God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1000: single dog rage (6)

The old patriarch said with a dark face: "Who said I want to hurt them? You little bastard, stop talking to me! Let them out!"

He finally couldn't help but curse.

In the end, Ye Que reluctantly called Di Xiwei and others out of his body.

Several people don't know what happened outside, but one thing is very clear.

"Sister Ancient God is gone."

Die Tinghan hurriedly told Ye Que about this, with a nervous expression on her face.

The rest are also telling Ye Que.

Ye Que said with a bitter face: "It's okay, this is a normal operation!"

He stretched out his hand and pulled Di Xiwei and Huang Youyao over. Although he was reluctant, he still respected him: "Come, I have met the elders of my ancient **** clan." At the end, he secretly added, "This is hundreds of millions of years old." living fossil."

The old patriarch originally thought that this kid was a little polite, so his face softened a lot. He was about to nod in satisfaction, but when he heard the next sentence, his face darkened again.

Sure enough, talking to this kid was purely looking for anger.

If this scene is seen by the powerful people in the universe and starry sky, they will not only be shocked but also envious.

Ye Que, the only one in the entire universe who dared to do that, talked to a peak creator **** who was able to open thirteen bloodlines like that.

Di Xiwei and Huang Youyao were not as dishonest as Ye Que. When they heard that they were Ye Que's elders, they immediately became more respectful.

Looking up, he saw thirteen star patterns on the forehead of the old patriarch, and his body shook.

The two of them are not Xiaobai, and they know that the more stars there are, the stronger they are. Seeing thirteen star patterns now, they feel more awe in their hearts.

"Little Empress Xiwei, I have seen Senior!"

"Little girl Huang Youyao, I have met senior!"

The old patriarch frowned, looked at Lan Xing and Die Tinghan, a little surprised: "Aren't they?"


Ye Que coughed vaguely, and looked towards the sky with his hands behind his back.

Well, naive blue.

Die Tinghan was taken aback, jumped out immediately, and said with a smile: "Girl Die Tinghan, I have seen Senior Ancient God!"

Lan Xing blushed slightly, and said respectfully: "Little girl Lan Xing, I have met Senior Ancient God!"

The old patriarch squinted his eyes, which seemed to mean that you are doing it, but in the end he still focused on Di Xiwei and Huang Youyao.

The thirteen-star-level ancient god's eyes rotated slightly, with terrifying power slowly spreading, and strands of law derived from Di Xiwei and Huang Youyao.

"A human race with mixed blood, a phoenix race with low blood... combined with the ancient **** of good fortune, there will never be any results."

The old patriarch frowned, but when he looked at Di Xiwei, he was somewhat surprised.

The faces of Di Xiwei and Huang Youyao were slightly pale.

Especially Di Xiwei, her face was even paler, she always wanted to have a child.

According to the old patriarch, she felt dizzy.

Ye Que was very considerate, went up to support the two of them, and said shamelessly, "Old patriarch, you have to help me! I'm so miserable! I..."

The old patriarch is most afraid of hearing this now, and his face turns black: "It's okay, I know you are miserable! You just stay on the sidelines!"

He wanted to sell miserably again, but he accepted it.

His eyes slanted, and he had the urge to give this guy a couple of blows.

"Creating the ancient gods, the future goal is to create the true gods, but the two of you will hold back."

The old patriarch was very strict, his tone was cold and he didn't give face.

Di Xiwei and Huang Youyao panicked, as if they had seen the man's parents.

And for the two of them, it was true.

Ye Que was dumbfounded.

When did my goal become the true **** of good fortune?

"But don't panic, I won't beat mandarin ducks with sticks, otherwise this little guy will definitely hate me."

The old patriarch rolled his eyes at Ye Que.

"Dare not dare."

Ye Que expressed respect, but said in his heart: "Yes, that's it!"

Gu Fayue could understand his thoughts, how could the old patriarch not understand.

The old patriarch's face darkened.

