God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1002: It's time to arch, so hurry up (2)

"Huh? Wait another year? I wish I could get the chance now!"

He sighed, feeling that the days seemed like years.

A year is too long, and he wants to start now.

Shrugging his shoulders, he returned to the inner world.

It's a pity that the tower of the gods was destroyed, and the spirit of the broken weapon was gone.

Fortunately, I have obtained the Dark Void Ancient Scripture, which is the second volume of the Heavenly Book of Creation and the Book of Universe.

In addition, he got a lot of treasures from the giant spirit clan and other gods.

Although most of the fourth-grade star cores have been used by him, there are still a lot of fifth-grade star cores and a large number of god-level treasures, and there are even more god-level treasures.

"I can't use them yet, I have to go back to Starry Sky and exchange them all."

Ye Que sighed.

He now wants to return to the starry sky as soon as possible.

But the old patriarch said that the opportunity will not come until a year later.

"It's been a tough year."

Shaking his head, he suppressed his thoughts and checked the data.

The data is as follows - (the latest data changes, take a good look)

【Ancient Divine Physique】

[Boundary: Divine Nirvana Level 4]

[Advanced: Swallow 12.8 billion fourth-grade star cores, you can break through to the fifth level of the God Nirvana Realm (the fifth level of the God King Realm)]

[Progress: 0/12800000000 (pieces)]

[Good fortune 1: ...]

[Good fortune 2: ...]

[Good fortune 3: Opened at the first level of the gods]

[Cultivation Method 1: Cosmos (Volume 2 of the Original True Explanation)]

[Cultivation Method 2: Fission Star Brilliance Method (the first volume of the fragmented book of the universe, due to the incompleteness, it can only generate the power of stars)]

[Cultivation Method 3: Dark Void Ancient Scripture (the second volume of Zhou Shu, absorb ten million fourth-grade dark star cores, and obtain the dark void essence of dark void)]

[Forbidden technique: ...]

[Star pattern: 10/11, (obtain the gift of the twelve-star ancient god, when the **** king is at the fifth level, get the eleventh star pattern, and add an eleventh bloodline)]

[Bloodline: Ancient God Bloodline: Five have been opened, (the number of openings is determined according to the ancient god's star pattern)]

[Opened Bloodline 1: The Power of Ancient God's Latent Fury (sufficient Qi and blood, can be activated)]

[Opened Bloodline 2: The Power of the Giant God (sufficient blood, can be opened)]

[Opened Bloodline 3: The Power of Nirvana of the Ancient God (Sufficient Qi and blood, can be opened)]

[Opened Bloodline 4: Ancient God's Law. Body Strength (Sufficient Qi and blood, can be opened)]

[Opened bloodline 5: the power of the ancient gods to seal the spirit (can be used after the fifth level of the gods or after strengthening the body)]

[Unopened Bloodline 6: Self-exile in the sea of ​​stars, releasing the power of nightmare in the blood]

[The Nightmare Power of the Ancient God: In the silent bloodline, there is absolutely calm blood. Once released, the ancient **** has the ability to enter the spiritual world of others]

[Eight Jade Eyes of Reincarnation: Opened at the first level of the Divine Spirit Realm]

If you look closely, there are quite a few changes.

"Good fortune 3, it will be activated at the first level of the gods, work hard! Breakthrough as soon as possible!"

"Dark star core...Master System, are you worried that I will find the star core too easily, so you want to help me increase the pressure?"

Ye Que cursed and cursed, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

In order to find tens of billions of fourth-grade star cores, he did not know how much effort he spent.

Now, I still have to find the dark star core to practice the dark void ancient scriptures...

He really can toss people.

"However... Dark Void's essential power of Dark Void should be useful, right?"

After Ye Que calmed down a bit, he began to think seriously again.

His impression of the dark void is that apart from being mysterious, it is also dangerous.

If he gets the power of Dark Void, it will be of great help to his future development.

