God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1024: The Confused First Prince (6)

"It is obvious that he can easily save my property with a few star sea worms, but he ignored me and slapped me! This is an insult to the imperial family! It is also an act of disrespect for the prince of the empire. Don't take Uncle Shenling seriously!"

When the eldest prince said these words, he was not too arrogant. Instead, he covered his chest and sighed, with an expression that I was a victim.

But the eyes looking at Ye Que concealed a deep ferocity.

"If there were not so many people here, how could I talk to you in such a tone?"

He smiled coldly in his heart.

Suddenly, seeing Ye Que's angry expression, he immediately frowned, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, with a hint of playfulness in it.

The eldest prince was not afraid of Ye Que's fierce expression.

Because he knew that no matter how fierce the other party was, they couldn't afford to offend him.

But he still sent a voice transmission to the other party, which was regarded as a warning: "Looking at your expression, it should be that the **** tree is gone! That's right, I ordered two peerless **** kings to use a special secret method with me to take it away!"

During the sound transmission, there was arrogance in his eyes.

Ye Que's face gradually turned cold, and there was a murderous intent brewing in the silence.

"Put your expression away! Let me tell you, this is the price of provoking me!"

"Of course, if you keep silent and don't reveal anything about the Spiritual Tree, I will be extra merciful and plead with my Divine Uncle to save you from death!"

"If you want to make a statement, then I can tell you clearly, even if you say it, it's useless. I'm going to kill the Spiritual Tree, and you, too!"

When the sound transmission reached here, the First Prince raised his chin slightly, and the arrogance of the Imperial Prince was undoubtedly revealed.

Immediately, his eyes stared at Ye Que, with a kind of arrogance in it.

Ye Que glanced at each other, then shook his head and sighed: "Damn it, I was sent in by your **** uncle to perfuse you?"

Get up slowly.

The spirit race gods went to help.

Ye Que pushed away and said, "It's okay, don't help me."

In the past, he would definitely touch the other person's **** unceremoniously, but now he is not in the mood.

Standing in the starry sky, he looked at the eldest prince and said: "To be honest, you asked me to save your property against those star sea worms that have destroyed me several times. I think with your arrogant attitude, you can do it." Can do it!"

His tone was very steady, and there was also a kind of oppressive force of planning before moving.

The First Prince frowned, scanned the expressions of the people around him, and his heart skipped a beat.

He subconsciously took two steps back.

Because, he saw that everyone had been silent for some time, their faces were as cold as a cold mountain, and the eyes looking at him were even more hostile and murderous.

"Uncle God."

The eldest prince was taken aback, and turned his head to look at his big backer, his face even paler.

The Sanye God, who had always doted on him, had an ugly expression of anger.

Even the look in his eyes became colder.

Seeing that the eldest prince was flustered, Ye Que curled up his mouth, and said coldly: "But I never expected that I would be destroyed dozens of times inside the star sea worm, and when I was struggling to escape outside! But you were inside my body, heaven and earth, Steal the **** tree I planted!"


The Spirit Race gods were startled by this sentence, and subconsciously said it.

"Crazy guy!"

The whale gods were also shocked.

For the Ancient God to take so much trouble and risk his life to save the people of Starry Sky Capital, it is enough to make them feel guilty.

Unexpectedly, this kid would still speak ill of each other, and in the end, let the ancient gods risk their lives to rescue him for the sake of that bit of property?

But they still underestimated the ugliness of the eldest prince.

He even stole the ancient god's spirit tree while he was going retrograde and couldn't be distracted!

Not to mention that the ancient gods didn't expect it, even any of the starry sky creatures present didn't expect it.

Even watching the part of the live broadcast, I didn't expect it.

But immediately afterwards, all the creatures were angry, and many of them were stunned.

Just imagine, the person you risked your life to save, but slandered you behind your back and stole your treasures.

Whoever thought about it for a moment, felt extremely chilled, and at the same time, monstrous anger was burning.

Although the spirit tree is extinct in modern times, many people will definitely focus on the spirit tree when they hear it.

But now there are many complicating factors in it.

As a result, many people focused on the First Prince.

The eldest prince panicked. He looked around and saw the cold eyes filled with anger and suppressed evil spirit.

That atmosphere made him feel fear.

"Uncle Shenling, I didn't steal the spirit tree, that, let's go first, I don't care about what happened just now."

The eldest prince's self-disordered attitude, full of mistakes and omissions, has made everyone realize that this kid is not only guilty of doing something wrong, but also wants to run away irresponsibly.

"It took us a lot of effort to invite the body of the ancient **** to save hundreds of millions of lives, and the ancient **** also chose to be obliged! You all saw it, but this kid sneered at him!"

The blood demon **** looked at Sanye God with cold eyes, and even more coldly smiled on his mouth.

It wasn't that he was bowing down to the ancient gods to show his favor.

As far as facts are concerned, what the eldest prince did was simply not what a human being should do, and he couldn't help but curse at others.

"In the starry sky capital, who doesn't have any property? Is it just the eldest prince who complains of pain? You want the ancient **** to risk his life to collect the property! God Sanye, if you don't solve this matter properly, your Sanye Empire will It will stink into a pile of **** in the extreme southern starry sky!"

The spirits of the whale race also had a bad look on their faces.

The rest of the gods also spoke up: "Everyone knows how dangerous going backwards is, and this kid is still stealing the spirit tree behind his back! God Sanye, you can figure it out yourself! Don't make people feel bad!"

Tread Tread!

The eldest prince's legs were weak, and every time he heard a sentence, his face turned pale.

This time, he finally realized what kind of mistake he had made.

Turning his head to look at Sanye Shenshen.

There was killing intent in the eyes of Sanye God, and he opened his mouth in silence: "Now, where the Sanye Empire is located, the emperor is also paying attention to this matter?"

"Uncle Shenling, you have to save me, I...I will return the spirit tree to the ancient gods."

The eldest prince trembled.

This statement confirmed that he did take the Spiritual Tree, which made people even more angry.

God Sanye ignored him, but turned around and bowed down to apologize to the expressionless ancient god: "Even the emperor will apologize to the ancient **** like me at this time! As for the eldest prince... throw him into the In the star sea worm swarm, let him experience for himself, what is the power of a few star sea worms."


These words crushed the eldest prince to the point of complete collapse. He knelt on the ground and begged for mercy: "I was wrong! I was really wrong! Uncle Shenling, I was wrong! Please forgive me! I won't dare again!"

The Sanye God snorted coldly: "Useless thing! You are not only discrediting the Sanye Empire, but also discrediting your family! It also chills the hearts of the ancient gods! I will not care about you anymore!"

The eldest prince trembled, looked at the creatures around him, all of them were unmoved by cold eyes, and his heart collapsed even more.

He turned his head and looked at the ancient god.

The ancient **** stared at him indifferently, and said lightly: "Aren't you threatening me? How are you going to save me from death?"

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