God Hongtian

Chapter 86: Plan to kill Yun Shaoyang

Yunying took Yunhao to Qingfeng Wuyuan's contact point in the county.

Although the two of them had little communication on the road, their relationship has advanced a lot.

"Hello, Senior Sister Yun."

"Senior Sister Yun, why are you free to come here today?"

"Sister, this young man is so handsome. Could he be your sweetheart?"

Yunying: "This is my cousin, Yun Hao."

"Since he is Senior Sister's younger brother, he is also my younger brother. For such a good-looking man, Senior Sister, you have to help me pull the strings!"

A bold woman stared straight at Yun Hao and joked.

Yun Hao's expression was calm. What kind of storms had he not seen before? How could he care about this mere verbal ridicule.

On the contrary, Yunying became a little anxious and said: "Okay, stop joking, I brought my brother here for something important. Who among you knows where Elder Zhou is?"

"Elder Zhou is proofreading the assessment roster in the backyard."

"Thank you." Yunying said politely, and then led Yun Hao straight to the backyard, and began to introduce the situation of Qingfeng Martial Academy to Yun Hao in detail.

"Qingfeng Martial Academy has seven branches in total, and this is true for every branch of the entire Qingfeng Dynasty.

These seven meridians are respectively Yu Zhan Peak, Yu Zhan Peak, Yu Yin Peak, Yu Dan Peak, Yu Beast Peak, Yu Weapon Peak, and Yu Sword Peak.

The ranking of the Seven Meridians of Qingfeng Martial Academy in Beihan County is in the order I told you, with Yu Zhan at the top and Yu Jian at the end.

As for other branches, that is another matter.

Elder Zhou, whom he will meet later, does not belong to Qifeng, but to the Presbyterian Council.

Normally, the decisions of the Martial Academy are made by the dean and the masters of each peak, but the Presbyterian Council has the right to question or even overturn some decisions.

Although I am the core disciple of Yuyin Peak, our Peak Master has a very good relationship with the Presbyterian Council, so I

It shouldn't be a big problem if you ask Elder Zhou to make an exception and give you the qualifications to participate in the assessment.

After all, this is not a violation of the rules. Every year in the martial arts assessment, there will always be some people with good qualifications who missed the registration time. They will make up the list through this method. "

Yunhao nodded and listened quietly.

It turns out that Yujian Peak, which Qin Lan is in charge of, is the last one in Qingfeng Martial Academy in Beihan County...

While talking.

The two of them had arrived in the backyard.

"Senior Sister Yun, are you looking for Elder Zhou?" a male disciple of Qingfeng Martial Academy who was guarding outside the courtyard asked.

Yunying nodded: "Junior brother, please help me to inform you."

"Okay, Senior Sister Yun, please wait a moment."


At this time, inside the house in the yard.

An old man with gray hair and beard, smelling of alcohol all over his body, and his eyes were blurry. He raised his head and held a wine gourd in his hand. The mouth of the gourd was pointed downward, aimed at his mouth, and he shook it hard... only a few pieces fell off. Drip.

"Elder Zhou, there are more here."

A young man immediately took out a large wine jar from the storage ring with a smile and brought it to the old man.

The old man opened the wine jar and inhaled the aroma of the wine with great intoxication. His whole body trembled and he showed an extremely comfortable expression.

The man who handed the wine spoke and said: "Elder Zhou, this Baihua Spirit Brewing is the best wine, but the stamina is a bit too strong. Why don't you go to rest first, and I will help the elders prepare the assessment list."

Elder Zhou nodded his head, then shook it violently, and said vaguely: "No... This is a big deal, there is no room for any mistakes... Yun Shaogang, it's not that I don't believe you..."

at this time.

There was a sound coming from outside the house.

"Reporting to Elder Zhou, Yunying, the core disciple of Yuyin Peak, seeks an audience."

Yun Shaogang spoke again and said

: "Elder Zhou, you are already drunk now. If Yunying sees it and spreads the word, things will be in trouble..."

Old man: "This..."

Yun Shaogang smiled and said: "Don't worry, Elder Zhou. Yun Ying and I are both members of the Yun family. I'll just send her away. Elder Zhou should quickly change places and have a good rest."

The old man hesitated for a moment, then looked at the wine jar in his arms, and then said: "Okay, then I'll leave this place to you. You handle it well and don't mess around. After all, that crazy woman Qin Lan from Yujian Peak It’s also here, if something happens, Qin Lan won’t be able to deal with it!”

After giving an explanation, the old man hugged the wine jar and left staggeringly through a secret door.

In the corner of the room, there is another man who has not spoken. It is Yun Shaoyang who was taught a lesson by Yun Hao a few days ago!

