God Hongtian

Chapter 84 Shock, decision

It was evening.

Lv Yi, who had been tricked by the evil disciple Yang Sheng, finally came back.

When Lv Yi learned about Yang Sheng, he was scared out of his wits!

Fortunately, Yun Hao was fine, otherwise it would be a big trouble.

In their opinion, Yun Hao was so young that he was able to refine the lower-grade Xuan-level elixir, which proved the power of the mysterious alchemist behind Yun Hao!

If Yun Hao got into trouble in Baodan Building, once the mysterious alchemist behind Yun Hao got angry, the consequences would be unimaginable.

A powerful alchemist, even if there is only one person, can mobilize a huge amount of energy!

They can save lives, help people break through in cultivation... Some top-level elixirs can easily form a terrifying network of relationships!

Therefore, in this world, everyone will try their best not to make enemies with alchemists.

Lv Yi, who was scared out of his wits, immediately executed Yang Sheng decisively, and then took Mu Baifeng with him, waiting for Yun Hao to come out at the door of his exclusive alchemy room, and apologized to Yun Hao as soon as possible.

This scene made some people in Baodan Building who knew the general situation even more curious.

Who was refining the elixir inside?

Even the owner of the building was so cautious!

You know, in Beihan County, Lv Yi was always on par with the powerful and powerful Murong Guang of the Shenyong Marquis Mansion!

Unfortunately, they were destined to never know the answer.

Because Lv Yi, Mu Baifeng and Ling'er were waiting there together, and no one else was allowed to approach!

In the alchemy room.

Yun Hao finally refined all the medicinal materials into Lieyang Pills.

There were a total of ten furnaces of elixirs, ten pills in each furnace, and finally ninety-seven pills.

Three pills were ruined, which was something no one could avoid, because

Although the medicinal materials were the same, the medicinal properties of the same medicinal materials were also different.

According to the alchemy world, an 80% success rate is already a perfect alchemy.

A 90% success rate is already super perfect.

What's more, Yun Hao's success rate is almost close to 100%!


He refined ten furnaces in one breath without interruption!

The medicinal properties of the Lieyang Pill are fierce, and it is impossible to swallow too much at a time like the Bixuezhuti Pill. Ninety-seven Lieyang Pills are enough for a month.

Seeing that Yun Hao finished refining the pill.

Xiao Hei shook his tail and approached Yun Hao, saying: "This wisp of flame has become very powerful after being purified by the master. Will the master take it away?"

Yun Hao: "It's just an acquired fire seed."

Even the acquired perfect fire seed actually has strengths and weaknesses.

The classification is not that complicated, divided into primary, intermediate, advanced, and top.

This wisp of fire seed takes the flame origin of the Fiery Lion as the core, which is barely an intermediate perfect fire seed. Yun Hao naturally will not take it seriously, let alone take it to heart.

When the realm of cultivation is further improved and enters the level of the top treasure body, the power of his heart fire will be stronger than this wisp of acquired fire seed of Lu Yi!

"Let's go, it's time to go back to the Yun family."

Recently, my father has been going out early and coming back late every day. Calculating the time, he should be back now. In order to avoid his father's worry, Yun Hao did not plan to delay any more time.

As the formation restriction in the alchemy room was opened.

Yun Hao walked out.

Xiao Hei followed behind with his head shaking.

Lv Yi, who was waiting outside, hurried forward, with a guilty face, and said: "Mr. Yun, the matter of my evil disciple was our negligence,

It was our fault. I am here to express my deep apologies to Mr. Yun!"

As he said, Lu Yi solemnly bowed to Yun Hao and saluted.

Although Yun Hao knew that this matter had nothing to do with Lu Yi, it was indeed related to the negligence of Lu Yi and others.

He looked grim and said: "I don't want this kind of thing to happen again, otherwise, my cooperation with Baodan Building will end directly!"

Yun Hao did not continue to pursue it, and Lu Yi, Mu Baifeng, and Ling'er all breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Yi made a promise: "If something like this happens again, I, Lu Yi, will pay for it with my life to Master Yun!"

Yun Hao: "Well, if there is nothing else, I will leave first."

As he said that, he handed the token to Lu Yi to enter Lu Yi's exclusive alchemy room.