Unknowingly, the motivation to search for the dark star core came again.

Well, it's delicious.

Look at the data again.

"The eleventh star pattern was obtained at the fifth level of the God King. It's not far away! Sister Fa is still very good to me. She probably thinks that she wants to give me more power when she thinks that her life is short!"

Sigh, look again.

"The blood of the law and body can be used, and the blood of the sealing spirit can be opened after waiting for the third level of the gods or strengthening the power of the physical body!"

Ye Que pondered carefully.

A year later, in addition to looking for star cores in the starry sky, he also had to look for body refining treasures again to make his body stronger.

look further down.

"The power of nightmare, I want to exile myself in the sea of ​​stars, go to the starry sky after one year, and find out where the sea of ​​stars is."

"Eight jade eyes of reincarnation, opened when the gods are at the first level..."

Ye Que felt that the task was heavy.

If you want to become stronger, the star core is the core. The higher the realm breakthrough, the more things you can get.

Clenched into fists, there is ambition in the eyes.

One year later, I got the opportunity of the old patriarch, and then went to the starry sky to find the star core, the dark star core, the star sea, and the body training treasure.

"By the way, the third prince of the Sanye Empire also gave me a golden star card, which is higher than the black star card. There are many star cores in it, and the juniors of other overlord forces have also been searched by me. There are a lot of golden star cards!"

He smiled.

It's fun, and you can get a lot of treasures when you return to the starry sky.


Thinking about it carefully, I was a little excited.

After he finished tidying up, he returned from the world inside his body to the eastern wasteland of the human world.

Take a breath and feel comfortable.

"I want to open the law and body blood."

Ye Que wanted to try to see what kind of blood it was.

"Ding! Fa. Body blood: the blood of the ancient gods contains the power to absorb endless laws!"

"Ding! This bloodline is one of the most difficult bloodlines of the ancient **** to open. Once opened, the ancient **** has the ability to control the law!"

"Ding! Host, please confirm again, whether to activate the ancient **** method, body blood?"

"Confirm, open it!"

"Ding! The blood of the law and body is opened!"

"Ding! The ancient **** gained the power of the law and body blood, and obtained the form of the ancient **** of law!"

Gu Fayue, who was walking in the world of evil spirits, sensed the power of the **** of law, and turned to look at the human world with light in her eyes.

"It's useless to open it now. You don't even have the law, and this Dharma God form can't exert its power."

She shook her head, but there was still some anticipation in her eyes.

After all, it's a new beginning.

Time is passing by bit by bit.

The old patriarch was remembering, and there was nostalgia in his eyes. He traveled to many places and recalled many old people.

In the end, he refined the good fortune tripod and the good fortune gate together, and stood in the sky of the human world, exuding the power of good fortune all the time.

In this era hundreds of millions of years later, there is not much he can do.

The fortune tripod, fortune gate and fortune shield, the three fortune weapons, hang in the six realms forever and protect the six realms forever.

He did enough.

After a few days.

The old patriarch sat cross-legged in the central sky of the human world, blooming the power of the law, covering the six realms and the ancient **** realm in the Guixu ring, and then preached, blessing the creatures of the seven realms.

That day was a great opportunity for the Seven Realms.

Many strong men were born, and there were also geniuses who rose up.

Even Gu Fayue and Ye Que were affected.

Gu Fayue's strength has recovered to the ninth level of the gods, Ye Que's strength has recovered to the fourth level of the **** king, and is about to break through to the fifth level of the **** king.

Ye Que felt at ease, he stepped out two or three times, and was about to go to the Underworld to check Luo Wushen's situation, but after thinking about it, he turned and went to the Guixu Ring above.

In Returning to the Ruins, besides the Ancient God Realm, there is also a small world.

That was Ye Que's storage space, and it was also where Xue Lingluo slept.

"Ah! Brother Ye Que!"

The girl flew over.

Ye Que rubbed his chin, thinking that a year would pass soon, and it was time to arch.

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