God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1047: All the **** kings in the universe are crazy (5)

The first place on it: Gu Haochen (the name of Ye Que's ancient god), and there is a sentence behind it: "The number one **** king in the universe, if you kill the number one **** king in the universe, you can get the reward of the original law of the creation god!"

Under the first place, many restrictions were written.

Powerhouses at the Divine Spirit Realm and above are not allowed to make a move.

Any weapons, methods, formations, and other powers of the Divine Spirit Realm and above cannot be used.

Gu Haochen, an eleven-star ancient god, was commonly known as Ye Que.

This stele was built by the ancient gods with three stars, and there is no deceit.

At this moment, the stele of the God King of the Universe appeared in all the starry sky, and he could see it just by looking up.

Some races that have not yet been able to enter the starry sky are exploring the starry sky with the help of instruments, and they were taken aback when they observed the stele of the King of the Universe.

But no matter who did not enter the starry sky or who entered the starry sky, they all remembered Ye Que.

Those **** kings breathed even more rapidly.

Especially the tenth-level peak **** king, or the peerless **** king, the eyes are more intense and eager.

"This is another chance to hone Ancient God Ye, but it's our chance! We can get the reward from the source of the law. After absorbing it, it is inevitable to become a **** in the future, and there is even a chance to become a law-making god!"

"Oh my god, hurry up and contact your old friends, and go to the extreme southern starry sky together, and then act according to the situation!"

"Reward from the origin of the law! It's really cruel! But, I'm going to make it!"

I don't know how many **** kings are tempted by the rewards on the **** king tablet.

Especially among the top 100 races in the universe, the **** kings are stronger than the other, and they are all eager to try.

It's a pity that these races have been suppressed by the Star Demons for hundreds of millions of years, and not many strong people were born.

For example, some of the top-ranked races in the extreme southern starry sky, such as the giant elves, blood demons, and spirits, have been swept away by star demons many times, and no strong ones can be born.

Otherwise, there would already be many **** kings and dozens of gods.

This is also the case for other races in the starry sky, whose auras have been suppressed by the star demons.

Fortunately, the starry sky races add up to a large number.

It is not difficult for a race to give birth to two or three top peerless **** kings. The number of top peerless **** kings in these races is incalculable.

Moreover, regardless of the top 100 races, they seem to have advantages, but some weak races at the bottom cannot be underestimated.

This kind of weak race may not be strong overall, but they have special abilities in the realm of **** kings, such as being able to fit together, be violent, and be able to master laws for a short time, etc. Their strength is not ordinary.

This phenomenon is not uncommon in the starry sky, it is common.

Therefore, not only the top 100 races, but also the top 1,000, 10,000, and 100,000 **** kings can all stand out.

One can imagine how terrible this must be.

Among the large number of races, there are **** kings who fight, maybe there are only one or two in each race, but the sum is terrifying, and they are all the leaders of their own race, and they have special abilities.

"This is the rule of the Thirteen Three-Star Ancient Gods, and it must be sharpening the Ancient God Ye! Our chance!"

"That's right! In this battle, the Star Demon will attack, and the Protoss may not be able to hold back, so they will also attack! At that time, we will take advantage of troubled waters and kill Ye Gushen!"

"Hahahaha! That is the source of the law. Once mastered, it is inevitable to become a **** in the future, and it is even possible to become a law! We must seize the opportunity!"

"Hmph! How arrogant, claiming to be the number one **** king in the universe, I will meet him today!"

"Who is this Ye Que, that is, Gu Haochen? I've never heard of it. Is he so crazy?"

At that moment, many **** kings came out of their own races. Most of them hadn't followed the live broadcast, and hadn't heard of the ancient god's name. After all, the starry sky was too big, and not everyone was paying attention to others.

Therefore, when they saw the No. 1 God King in the universe on the God King Tablet, they were a little upset.

There are also some who have heard of Ye Que's name, and they come out to reward them.

Although they seem to have only two or three out of one race, or even one or so.

But when they flew to the extreme southern starry sky.

Finished calf.

Only densely packed **** kings appeared, more than when the star demon clan **** kings suppressed Ye Que for the first time.

Moreover, the combat power is top-notch, and there are many people with special abilities, their strength should not be underestimated.

When Ye Que happily went to the Whale Clan to collect the debt, a huge catastrophe came unknowingly.

"My lord, there is a cosmic **** king stele on it, saying that you are the number one **** king in the universe, hum, you are clearly the pinnacle creator god!"

Bing Yining was entangled in the strength of Ye Que's realm.

When Ye Que raised his head, he almost went dumb with fright.

The number one **** king in the universe, Gu Haochen.

There is also a note below, with his name Ye Que.

"Fuck!! Old Patriarch, you are so cruel! How long will it take for me to escape for all the **** kings in the universe to chase and kill me!"

Ye Que's face was dark, very helpless.

Just a Star Demon Clan beat him until he screamed and fled across the starry sky.

Almost all races in this universe participated, and he was completely dumbfounded.

At this time, more important news came.

"The Protoss sent several **** kings to chase and kill Ye Que, and spread the news that whoever can help the Protoss kill Ye Que will get another source of the law!"

"This is the word of the creator gods of the protoss. The words are followed by the law, and they have enveloped the universe, and they will not break their words!"

boom! !

This explosive news made all the **** kings who wanted to kill Ye Gushen red-eyed.

The protoss is the tenth race in the universe, and they are also very strong. It's just that when they fought against the star demons, their mid- and low-end combat power dropped sharply. The Protoss still retains high-end combat power.

There are only two creator gods.

They said that it is not difficult to come up with the source of a law.

Many **** kings are crazy.

As long as you assist the Protoss to kill Ye Que, you can get the source of the law.

This is much lower than the difficulty of directly killing Ye Que.


"I took it too!"

There are a large number of top peerless **** kings, about 70,000 to 80,000, and even more top peerless **** kings are still coming.

They came from all over the universe and all places in the starry sky, gathered together, and became a peerless god-king-level frenzy.

Everyone's eyes were red, and they were ready to kill the number one **** king in the universe.

"I'm a mother!"

Ye Que clutched his heart and almost fainted, but Kuei Bing Yining held him up.

However, even the Protoss participated, how could the Star Demons turn a blind eye?

There was also news from the Star Demon Race.

"The Star Demon Clan will send out three thousand top peerless **** kings, three hundred **** kings who have killed themselves in the realm of gods, and will distribute a large number of god-king realm weapons, killer weapons, formations, and great medicines that are infinitely close to gods. Whoever assists Star Demon to kill Ye Que will get these preparations!"

"Not only that, as long as you assist the Star Demon Clan to kill Ye Que's **** king, you can get the origin of two laws!"

When this news got out, the **** kings in the whole universe went crazy, even the gods were jealous, and many even came to a big gamble.

All of a sudden, all creatures in the universe knew Ye Que's name through the God King Monument, and paid attention to him. What's more, they discovered a huge market and started a live broadcast across the universe.

Before Ye Que was targeted, he became famous in the universe and became the number one celebrity in the universe.

But Ye Que didn't want to.

His face turned green.

How many **** kings does this **** need to kill him.

The old patriarch was too ruthless.

Fortunately, the old patriarch also gave him a voice: "In the situation of not avoiding, facing the pursuit of the **** king head-on, if you can persist for half a year without dying, I will personally quench your body with the law, so that you can get the first law. ! Moreover, this first rule is up to you to choose!"

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