God Hongtian

Chapter 89 Confrontation, Unfair Treatment

When Yun Hao and Yun Ying returned to the Yun family, they found that the servants of the Yun family were busy cleaning, and festive red silks and lanterns were already hung in many places.

It was so lively with lanterns and colorful decorations.

"Hurry up, don't waste time, Young Master Shaogang will be back in a while."

"Young Master Shaogang really strives for our Yun family. He became the core disciple of Qingfeng Martial Academy a year ago. He is destined to have a bright future!"

"I also heard that Young Master Shaogang has already half-stepped into the Yuangang Realm."

"No wonder the old man, who has been in seclusion for a long time, came out of seclusion in person and ceremoniously accepted Mr. Shaogang's blessings."

Listening to the murmurings of the busy servants, Yunying found out the whole story and felt extremely complicated...

She is also the core disciple of Qingfeng Martial Academy.

In the past few days since she came back as a core disciple, she has not even seen the old man's face.

But when Mr. Yun just came back, he was treated with such high standards...

Yun Hao looked at Yun Ying, who had a complicated expression, and said, "It's just a joke."

After being reminded by Yun Hao, a hint of sarcasm appeared on the corner of Yun Ying's mouth.

Indeed, how lively the Yun family is now, how embarrassing it will be later!

Of the two Yun Shaogang brothers, one died, and the other was deprived of his status as a core disciple, had his cultivation level revoked, and was escorted back to the martial arts academy to await his fate!

In the past, Yunying might have gone to the old man to inform him about this matter first.

But now... Yunying doesn't care.

From the beginning to the end, the Yun family has never regarded people of their lineage as their own, so let them have fun and be embarrassed!

"I'm going back to my residence first." Yun Hao said.

Yunying: "No need, go live with me

I've already had people tidy up the room. "

He didn't give Yun Hao a chance to refuse at all, and continued: "The assessment of Qingfeng Martial Academy will be held in five days, so you should prepare well these days.

You must use the spirit wood marrow I gave you. It will eliminate some of the hidden dangers left by your excessive use of elixirs.

In terms of cultivation, if you don’t understand something, feel free to ask me.

As for other things, you don’t have to worry about it. If someone doesn’t want you to have an easy time, I’ll take care of it!

Therefore, it is the best choice for you to live with me.

The second uncle left the county. I promised the second uncle that I must take good care of you! "

Yun Hao couldn't refuse anymore, so he nodded and accepted Yun Ying's kindness.

But just when Yunying was about to take Yun Hao to his residence, suddenly, Yun Haisheng appeared in front of the two siblings with a group of servants.

Yun Haisheng looked surprised. According to their arrangement, Yun Hao and Yun Ying should have suffered a big loss at the Qingfeng Wuyuan contact point, especially Yun Hao, who should have returned without his life.

But these two people came back fine.

Yunying snorted coldly and said: "Go away!"

Yun Haisheng was afraid, he was just a Sea Transformation Realm, and now he couldn't even defeat Yun Hao, let alone Yunying, the core disciple of Yuyin Peak of Qingfeng Martial Academy.

"Yunying, Yunhao, I'm here on the orders of Elder Yunying and Elder Feihu, asking you two to go to the banquet and welcome Shaogang home later!"

Yunying: "You can go if you want, Yun Hao and I won't go!"

Yun Haisheng gritted his teeth and said, "This is the old man's order."

As soon as Yunying heard the words "old man", her face changed slightly and she looked at Yunying.


Yun Hao was very calm and said: "Then go."

After a while.

Yun Haisheng led Yun Ying and Yun Hao to the luxurious hall where the banquet was held.

In the main hall, two rows of tables and chairs have been set up, and the delicious wine exudes a rich aroma.

Old Mr. Yun, with cloudy eyes and wrinkles and markings on his face, sat in the middle.

There is an empty seat next to him, obviously prepared for Yun Shaogang.

Elder Yun Ying, who had been to Kuangjian Martial Arts School, sat in the first seat on the left. Elder Yun Feihu, who wanted to attack Yun Hao a few days ago, sat in the first seat on the right.

Yun Haisheng came here with his people, bowed to Mrs. Yun, and then took the initiative to retreat.

