God Hongtian

Chapter 92 The Zhu family’s revenge is strong

Zhu family.


A terrifying aura erupted, and a rockery was shattered.

Debris exploded and dust flew.

A tall and burly middle-aged man clenched his fists, his temples throbbed, and veins bulged in his neck and the back of his hands.

Next to the middle-aged man, a woman cried and said: "Master, you have many wives and concubines, and many children, but I am only a daughter like Ying'er!

Ying'er has been smart, talented and well-behaved since she was a child.

If she joins the Qingfeng Martial Academy, she will immediately become a core disciple of the Qingfeng Martial Academy's Imperial Formation Peak, which can be regarded as bringing glory to our Zhu family...

But today, Ying'er suffered so much injustice at the Yun family...

Sir, I am a womanly person and I don’t understand any big principles.

But I only know that my daughter was bullied and the Zhu family’s face was stepped on...

If the little bastard from Liuyun City is not killed, the Zhu family will become the laughing stock of everyone in the county! "

The middle-aged man's facial muscles trembled.

The woman continued to cry and said: "Master, if you don't help Ying'er get revenge, I won't live either..."


The middle-aged man shouted: "Here comes someone!"

Immediately, a guard with a stern expression and a murderous aura appeared in front of the middle-aged man.

"Go and find out for me where that bastard Yun Hao is hiding. If I don't cut him into pieces, I won't call him Zhu Xiaotian!"


Qingfeng Wuyuan contact point.

After Yun Hao and Yunying arrived, Qin Lan, who learned the news, naturally took it very seriously. He personally arranged a place to stay and warned no one to disturb him.

No one from the Wuyuan contact point thought that Qin Lan was

This behavior was because Yun Hao felt that Qin Lan was very optimistic about Yunying, so he defended Yunying like this. Yun Hao just did it incidentally...

Even Yunying thought so, and she mistakenly believed that it was Qin Lan who helped her heal her injuries and helped her break through the bottleneck of her practice and reach the threshold of Yuan Gang Realm. For a moment, Yunying was extremely grateful to Qin Lan.

Spacious yard with multiple rooms.

Yunying and Yunhao lived in this courtyard.

This kind of treatment is generally only available to the top brass of Qingfeng Martial Academy.

At this time, Yunhao sat cross-legged in the room, took out a Fierce Sun Pill and swallowed it in his mouth. The overbearing medicinal properties immediately flowed into his body under the refinement of Taichu Creation Art.

Unconsciously, an hour passed, the energy of a Fierce Yang Pill was exhausted, and Yun Hao temporarily ended his practice.

He took out the Su Xin Sword, looked at the dense cracks on the sword, and sighed softly.

The damage to the sword's body was too serious.

Now, Su Xin Sword is no longer suitable for use. With a slight impact of force, the sword will be completely destroyed.

At present, the only hope is to get first place in the assessment of Qingfeng Martial Academy, get the object refined with Geng Gold, and then extract the Geng Gold to repair the Su Xin Sword.

Yun Hao thought for a while and decided to continue repairing the formation within the sword body.

The more perfect the formation is, the more Geng Jin can be used to repair the Su Xin Sword, and the Su Xin Sword will be of a higher grade and easier to use!

But before Yun Hao could start repairing the formation, a powerful aura suddenly appeared in Yun Hao's perception.

This breath arrived in the yard outside in an instant.

"Yunhao, get out of here and die!"

Zhu Xiaotian, the head of the Zhu family, stood in the courtyard with two guards. His body was filled with

With an extremely strong cold murderous aura!

Yun Hao frowned, put away the Su Xin Sword, and walked out of the room.

Yunying also walked out of the room almost at the same time.

Seeing Zhu Xiaotian, Yunying's expression changed drastically and she said, "Master Zhu, this is the territory of Qingfeng Martial Academy, not a place for you to show off your power!"

Zhu Xiaotian snorted coldly, stared straight at Yun Hao, and said: "I, Zhu Xiaotian, have no intention of going against the Qingfeng Martial Academy. I am here to avenge my daughter. The person I want to kill has nothing to do with the Qingfeng Martial Academy! "

The words fell.

Zhu Xiaotian completely ignored any rules, and the terrifying momentum burst out, like a dam that burst, and a raging torrent poured out.

His figure also exploded towards Yun Hao, punching out, the air exploded with the force of the punch, and the light was violently distorted!

Since he knew that Yun Hao was hiding here, he still came, which meant that he had already been prepared to use the most decisive method to crush Yun Hao who smashed his daughter's face!

Although the Zhu family is a family of formations, as the head of the Zhu family, Zhu Xiaotian's martial arts cultivation is also not weak, and he has the strength of a high-level Yuangang realm.

