God Hongtian

Chapter 798: Forbidden Life

In the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, a large number of emperor-level masters who had been reclusive and cultivating suddenly came out of seclusion, escaped into the void and disappeared without a trace.

This kind of news cannot be concealed at all.

The news spread, and the entire Donghuang was boiling!

Everyone is wondering what happened?

What is there on earth that could make the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land treat it so carefully?

Within the Eastern Sky Alliance.

The black palm print on Zuo Dao's chest now only has a faint trace left.

After receiving treatment from Yun Hao for more than ten days in a row, his injuries have basically recovered and there is no serious problem!

This is the last treatment.

When Yun Hao drew out the last ray of human power left in Zuo Dao's body, Zuo Dao suddenly felt the long-lost relief. His breath shook, his powerful power circulated, and the faint traces of his palm prints completely disappeared.

"Master Yun, thank you very much!"

Zuo Dao solemnly thanked him.

If it weren't for Yun Hao, he would have no choice but to put all his hope in the duel to attack the Holy Lord of the East Wasteland.

In his injured state, it would be difficult to succeed.

But now that the injury has healed, you can give it a try with all your strength!

Yun Hao: "All members of the Imperial Realm of the Eastern Wilderness Holy Land are dispatched. The only possibility is that they have received the edict from the Holy Lord of the Eastern Wilderness."

Zuo Dao immediately said: "In this case, we should take action. We must not let the Holy Lord of Donghuang succeed!"

Yun Hao nodded and said: "I have already explained this matter to Yuanta and Wudian. Leader Zuo can just go directly to negotiate with them about the details of personnel arrangements."

They are going to the depths of the void to confront the Holy Lord of the Eastern Wasteland.

This matter involves the Human Emperor Seal.

Naturally, Yun Hao could not stay out of the matter.

But he wasn't going to get involved himself in front of everyone watching.

He had other plans of his own.

Soon, a group of top experts in Tongtian City had gathered.

Three of the four Yuantian masters who are usually responsible for all matters in Yuanta are dispatched, leaving only one Yuantian master to sit at the base camp of Yuanta.

On the Martial Palace side, Yan Rumeng stayed behind, and Lin Xiaofeng, who had mastered Wusheng Sword Technique, would follow everyone into the depths of the void.

As for the Eastern Sky Alliance, in addition to Zuo Dao, a strong man at the ninth level of the Emperor Realm, they also dispatched four Emperor Realm masters!

This power is terrifying.

But everyone's expressions were extremely solemn, because this time the opponent was the Holy Land of the Eastern Wasteland, which had dominated the Eastern Wasteland for a long time!

It is currently known that the Emperor Realm experts from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land have come out in full force, including two Yuantian Masters!


The ninth floor of Source Tower.

In front of Yunhao, there are a total of eighteen Gutong!

These eighteen Gutong are not the original body, they are the source clones of Gutong!

The secret source avatar deduced by Yun Hao is indeed useful. During these days, Gu Tong has been studying and practicing day and night, and has stripped out the eighteen taboo powers in his body.

next moment.

Gutong's body flew by.

The eighteen source clones instantly submerged into his body.

"Sword Emperor, let's set off too!" Gu Tong said, with an expression on his face

A touch of fanaticism.

The ancestral teachings of the Gu family are to kill the Holy Lords of the Four Directions.

Now, the day has finally come to confront one of the Holy Lords.

Yun Hao: "The battle in the depths of the void will not end too quickly. We are not in a hurry to go to the depths of the void. Let's go to the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land first!"

As soon as these words came out, Gu Tong showed a look of surprise, and then said: "Does the Sword Emperor want to take advantage of the lack of power within the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land to wipe out their lair in one fell swoop?"

Yun Hao shook his head.

A super holy land that has been passed down for a long time is not so easy to break even if the strong men are out.

The heritage of the Holy Land is there.

It is difficult for Yunhao and Gu Tong to achieve this point alone.