After the old man left, Yun Shaoyang immediately walked up to Yun Shaogang excitedly and said, "Brother, that despicable villain Yun Hao took advantage of my carelessness last time and injured me. I will definitely say this in person later." !”

Yun Shaogang nodded and snorted coldly: "You can do whatever you want to deal with Yun Hao later!

As for Yunying... hmph, you just became a core disciple, do you think you are great? I, Yun Shaogang, will suppress her today and teach her how to behave! "

Then, the two brothers opened the door.

"Yun...Senior Brother Yun." The disciple who came to report standing outside the house looked surprised and said, "Where is Elder Zhou?"

Yun Shaogang said coldly: "Elder Zhou is not feeling well and has gone to rest. Elder Zhou has given me full authority to handle the matters here."

Man: "Senior Brother Yun, then... then Senior Sister Yunying, she..."

Yun Shaogang: "Let them come in, you have nothing to do here."


The man immediately left the hospital


Yun Shaoyang licked his lips, gritted his teeth, and said, "Brother, I've destroyed Yun Hao here. It's not a big problem, right?"

Yun Shaogang: "It's okay even if I kill him. Brother Wei has already thought of a plan. Not only will Yun Hao be destroyed, but Yun Ying's good life will also come to an end!"

After a while.

Yunying and Yunhao entered the courtyard.

Yun Shaoyang has gone into hiding.

Yun Shaogang stood at the open doorway of the house.

"Yun Shaoyang, why is it you?" Yun Ying's face looked a little unhappy.

Both of them are from the Yun family, and are now core disciples of Qingfeng Martial Academy. However, their relationship has always been extremely bad. Before Yun Ying became a core disciple, Yun Ying was often suppressed by Yun Shaogang!

Yun Shaogang said expressionlessly: "Come in, Elder Zhou is in the house."

With that said, he turned around and entered the house.

Yunying wants to take Yunhao in with her.

Yun Shaogang's voice came from inside the house: "Elder Zhou said that only you will be allowed in."

Yun Hao used his voice to sound like a line, and said to Yunying: "Cousin, be careful, there is only Yun Shaogang in the house."

Yunying looked at Yun Hao in surprise, a little unconvinced, and whispered: "Wait for me here, I will go and communicate with Elder Zhou first."

Yun Hao did not stop him.

In his opinion, both of them are core disciples of Qingfeng Martial Academy. Even if Yun Shaogang wants to use means against Yunying, he does not dare to be too harsh, so there is no need to worry too much.

As for the appearance of a guy hiding in the corner and gnashing his teeth in the yard, it was also clearly visible in Yun Hao's perception.

He didn't care.

They are just snakes, insects, rats and ants hiding in the darkness.

The moment Yunying entered the house, suddenly, Yun Shaoyang, who was hiding in the dark, suddenly exerted his strength and shot out.

Last time, he was careless and only used 50% of his strength, but Yun Hao penetrated him.


Although he burst out with all his strength later, he was injured and could not exert his full combat power. He was also blinded by anger and lost his rational judgment, so he was severely injured by Yun Hao!

And this time.

He gathered his momentum and used his intention to calculate the unintentional.

In his opinion, killing Yun Hao was foolproof!

Anyway, his brother already has a plan, and he can take action at will today, not only to kill Yun Hao, but also to drag Yunying into the quagmire!

All the anger and resentment in Yun Shaoyang's heart burst out. He held the giant vine spirit in his hand and came to Yun Hao. With a ferocious expression on his face, he shouted: "Death!"

Yun Hao just looked at him calmly.

There was only disdain and contempt in his eyes!

He didn't draw his sword because he said last time that Yun Shaoyang was not worthy of letting him draw his sword!

He is only at the first level of the Spirit Gathering Realm. He has countless ways to easily kill Yun Shaoyang!

Seeing that Yun Shaoyang's giant vine spirit was about to hit Yun Hao's body, Yun Hao's power exploded.

The giant vine Yuanling was instantly imprisoned.

Yun Shaoyang's body was also imprisoned.

Everything seemed to be frozen.

Yun Shaoyang couldn't move any more, and endless horror and fear arose in his heart!

What he thinks is just what he thinks.

In fact... even if he was ready to attack and use sneak attacks, he was still no match for Yun Hao!

"You want to kill me?"

Yun Hao looked at Yun Shaoyang, with a cold arc drawn at the corner of his mouth. The next moment, he restrained Yun Shaoyang's power and burst out with the sharp edge that Jian Yuan should have!

The giant vine Yuanling was shattered into pieces in an instant.

Yun Shaoyang's body also... fell apart!


That's when.

There was a huge roar and explosion in the house, and Yunying's body knocked out a hole in the house and shot out.

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