He, a waste like him who only transformed into the sea realm at an old age, is not qualified to sit down today.

Yunying was resentful towards Mrs. Yun for being biased between her and Yun Shaogang, so when she arrived at the venue, she just slightly bowed her hands as a greeting.

The wrinkles on Old Mrs. Yun's forehead deepened.

"Yunhao, when you see the old man, why don't you kneel down and say hello?!"

Yun Ying stood up, stared at Yun Hao, and shouted harshly. At the same time, a fierce pressure rolled towards Yun Hao like a tide.

Yun Hao looked directly at Yun Ying, and an invisible edge burst out from his body, easily tearing apart Yun Ying's pressure.

A sarcastic arc appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said: "Have the Yun family ever raised me? Have I ever spent a tael of silver from the Yun family? Do the Yun family have any kindness to me?"

None of the above.

Who in the Yun family deserves my respect? "

"Yunhao, you rebellious bastard!" Yun Feihu was also angry.

He shouted, stood up, and glared at Yun Hao.

His coercion, combined with Yun Ying's, the two warriors at the peak of the Spirit Gathering Realm simultaneously suppressed Yun Hao with their aura.

"Give you another chance. If you don't kneel down and say hello to the old man, I won't be able to spare you today!"

"Today, I must let you know what the Yun family's rules are!"

Cloud shadows, cloud flying tigers, all have fierce eyes.

As for the dying old man Yun, he was sitting in his seat, his cloudy eyes just glanced at Yun Hao casually, not even interested in looking at Yun Hao.

"If the two elders want to take action against Yun Hao, you can give it a try!"

Yunying stepped forward and stood in front of Yun Hao.

She still had a sense of belonging to the family, but at this moment, she didn't want to see Yun Hao being bullied, so she showed her strong side.

While talking.

The vitality in his body was flowing out of his body, and there was a vague tendency for the vitality to gather into a gang.

Mr. Yun, who was sitting at the top, suddenly raised his head and looked at Yunying.

Yun Ying and Yun Feihu were stunned for an instant.

Yunying... has actually reached the threshold of Yuangang Realm!

In fact, even Yunying was shocked. Although she was at the peak of the Spirit Gathering Realm, she was still far away from the Yuan Gang Realm...

But now, inexplicably, I have reached the threshold of Yuangang Realm...

She suddenly remembered that after waking up at the Wuyuan contact point, she felt comfortable all over. It seemed that Qin Lan, the peak master of Yujian Peak, had also given her some help in her practice when she was helping to heal her injuries.


Old Master Yun finally made a sound. He coughed lightly and said, "Yunying, you are also very good. Look,

For your sake, I will not argue with this unworthy descendant of the Yun family today. "

Seeing what the old man said, Yunying dissipated the energy fluctuations in her body.

Mr. Yun's gaze shifted to Yun Hao: "You said that the Yun family didn't train you. Do you have any resentment in your heart?"

Without waiting for Yun Hao's answer, Mrs. Yun continued: "The resources of the Yun family cannot be wasted on some useless waste.

It just so happens that Shaogang will be back soon. Take a good look at what kind of talents are worthy of being cultivated by the Yun family.

Shaogang is the hope of our Yun family. You should learn from him, follow his lead, follow his example, and get rid of this unruly habit from the mountains and wilds! "

His tone, although very calm.

But deep down, there was complete contempt for Yun Hao!

"He, Yun Shaogang, is he worthy of being compared with me? Ha!" There was a hint of obvious disdain on the corner of Yun Hao's mouth!

As soon as these words came out.

Mr. Yun, Yun Ying, and Yun Feihu were all stunned for a moment.

They really couldn't understand where Yun Hao had the courage to say such outrageous words!

At this moment, a cold shout came from outside the hall.

"What an ignorant, arrogant idiot, how can you slander my brother Shaogang?"

Immediately afterwards, a young girl walked in.

"Zhu Ying has met Mrs. Yun."

The young girl Zhu Ying first bowed to Mrs. Yun, then turned to look at Yun Hao, her expression arrogant, as if she was overlooking a humble ant.

"Slap yourself a hundred times, otherwise, based on what you just said, I won't mind smashing your face and smashing your mouth for my brother Shaogang!"

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