Lu Yi: "... Master Yun needs to make pills, just come anytime, just leave this token on Master Yun, Master Yun, don't worry, from now on, you will make pills in this alchemy room, and things like today will never happen again!"

Yun Hao: "No need, the pills have been refined, and I shouldn't make pills in person in a short time."

Lu Yi was stunned again.

The lower-grade Xuan-level pills are already refined?

Even if Lu Yi is a mid-grade Xuan-level alchemist, it will take him a day and a night to refine the lower-grade Xuan-level pills.

Mu Baifeng is the same.

Yun Hao came in the morning and left in the evening. Did the pills succeed?

Soon, Yun Hao took Xiao Hei and left the Baodan Building.

Lü Yi, Mu Baifeng, and Ling'er entered the alchemy room. Lü Yi couldn't help but be curious and immediately opened the alchemy cauldron. "There is indeed a scent of a finished elixir in the cauldron, and there is almost no trace of a failed elixir... It seems that Yun Hao is more powerful than we imagined. It only took such a short time to complete an elixir of perfect level!" Lü Yi said with emotion. Mu Baifeng's face was also full of shock.

But the next moment, Mu Baifeng inadvertently glanced at the wisp of fire below the alchemy cauldron. Her eyes suddenly widened and her breathing became rapid.

"Lord...Lord, your kindling..."


Mu Baifeng's character has always been very stable, but Mu Baifeng's mood at this time was so out of control. Lu Yi also curiously looked at the fire he often used to make elixirs.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Yi finally knew why Mu Baifeng was so out of sorts!

Because, he also lost his temper instantly!

The fire under the alchemy cauldron created a layer of flame, pure and flawless, exuding gentle heat.

The remaining ferocity of the flaming lion is gone!

This ray of fire has been promoted to the level of perfection!

For a moment, there was a dead silence in the alchemy room.

After a while, Lu Yi finally came back to his senses and said: "Yun Hao... can make perfect intermediate fire!"

The production of acquired fire is extremely troublesome. Baodan Tower has no problem making perfect acquired fire at the elementary level, but perfect acquired fire at the intermediate level depends on luck.

The Valley of Fire, which is hostile to Baodan Tower, can accurately produce intermediate-level perfect acquired fire seeds.

The reason why the Valley of Fire was able to rise in such a short period of time has seriously shaken the status of Baodan Tower. In addition to the factor of Purification Pill, another important factor is the perfect acquired fire at the intermediate level.

The health-preserving soup provided by Yunhao has a simple formula and is more effective than the body-cleansing pill from Flame Valley.

At this level, health-preserving soup can already win back a victory for Baodan Tower.

If... on the intermediate level of perfect acquired fire, Bao Dan Tower can win back a victory... With the hundreds of years of foundation accumulated by Bao Dan Tower in the Qingfeng Dynasty, there is no need to worry about the challenge of the Valley of Fire?

Lu Yi: "Master Mu, you are relatively familiar with Yun Hao. In your opinion, is it appropriate for us to discuss cooperation with him about Tinder now?"

Mu Baifeng looked solemn, thought for a moment, and shook his head: "Don't be impatient yet.

Yun Hao asked Xu Yin to bring the health soup to us, but Yun Hao didn't mention the fire thing just now.

This person seems to have a peaceful mind, but he has his own opinions on everything.

Therefore, we should not actively intervene to disrupt his rhythm.

To be on the safe side, I think the poster should not report this matter to the headquarters.

A serving of health-preserving soup has pushed Yun Hao into the whirlpool of the storm between the Baodan Tower and the Flame Valley. If the news of the fire is leaked again, the Flame Valley may come to kill Yun Hao at all costs. "

Lu Yi was convinced, nodded and said: "What Master Mu said makes sense, let's do this for now!"


Yun Family, Miscellaneous Service Courtyard.

As soon as Yun Hao entered the house, his father Yun Tiankuo came back in a hurry.

Yun Tiankuo's face was red and his expression was excited.

Yun Hao smiled and said: "Dad, do you have good news?"

Yuntiankuo smiled heartily and said: "Hao'er, dad is going out for a while, and when I come back, the old man will definitely promise to cultivate you well.

You just have to endure it for a few more days. I have already told your sister Yingzi that as long as she is here, no one will dare to target you. "

Yun Hao was a little uneasy. He had to ask clearly about this matter, so he said: "Dad, what are you going out for?"

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