He struck out in anger, like thunder, so fast that Yun Ying couldn't even react, let alone help Yun Hao resist Zhu Xiaotian's attack.

Of course... Even if she stands in front of Yun Hao now, it won't actually help. Zhu Xiaotian is determined to kill Yun Hao. Yun Ying's strength has just touched the threshold of Yuan Gang Realm, and it is impossible to stop him!

Before the punch landed on Yun Hao's body, Yun Hao's hair and robe were blown back by the strong wind.

Yun Hao, who was shrouded by Zhu Xiaotian's terrifying power, did not show any fear on his face. For him, even if the world collapsed in front of him,

In front of you, you can still have your heart as solid as a rock.

At this time, Yun Hao had not even mobilized the sword energy in his body, nor had he even the slightest thought of evading.

Just as Zhu Xiaotian's terrifying fist power was about to hit him, suddenly, a sword energy with a thin golden light roared towards him.

The sword energy exploded, setting off a sound wave like a tsunami, which easily penetrated the power of Zhu Xiaotian's punch. Then the sword energy rolled up and slashed towards Zhu Xiaotian.

Zhu Xiaotian's face became extremely ugly, he punched out both fists together, and the two fist marks went towards the sword energy.

Two explosions erupted, and the fist seals shattered. Only then did the light golden sword energy escape, and Zhu Xiaotian's body took more than ten steps back uncontrollably.

"Zhu Xiaotian, you are so majestic!"

Qin Lan's voice sounded, and the peak master of Yujian Peak came through the air and landed in the field. His eyes were cold and he pointed a long sword directly at Zhu Xiaotian.

"The Zhu family is in the county. Although they have some energy and are known as the best formation family in Beihan County,... the Zhu family is not qualified to run wild on the territory of Qingfeng Martial Academy!"

Zhu Xiaotian gritted his teeth and said: "I didn't expect that Peak Master Qin had already glimpsed the appearance of the golden elixir...

However, I am not here today to go against your Qingfeng Martial Academy.

This Yun Hao is not from your Qingfeng Martial Academy. He hurt my daughter and caused the Zhu family to lose face. It is only right that I take his life.

Please also ask Peak Master Qin to get out of the way! "

Qin Lan's attitude left no room for negotiation, saying: "No matter who he is, as long as he stays in our Qingfeng Martial Academy territory, you can't touch him even a hair.

You trespassed on Qingfeng Wuyuan's territory and acted wildly. I have already been very polite to you. Be sensible and get out immediately. Otherwise, don't blame me.

ruthless! "

Zhu Xiaotian: "Master Qin, don't forget, two of our Zhu family will take part in the assessment of Qingfeng Martial Academy this year.

My daughter Zhu Ying is a top formation master in the Huang class.

My nephew Zhu Ao is a genius at the sixth level of the Spirit Gathering Realm.

But this year, after recruiting people from Qingfeng Martial Academy and Cangxing Martial Academy, there will still be a competition. Without my daughter and nephew to join Qingfeng Martial Academy, Qingfeng Martial Academy would not be able to fight in front of Cangxing Martial Academy. force!

If Peak Master Qin wants to continue to protect Yun Hao, then I, a member of the Zhu family, will definitely withdraw from the examination of Qingfeng Martial Academy.

Do you think it is more important to protect a person who has nothing to do with Qingfeng Wuyuan, or is it more important for Qingfeng Wuyuan to save its face in the battle with Cangxing Wuyuan? "

Qin Lan sneered and said, "Are you threatening me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Lan slashed out with his sword, and the light golden sword light instantly transformed into thirty-six sword energy and enveloped Zhu Xiaotian!

Zhu Xiaotian tried his best to resist, but he was still hit with blood all over his body and his skin and flesh rolled.


Qin Lan shouted sharply.

Zhu Xiaotian suffered a loss and glanced at Yun Hao with hatred and anger: "You little bastard, just wait for me. No matter who protects you, you are dead!"

After that, he gritted his teeth and looked at Qin Lan: "Peak Master Qin, you chose this piece of shit, so don't blame our Zhu family for making certain choices too, we'll see!"

Zhu Xiaotian was fierce and murderous, but in the end he could only leave in despair with endless anger.

Qin Lan turned around and looked at Yun Hao.

In her eyes, Yun Hao's importance cannot be compared to that of a hundred Zhus!

What's the harm if the two geniuses of the Zhu family don't join the Qingfeng Martial Academy?

Yunhao is here...

In this year's competition between Qingfeng Martial Academy and Cangxing Martial Academy, they will definitely crush Cangxing Martial Academy without any suspense!

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