God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1017: The role of the giant tortoise in the starry sky (5)

They looked around and saw that the densely packed sky blue star sea worms were horribly devouring everything, and the starry sky capital inside was constantly collapsing. Defense and attack had no effect on so many sky blue star sea worms.

The sky blue star sea worms are almost endless, like a vast ocean, there are too many.

If you really want to have an approximate range, Ye Que estimated that these star sea worms have an area of ​​the solar system.

Each one is the size of a fist, like a ladybug with seven stars, but its whole body is sky blue, and its wings vibrate slightly.

So many star sea worms vibrate together, and the resonance produced distorts the starry sky here, and methods such as teleporting the starry sky gate are completely unusable.

No wonder, the billions of starry sky creatures in the starry sky capital will be trapped, and they will not be able to use the means of teleportation at all.

Click click click!

A planet was swallowed up by star sea worms in the blink of an eye.

Ye Que swallowed, a little timid.

Even if the gods go in, there will be no bones left.

Lift your eyes and look around.

There are also many strong people around watching, but they are helpless.

Some guys were smart enough to directly start the live broadcast, asking for help from the mighty to save the starry sky capital.

"Brother Ye, you are an ancient god, you can be reborn even if you are destroyed, and your speed is very fast. With all your strength, it only takes about 30 seconds to fly over the star sea worms and save the people of the starry sky capital."

The Spirit Race gods spoke solemnly.

Ye Que was in awe, even if it took thirty seconds, he would have to die at least twenty times before he could fly to the starry sky capital.

Look at those star sea worms, the stars are eaten up by them in the blink of an eye, and the gods can't stand it, let alone him.

But right now, it seems that only he can fly over, because he has Nirvana.

"Brother Ye, I have already sent people to collect a large number of fourth-grade star cores in various places of my blood demon clan. When you come out, you will have 300 billion in your hand!"

The blood demon **** said sternly.

"I'm also increasing the money here! You can get it when you come out!"

"Me too."

One by one opened their mouths, Ye Que gritted his teeth, and said, "You don't have to do this, I've already promised, and I have a reason to go! I'll give it a try!"

With this in mind, he activated the four major bloodlines. The Dharma-body bloodline is not very useful at the moment, but it can also increase his strength and ability to resist attacks to a certain extent, so he also activated it.

Taking a deep breath, he retreated three million meters abruptly, twisted his neck, and transformed into a giant tortoise in the starry sky, which was as big as a star, but he quickly shrank to about 100,000 meters.

"Big whale, throw me into it!"

Ye Que hadn't used the form of a giant tortoise for a long time, using the 100% anti-injury of the tortoise shell, he could still last for a while.

Although, this will expose his turtle form, but saving people is the most important thing, getting money is the most important thing.

Besides, the turtle form will be exposed sooner or later, so it is not too much to use it now.

Several gods were stunned.

They didn't expect that the ancient **** had a second clone.

Well, for them, it can only be understood from the second clone.

But to Ye Que, the turtle and the ancient **** are both deities, but the ancient **** uses them more.

Knowing the urgency of the matter, the gods didn't dare to delay, so they flew over without thinking too much.

"I'll increase the defense for Brother Ye!"

The three-leaf **** spirit bloomed with blue light all over his body, and the three-leaf rune on his forehead flew out, as he approached the giant tortoise in the starry sky.

With a bang, the power of the gods spread, startling all the surrounding creatures.

Many living beings are live broadcasting, and they are all asking for help from powerful people from all walks of life. After all, there are hundreds of millions of lives in it, and even the law-making cannot remain indifferent.

It's a pity that except for the battle of the ancient gods that shocked the heaven and man, which attracted Zao Fa to watch, there are almost no Zao Fa to watch the live broadcast now.

As for the top gods, even if they saw it, they didn't have the guts to go into the depths of the star sea worm.

The star sea worm is the second life born in the universe, with the ability to devour everything, even the laws can't handle it.

Therefore, few gods dared to come over.

Most of the creatures could only watch the live broadcast and pray silently in their hearts.

But now, things have turned around.

"Brother Ye, I have a divine weapon blessed on me, which can help you carry it for a while!"

The blood demon gods took out three or four divine weapons. As expected of the blood demon clan with a big business, there are everywhere in Xingkongfang, and the equipment is also top-quality.

Multiple defensive weapons turned into streamers, blessed on the giant tortoise's shell.

"I'm coming too!"

The spirit race gods, like holy goddesses, chanted in a low voice, attracting the tiny power in the cosmic dust, turning them into dots of starlight, gathering on the giant tortoise.

"I have it too!"

The whale gods also took out treasures, and they were blessed with secret techniques on the giant tortoise.

Ye Que only felt that his whole body was heavy, and his defensive power had reached an astonishing level.

His tortoise form has the same realm as the ancient gods, after all, he is the real deity. The ancient gods have the 23rd rank of **** king combat power, and the turtle form also has the 23rd rank of combat power. This time the defense power increases on this basis, The strength is even more terrifying.


He couldn't help but growl, and the sound spread in all directions.

"I'm coming too!"

Another **** came, one thousand meters long, like a dragon or a bird, with black lights blooming on his body, blessing on the giant tortoise.

He is a **** who has been hiding in the extreme southern starry sky for many years. He only dared to show up recently because the star demon clan was suppressed.

"After all, there are hundreds of millions of lives. I can't turn a blind eye. If the ancient **** wants to enter alone, I will admire him!"

There are also other gods coming, and some are **** kings, and all of them bless the giant turtle with secret arts.

Although everyone has disputes and even life-and-death conflicts, everyone has a conscience, and no one has lost their humanity.

Therefore, no one can watch hundreds of millions of lives being swallowed up.

"The Ancient God is not only powerful, but in terms of his heart and attitude, I am far behind!"

"This is my only **** defense weapon, you can use it!"

Many strong men admired it and made moves one after another.

At that moment, the giant tortoise's body was covered with bright light, surrounded by various weapons, and circulated with laws.

He is dazzling and courageous.

Many powerful people were attracted and involuntarily extended a helping hand.

Those live broadcast creatures even broadcast this scene live.

For a while, the creatures in the entire southern starry sky, and some other starry sky creatures, saw this scene through the live broadcast, and their hearts were greatly shaken.

"The star demons have invaded the universe for countless years. The ancient gods suppressed it and gave us a bright future. Now, another ancient **** has appeared. In order to save hundreds of millions of lives, he is willing to go deep into the star sea worms!"

Many creatures in the starry sky were so shocked that their blood boiled all over their bodies, watching the eyes of the ancient gods change again and again.

"This is a strong man worthy of respect!"

"It takes strength to have strength, talent to have talent, courage to have courage, justice to have justice! Perfect!!"

"Ah! Little Turtle, I love you!"

"My male **** is not young!"

"No, I want to call him Little Turtle! The second avatar of the ancient god, I love it!"

"I'm so touched! I'm crying. Even the top gods dare not go deep. The ancient gods are willing to take risks in order to save hundreds of millions of lives! Ah! I can't take it anymore, I'm going to the extreme southern starry sky to find my male god!"

"Bah! That belongs to my family! I'm going to find him now!"

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