pavilion are very friendly. Although there are **** kings nearby, we will not attract them to come and destroy you."

The second-order birdman had once blown up Ye Que's body, and now there was malicious intent in his eyes.

Ye Que was silent, thinking of a plan in his heart.

The second-order birdman thought Ye Que was acquiescing, so the corner of his mouth twitched: "You can hide here, but you can't mess around, just keep quiet."

As he spoke, he and the first-order gods assisted the fifth-order gods to besiege Bing Yining.

"Little Ancient God, anyway, you are not far away from your death, and today I will let you see a very exciting scene."

The fifth-order gods did not kill Bing Yining, but only surrounded her with a net of laws, and then began to undress.

"Go away!"

Bing Yining was still resisting and did not let the fifth-order **** succeed, but seeing her resistance getting harder and harder, I'm afraid the result would still be miserable.

"Isn't it exciting?"

The second-order birdman looked at Ye Que.

Ye Que was indifferent, turned around and ran away suddenly.

The second-order bird man was taken aback, he didn't expect the other party to do this, but soon he sneered in relief: "Are you so afraid of us? We really won't kill you, there's no need to run!"

"Without the audience, the feeling will drop a lot, but my fire has already risen, you black card hunter can help me put it out."

The fifth-order **** wanted to enter the net of laws, and his tone was full of evil.

The first-level gods assisted the fifth-level gods, shook their heads and said, "The ancient gods are nothing more than that, so cowardly, hmph! In fact, you can watch a big show here, and you can hide from the king of gods, isn't it good?"

Bing Yining was shrouded in the net of law, dodged left and right, and suffered multiple injuries on his body.

Knowing that the young master is a **** of creation, she wanted to ask the young master for help, but she thought that she was not as good as an ant in front of the young master, so she couldn't speak, and silently endured the peerless slaughter.

However, when she saw the son turned and ran away, she was shocked physically and mentally.

Her tender body trembled slightly, her expression was completely frozen, and even the strength of her resistance dropped a lot.

Watching the young master leave in a daze, the invincible **** who helps her all the time and protects her all the time keeps reappearing in front of her mind.

Yes, she has long regarded the son as the whole and only thing in her life.

But... the son abandoned her...

Unknowingly, mist gathered in the pupils, which gradually turned into tears, passing across the stiff cheeks.

Seeing that the black card hunter stopped, as if giving up, the fifth-level **** also stopped, and smiled coldly: "It seems that the relationship is not normal, and your expression makes me feel better, don't resist, or you will be even worse! "

Bing Yining choked, looking at the three gods of the Silver Wing Clan, thinking to himself how could the Star Demon Clan have missed these guys and wiped them all out, so that what happened today would not have happened.

And she can continue to follow the son.

At least, there will be no such scene.

Bing Yining stepped on the net of law, squatted down slowly, covered her cheeks with her hands, as if she was covering something, tears fell drop after drop between her fingers.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie! Get out of the way, let me enjoy it!"

Seeing that the opponent completely gave up resistance, the fifth-level gods entered the net of law.

The moment he entered, Bing Yining slowly raised his head, trembling with red eyes: "I won't let you succeed, I have never been touched by anyone of the opposite **** since I was born, and no one can touch me except son !"

"Master? Where is he now? Hahahaha!"

The fifth-order **** with silver wings on his back looked at Bing Yining playfully, with playfulness in his mouth.

Hearing these words, Bing Yining's body trembled slightly, and the cruel fact that he didn't want to face fell into his ears again.

She desperately looked towards the direction in which the young master was escaping, tears dripped down her eyes, and the gods in her mind, both true and false, gradually collapsed.

But she was not angry, she just accepted all this calmly, but she couldn't accept the cruel fact that the young master left her.

There's no way, she can't do without the son.

Bing Yining smiled palely and sweetly: "Goodbye."

Its internal energy was reversed, flooding the whole body in an instant, and the power of self-explosion rumbled across the ten directions of the universe.

However, at this moment, a familiar voice came from the distant starry sky.

"Come on!! Lao Tzu is the number one **** king in the universe, with countless treasures on his body, and more than ten sources of laws. Whoever kills me will make a lot of money! But you bunch of rubbish, can you kill me? ?”

An arrogant and crazy voice came rumbling.

Then, 70,000 to 80,000 top peerless **** kings came from a distance.

They were stimulated by the ancient god's words, and they were extremely angry: "Kill him! Kill him!"

Looking at Ye Que again, his body was covered in blood from the beating, and his arm had just recovered from Nirvana.

He flew in the direction of Bing Yining, spurting blood all the way. He looked terrifying, but his momentum was not inferior, and he yelled: "A bunch of trash! I am the number one **** king in the universe, what are you? How dare you come and kill me?" I?"

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