He felt inexplicably why this kid was not good enough for these two girls.

"Your name is Di Xiwei...um..."

The old patriarch calmed down and was thinking, with memories in his eyes.

He thought of the universe city on the edge of the universe sea.

In the cosmic city, there is a well-known Fatian God, who is the strongest of the Fayi human race.

"Senior Ancient God, she looks like a person."

Gu Fayue is here, wearing the Holy Cloth of Heaven, with jade-like complexion, slender waist and long legs, and holy prestige, she is so beautiful that it makes people feel inferior.

"Fa Tian Shen?"

After the old patriarch said that, a terrifying taboo power turned into two thunderbolts of laws and struck him directly.

He slapped it away like a fly.

"The sixth race in the starry sky, the one from the Fayi Human Race. When the Star Demons attacked, this Fayi Human Race came to support us alone because of me. Unfortunately, he passed away..."

Gu Fayue didn't dare to say the word Tianshen casually, but the sadness in her eyes couldn't be concealed.

Because that Fatian God, although she has a different physique from her, is also a Fa God, so she is close, and she is one of the few sisters of hers.

"No wonder I didn't see her when I passed by Universe City... I remember she mastered a law called reincarnation, right?"

The old patriarch took a deep look at Di Xiwei.

"Yes! After mastering this law, even if you die, you can reincarnate in the universe. It is a law comparable to the chaos and destruction of the predecessors!"

The way Gu Fayue looked at Di Xiwei became brighter and brighter, with a hint of kindness in it.

Di Xiwei was confused, she didn't know this.

But Ye Que understood it. Looking at Di Xiwei, he thought to himself, why is our daughter-in-law so powerful?

Fortunately, he did it in time, otherwise he would die of heartache.

At the end, he looked at Die Tinghan and Lan Xing again, um, and thought of Xue Lingluo and so on.

He thought to himself that he had to give up early, otherwise he would die of heartache if he left him one day or woke up again.

"I wanted to take you to the central starry sky to sharpen, transform your blood, and improve your strength! But now it seems that I have a better way!"

The old patriarch regarded himself as his father-in-law, planning for the future of this little bastard.

"Xiwei accepts the teachings of her predecessors!"

The old patriarch nodded in satisfaction, and finally looked at Huang Youyao, seeing that she was silent with a little inferiority complex on her face, and suddenly understood something.

"Don't think about it too much, I won't tear you apart. Since you are a Phoenix clan, although your blood is low, you are lucky to have met me! After a while, I will take you to the extreme northern starry sky to accept the time-space Phoenix clan's proposal." inherited!"

The old patriarch smiled lightly.

This is really meeting a super noble person.

If you put it on someone else, who has such ability?

Gu Fayue's complexion changed slightly: "The time-space phoenix clan, the seventh race in the starry sky, didn't they become extinct long ago?"

"Inheritance is enough."

The old patriarch has great powers, he is the strongest in the universe, and he is also a living fossil. He knows everything in a walking universe-level museum.

Ye Que was overjoyed, but also sour: "Every movement is inheritance, and every movement is tempering. I am so miserable, and the old patriarch is still indifferent. I am an ancient god."

It’s okay if you don’t say this, but the old patriarch’s face darkened again: "You are miserable, you are the worst, and the universe is the worst, okay?"

It is precisely because he is optimistic about the ancient **** of fortune that he dare not help him at will.

This little ancient **** looks unscrupulous, but his mind and will are mature and firm, which is rare in the universe.

He guessed that this little guy had suffered a lot before and suffered a lot, so he honed it out.




Therefore, the old patriarch did not dare to help at will.

Not to mention, the little ancient **** also possesses the top physique in the universe.

Genius plus hard work, let him continue to grow in adversity, is the best choice.

But the old patriarch didn't say too much, recalling that the Star Demon and the Protoss were sharpening their swords, he said: "But don't worry, I also gave you some opportunities, and you will receive them after a while."

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