God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1028: hurt each other (4)

The blood demon **** was stunned: "This... this... it's coming again! Moreover, it's dozens of times more terrifying than the last time!"

They were the first to see this horrific sight.

Soon, more creatures saw it and performed secret techniques, or picked up technological products to broadcast live.

The title is simple: Shock! Countless big star demons would do such a thing to a weak man! Blood flowed all over the place!

Many star creatures are very familiar with this scene.

Last time, tens of thousands of **** kings chased and killed the ancient gods, causing chaos in the entire starry sky.

This time, although there are no Myriad God Kings, all of them are the top of the top, and the equipment is also top-level.

Their lethality was sharper and more terrifying, and they beat the ancient gods to escape.

Rumble! !

The starry sky was oscillating, artillery fire continued, and roared endlessly. They went straight to the distance at an extremely fast speed, leaving behind many explosions and noises along the way.

More and more creatures in the starry sky were surprised, and the powerful ones followed behind and broadcast live.

"The Star Demons seem to only attack the ancient gods! Hahaha!"

"Although I'm worried, I really can't help it!"

"The ancient **** is too unlucky, after a while, he was chased and killed by the star demons again!"

"This time the attack is even stronger than before, but the ancient **** has also become stronger. Under so many bombardments, he resisted forcefully!"

"Pay attention to the life star field along the way, and be careful to avoid the aftermath at any time! Be careful of being destroyed!"

Many star creatures complained.

It's a good thing that the Star Demons didn't attack them, otherwise they wouldn't be in the mood to watch the live broadcast.

At this time, the extreme southern starry sky, which had been quiet for several days, became lively again because of the ancient god.

When they thought about it carefully, it seemed that every bustle in the extreme southern starry sky was caused by the ancient gods, especially the ancient **** Ye, who could show off his tricks every time.

Rumble! !

The star demons went all out to attack, Ye Que went all out to resist, swearing, he had no idea that the entire starry sky in the extreme south was paying attention to him.

Even many starry sky creatures in other starry skies are eating melons.

For example, in the star field of Qixing science and technology, as soon as they saw the live broadcast, the star demons hunted down the ancient gods again, and they immediately used cosmic rays to detect.

"Their route will not pass us!"

"For the sake of safety, send the star fleet to defend against the aftermath! At the same time, we must also notify the residents on each planet to enter the underground air-raid shelter!"

The creatures in these star fields were heartbroken, afraid that the ancient gods would come over.

Not to mention them, the same is true for the creatures in other star fields. Some powerful sect forces even closed the mountain in advance, or packed up their bags and moved.

They avoid ancient gods like snakes and scorpions.

call out-

Ye Que gradually approached the star field where the starry sky capital is located.

You Da Neng continued the live broadcast all the way, and many starry sky creatures sensed that something was wrong.

"Wait, the place where the ancient **** is going seems to be the Starry Sky Capital?"

"Fuck! It's really the capital of the stars!"

"Are they...going to provoke star sea worms?"

"Oh my god, the ancient **** is enraged, and wants to use the star sea worm to destroy the star demon."


"Stimulate the hammer, move away quickly! A bunch of star monsters is enough for us to drink a pot in the extreme southern starry sky, plus a star sea worm, if you are not careful, everyone will have to finish the game!"

"Ancient God... this is to hurt each other!"

"Slip away! I'm going to hide outside!"

Many creatures in the starry sky packed their luggage and ran away, but they held technological products or arcane treasures in their hands, and watched the live broadcast while running.

"I just admire the buddy who dares to follow!"

"It is estimated to be a top god, and I am confident that I can escape!"

"That's right, the words of the top gods are generally not in danger!"

"I'm still worried about Little Guigui. If something happens to Little Guigui, I won't be able to give him a baby. I'm so worried!"

"Bah! Shameless woman!"

As they ran and watched, they all wanted to know what kind of sparks would be created between the ancient gods, star demons, and star sea worms.

Boom! Rumble!

The loud noise continued.

The frantic attacks of the Star Demons did not stop, and Ye Que was also attacking and dodging to the limit.

But the Star Demons soon realized that something was wrong.

Before they came to kill the ancient gods, they also knew that there was a swarm of star sea insects in the starry sky capital of the extreme southern starry sky.

It was something that even they didn't want to mess with.

It was because the star sea insect swarm was in the central starry sky that they did not dare to move the star demon clan to the central starry sky.

Now, a star demon noticed that the direction of the ancient **** was the capital of the starry sky, and his expression changed drastically.

"Not good! He's going to the Starry Sky Capital!"

"The ancient **** wants to attract star sea worms to kill us! Stop it!"

"Quick! Stop him at all costs!"

More than 300 gods from the self-defeating realm took the lead in killing them, and the evil and evil secret techniques were cast one after another, and their attacks increased several times again.

The three thousand **** kings behind did not dare to dodge, they could only grit their teeth and attack.

Rumble! !

Rumble! !

The killing intent in the attack increased, and Ye Que's body was destroyed many times in an instant.

He couldn't bear it anymore.

"It seems that the star demon has already sensed that something is wrong! I'm going to fight it out!"

With a dark face, Ye Que burned his essence and blood, cutting himself off from the source, and his combat power rose again, with dark magic flames burning all over his body.

He turned into the God of War in the starry sky, his speed skyrocketed, and his ability to resist increased.

There are more and more secret techniques played by the two sides, and they are becoming more and more powerful.

And the Star Demons became more and more anxious, and in the end, many Star Demon squads flew out, and after a certain distance, they started the teleportation, teleporting to the front of the ancient gods in advance.

They have done this before, but the effect is not obvious, but it will damage many **** kings.

After all, the ancient gods can fight against them if they are divided into multiple strands and their combat power is weakened.

But now, they can't take care of so much anymore, they stop the ancient **** first.

Seeing that the Star Demons were falling behind one after another, Ye Que knew at a glance that these guys had to stay away from the affected area and teleport to his front.

Reluctantly, the area he was in had been restricted by the Star Demon and could not be teleported.

"Damn, I won't take this kind of loss a second time! You still want to stop me, dreaming!"

Ye Que began to toss up and down, left and right, making it impossible for the teleporting star demons to catch up with him.

As for the Star Demon in the rear, they could only follow him up and down, even more helpless.

"Give you some more firecrackers!"

Seeing that there were many Death Stars around, Ye Que immediately used Galaxy Explosion to stop them with explosions.


Star demons are crazier and more powerful in killing.

It's a pity that Ye Que has already figured out their routines and methods. He overdraws his life, kills himself, and escapes their interception time and time again.

In the end, he approached the huge star field where the capital of the starry sky is located.

Ahead, there is a sky blue ocean.

It was caused by the gathering of star sea worms.

The star demons were tangled for a while, their faces were ugly, and everyone's speed slowed down a bit.

Just when they were hesitating whether to leave, the ancient **** who was enraged by them had already made a move.

"Come on! I will hurt each other with you!"

Ye Que turned around, fired three or four waves of infinite firepower, and went straight to the large sky blue ocean, then turned around again, and smiled sinisterly at the Star Demon: "Now, it's time for me to chase you!"

At that moment, he released all the anger and aggrieved in his heart.

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