God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1004: Old patriarch, you tricked me (4)

When he crossed the gate of the starry sky full of hope and returned to the extreme southern starry sky, when he could even see the Wanyu starry sky city in front of him, he also saw densely packed star demons and gods around him.

All of them exuded the aura of a **** king, and they were all murderous.

Ye Que said:? ? ?

The extreme southern starry sky was panicked a year ago.

Because there are a large number of star demon-level **** kings appearing, all of them are not weak, even if they exist at the first level of the **** king state, they can burst out with the momentum of the fourth or fifth level of **** kings.

Not to mention the existence of those tenth-level **** kings, whose combat power is faintly comparable to that of gods.

There are many creatures in the starry sky guessing that these star demons are definitely blessed with a lot of secret techniques by the great power, even at the cost of their lives to bear the price.

At that time, the appearance of the star demon-level **** king caused panic among many starry sky creatures.

They believed that the star demons came to slaughter the extreme southern starry sky.

But soon they discovered that these star demons came to the vicinity of Wanyu Xingkongfang City, and they did not destroy them, and they were lurking in the stars.

The Star Demons seem to be waiting for something.

This quickly attracted the attention of all the powerhouses in the extreme southern starry sky, and even some top powerhouses hidden in the cosmic dust came out to pay attention.

Because the star demon was suppressed by the old patriarch, many top powerhouses were no longer threatened by the star demon, so they showed up one by one and began to walk the starry sky.

Now, they are all paying attention to the Star Demon here.

But they didn't pay attention to it for a few months, and they also waited for the **** kings of the Protoss. Although there were not many, each of them was full of momentum, and their combat power surpassed the realm several times.

Apparently, the **** kings of these protoss were also blessed with secret techniques by Da Neng.

The strange thing is that after the **** kings of the protoss came, they did not conflict with the **** kings of the star demons, and even had a tacit understanding.

As soon as the two parties met, they chose to wait quietly.

This phenomenon quickly attracted the attention of all parties, even the creatures in the extreme north, the extreme west, the extreme east, and the central starry sky were paying attention.

There is no way, the protoss are very strong, they have creator gods, and they are rare in the starry sky that can slightly compete with the star demons.

Today, the two top races in the starry sky appeared, and instead of erupting into conflict, they chose to lie low and wait.

This simply shocked and amazed all the creatures in the starry sky, and they were also very curious.

Time passed in this waiting.

One year passed, and when the attention of many starry sky creatures was about to drop, a big change happened.

A gate to the starry sky appeared directly at the center point between the God Clan and the Star Demon Clan God King.

"Look, look! There has been a change!"

"What's the change? I'm going, it's the gate of the starry sky. Could it be that a strong man from the Star Demon Race or the God Race has come?"

A lot of stars live broadcasted all of this through various top-level secret techniques or top-level treasures.

It is no exaggeration to say that one millionth of the starry sky creatures in the universe are all paying attention to this place.

This is a very scary number.

This is the universe, vast and boundless, and one millionth of the starry sky is still paying attention. The number of them is so large that it cannot be described by such small words as trillions.

Now, everyone is very curious about who is inside the starry sky gate.

At the same time, the God Kings of the God Clan and the Star Demon Clan stood up one after another, and surrounded the starry sky gate from inside to outside.

A large number of **** kings have raised their butcher knives, and many peerless killing arrays and top **** king weapons have been brought out.

Even, these guys were so crazy that they borrowed various star-level cannons, anti-matter bombs, various dark matter-focused guns, wormhole separation blasters, etc. from the creatures of the technological star field.

Although the scientific and technological civilization becomes weaker as it goes to a higher level, its strength cannot be underestimated at the middle and lower levels.

"Damn! These guys are crazy! All murderous intentions are aimed at the Star Gate!"

"What a great hatred!"

"I guess it's the revenge of the genocide!"

"Look, look, the star field-level cannon that can destroy a star field is charging!"

"The wormhole separator was thrown directly in front of the gate of the starry sky! It's crazy!"

"These guys are all wearing special equipment to resist these explosions at close range!"

"It's so insane! There are so many **** kings here, all kinds of killing weapons are activated, and the gods can't hold it!"

All the creatures in the starry sky all over the universe felt their scalps go numb after being stimulated, and even many gods were startled.

"Although I am a god, I can't withstand so many attacks!"

Many gods were terrified.

Not to mention them, some law-making gods have attracted attention.

Although there are few law-making gods, the universe is too big, and some will always be born. They are very smart and do not want to provoke the star demons, so they hide.

Now, the old patriarch took action to suppress the star demon, and these law-making gods gradually appeared.

The northern starry sky.

Jin Duande stood in front of the movie store he had just opened, staring at the star mirror of the Huiyu Toad Clan, in which the Protoss and Star Demons of the extreme southern starry sky were being broadcast live.

This guy was startled when he saw the **** kings of the protoss and star demons using all kinds of weapons and ultimate moves, and saw that the starry sky gate was about to be opened.

There was an ominous premonition in his mind.

"My big brother...my big brother run away!!"

He had already seen the scene where his eldest brother was hit by a wormhole separation blaster as soon as he went out.

It's not just him, many star creatures are nervous and curious.

At this time, the gate of the starry sky was opened.

A strange young man that no one had seen before came out.

But soon, the young man was recognized by many people.

Because there is a star pattern on the young man's forehead, which is the symbol of the ancient gods.

Although the creatures in the contemporary cosmic starry sky have almost forgotten the ancient gods, but because of the strong action of the old patriarch, the ancient gods once again climbed to the top of the universe, and many starry sky creatures also knew the ancient gods again.

The heat of the old patriarch's attack has not dissipated, and everyone was shocked when they saw the ancient **** come out.

Don't say they were shocked, Ye Que was stunned.

"What about my chance?"

He looked at more than a dozen square black objects under his feet, feeling a little ominous.

At the same time, his heart also changed.

Yes, he felt cheated.

Seeing the dense crowd of **** kings attacking him, and all kinds of weapons locking him, his expression changed, and he turned around and ran away.

With a bang, the Star Gate closed.

"Damn it!!!"

While cursing, Ye Que ascended to the sky together with the wormhole separation blaster under his feet.

With a bang, the starry sky shattered, countless planets shattered, and the deserted Wanyu Starry Sky Square City was also destroyed in an instant.

Many **** kings of the protoss and Xing Nirvana of the star demon, wearing special equipment, resisted these attacks, and immediately roared and rushed towards the center of the explosion.

At that moment, all the creatures in the starry sky were shocked.

It's too scary, with so many weapons and **** kings attacking, who can stand it.

"Fuck!! Old patriarch, you cheated on me!!"

The sound of cursing came from the explosion.

In the Six Realms, the old patriarch's face was expressionless, but there was majesty in his eyes.

Next to him, Gu Fayue peeped at the extreme southern starry sky with the help of the Eye of Law. Seeing this scene, his face became inexplicably tense.

This is not a joke. There are so many **** kings, looking around, they look like a large army, and there are so many weapons attacking, even the gods can't bear it.

Can he really handle it?

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