Yun Hao: "The Origin Master of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land absorbs the forbidden blood to improve the Origin Technique. According to existing clues, the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land has mastered a physical body carved out of the Origin Stone.

That kind of taboo existence, once revived, will definitely possess tremendous combat power.

Let's go over there and meet that forbidden being! "

Gu Tong's eyes flickered for a while, and then he said: "Yes!"

Immediately afterwards, Gu Tong and Yunhao left Tongtian City without disturbing anyone in Tongtian City!

On the way to the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land.

The Daughter of Destiny in the God's Monument sent a message: "Aren't you going to bring those fighting spirits with you? Their outbreak can be a powerful helper for you!"

Yun Hao: "We are just dealing with the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, there is no need to let them sacrifice."

Destiny's Daughter: "You...how do you know?"

Yun Hao did not respond.

The Daughter of Destiny sighed and said: "The immortal heroic spirits turned into fighting spirits and fell asleep. The obsession to maintain their continued existence is to fight for the human race.

Indeed, they can only maintain an explosion for a moment. After the explosion, the heroic spirit dissipates, the fighting spirit is extinguished, and they truly disappear from the world.

Every fighting soul knows this matter, and they are all willing to do so without any regrets. As long as they can fight for the human race, they can accept complete destruction. "

Yun Hao: "Maybe there will be an opportunity for change in the future, allowing the fighting spirit to have real life again."

Daughter of Destiny: "Even if there is an opportunity, you must pay an unimaginable huge price. This is the eternal rule of justice between heaven and earth. If you want to gain, you must pay."

Yun Hao: "If I have this opportunity, I will seize it. Every immortal heroic spirit is a hero fighting for the human race. Then, they should not be let down. They are worthy of my sacrifice."

The girl of destiny was silent for a moment: "You... are becoming more and more like the emperor of the human world. It seems that these days, you have been exposed to the power of humanity and have understood the power of humanity, which has given you a profound understanding." Yun Hao did not speak. In fact, even if he did not understand humanity, he would do the same. The next day. "We are here!" Gu Tong, who was rushing at full speed, suddenly stopped. The base camp of the East Wasteland Holy Land is a blessed land. It is full of spiritual beauty, fragrance, and beautiful. Gu Tong: "Sword Emperor, I will find a way to break a corner of the Tianhuang Wuji Formation of the East Wasteland Holy Land, and then kill directly in and find the forbidden life!" Yun Hao shook his head and said, "There is no need to make such a big fuss, just follow me." Gu Tong hurriedly kept up with Yun Hao's speed. A moment later. Yun Hao came to the area southwest of the East Wasteland Holy Land. "After so many years, the Tianhuang Wuji Formation in the East Wasteland Holy Land has not made any progress at all." Yun Hao said, his tone was full of disdain!

The Tianhuang Wuji Formation in the East Wasteland Holy Land is no different from before.

Yun Hao had been to the East Wasteland Holy Land many times in his previous life.

This Tianhuang Wuji Formation has no secrets for him!

After saying this, he saw his hands quickly forming seals and striking out strands of golden spiritual patterns.

The golden spiritual patterns turned into a golden river and rushed to the Tianhuang Wuji Formation that enveloped the East Wasteland Holy Land in front of him.

The Tianhuang Wuji Formation suddenly opened a hole.

This super emperor formation was opened by Yun Hao, but there was not even a little movement.

Yun Hao took a step forward, passed through the Tianhuang Wuji Formation, and entered the interior of the East Wasteland Holy Land.

Gu Tong followed Yun Hao in.

The next moment, Yun Hao formed a hand seal again and pressed it on the ground.

This time, the secret technique of Daoyuan Sutra was used, and an invisible wave spread out instantly.

After a while, Yun Hao felt an extremely terrifying forbidden aura!

The specific location of the forbidden life hidden in the East Wasteland Holy Land has been found!

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