God Hongtian

Chapter 788 Yun Hao’s back-up plan

In the Huangquan Tomb, Yun Hao led everyone at an extremely fast speed deep into the underground palace where the nine-headed Netherworld Python and the sarcophagus were located.

After a while.

Yunhao slowed down a little.

Ahead is the underground palace.

very quiet.

Apart from the pure energy aura that surged out to attract everyone, there was nothing unusual about it.

Like a ferocious and bloodthirsty giant beast that is extremely good at camouflage, it opens its bloody mouth, waiting for its prey to rush in.


Behind Yun Hao, there was a roar.

A large group of people were in hot pursuit.

In order to seize this opportunity to kill Yun Hao, everyone went crazy!

"Caught him!"

"Yunhao's life is mine!"

"Each one depends on his ability!"

"No one can rob me!"

With loud shouts, the speed of the figures soared.

Yun Hao's speed also increased again, and he rushed into the underground palace without any hesitation.

Once entering the underground palace.

He directly blocked his own aura to prevent the evil statues in the underground palace from eroding his soul.

The underground palace was empty.

The nine-headed Nether Python disappeared, and the sarcophagus disappeared.

But Yun Hao can be sure that whether it is the nine-headed Nether Python or the sarcophagus, they are just hiding, waiting for all the prey to enter the underground palace.


"Whoosh whoosh!"

Geniuses from Zhongzhou also rushed into the underground palace.


Suddenly, there were screams and screams.

Their sea of ​​consciousness was instantly invaded by evil creatures!

Yun Hao watched coldly and did not take the opportunity to make a move.

No need!

These people, no

He needs to kill.

To a certain extent, he wants to use the lives of these people to delay time!

Moreover, he had a strong intuition that there were eyes secretly watching him!

Obviously, once the hidden nine-headed Nether Python and the existence in the sarcophagus appear, they are likely to be the first to attack him!

Yun Hao unfolded his supernatural eye to observe the underground palace.

The last time I came in, I came and left in a hurry.

Now, take the opportunity to figure out the environment here.

Under the observation of the supernatural eye, he discovered that among these strange statues in the underground palace, there was a faint ray of light, just like a candle.

There is such a ray of light in every strange statue.

But the position of this ray of light in each strange statue is different!

"There is something wrong with the statue. Destroy the statue first, then kill Yunhao!" Someone yelled after temporarily suppressing the invasion of strange creatures in the sea of ​​consciousness.

They did not attack Yun Hao immediately.

This situation is so wrong.

They thought this was Yun Hao's method. No one could predict what would happen once they directly attacked Yun Hao.

Therefore, we must first destroy the weird means that Yun Hao has arranged here.

Several figures were seen, rushing out and rushing towards the statue, using all their strength to unleash powerful secret techniques of attack and death, intending to blow up the statue.

"Boom boom boom!"

There were constant explosions.

However, every statue that was attacked was not damaged at all, not even a layer of stone skin fell off.

The statue is indestructible and cannot be broken at all!

"There's nothing we can do, kill him first!" One person roared. If you can't destroy the statue, then you can only

Kill Yunhao!

The man turned around suddenly, took one step forward, and was in front of Yun Hao in an instant.

Yun Hao used all his strength to activate the Ancestral Divine Art to protect the sea of ​​consciousness, and the half-step Ancestral Pattern's god-killing edge was ready to go.

To deal with this kind of character, naturally it is not to use the power of the half-step ancestral pattern to kill the gods, but to prevent the strange power of the statue from invading the soul of the sea of ​​​​consciousness.


Yun Hao slashed out with his sword.

The fierce sword energy directly split the charging guy in half!

This person's ranking on the list of Zhongzhou monsters is not low, thirty-five!

However, he was instantly killed by Yun Hao with one sword!

If he were outside, Yun Hao would definitely have to fight fiercely if he wanted to kill this guy without relying on formations and his strongest trump cards!

However, this is the underground palace of Huangquan Tomb.

These people have not discovered the pattern yet, which leads to their sea of ​​consciousness being constantly invaded by strange creatures and visions, and their combat effectiveness is greatly reduced.

But Yunhao, who had understood the secret of the underground palace, exploded with all his strength without being affected!

As one goes down and the other goes up, it kills him instantly!

This scene scared everyone present.

They were even more certain that the strange biological power that invaded the soul was Yun Hao's arrangement!

At this moment, the shadow of a strange and evil creature also appeared in Yun Hao's sea of ​​consciousness.

Even though he was on guard with all his strength, he still couldn't completely stop this power!

With a thought in his mind, he directly controlled the god-killing edge of the half-step ancestral pattern to destroy the power of the strange creatures invading the sea of ​​consciousness, and then sealed his whole body's aura.

At this time.

Ye Shanhe, who was ranked 31st on the Zhongzhou Monster List, also rushed in.

He also encountered the same situation as others.

Ye Shanhe snorted coldly

The sound suppressed the trouble in the sea of ​​consciousness, and then shouted: "This is the evil aspect of Shura of Huangquan Sect. Seal the breath of the whole body, and the power of the evil aspect of Shura will not be able to invade your sea of ​​consciousness!"

He recognized the origin of these strange statues in the underground palace and instantly knew how to crack them.

But he didn't hide it by himself, nor did he think of taking advantage of this opportunity to take Yun Hao's life first.

He now extremely suspected that Yun Hao had brought them here on purpose.

Therefore, he was worried that Yun Hao had some backup plans.

In this case, fighting alone can easily capsize the boat in the gutter.

The best way is to bring everyone together.

Everyone followed suit.

And this time.

Yunhao no longer cares.

Everyone who was supposed to come came in.

If you want to take action, it’s time to take action!

as expected.

Right now.


Suddenly, the ground of the underground palace exploded.

Nine huge heads were thrown wildly from the broken ground.

The nine-headed Netherworld Python appeared and killed a group of people in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the nine-headed Nether Python stared directly at Yun Hao, and swung its thick giant tail towards Yun Hao!

Yun Hao didn't hesitate, and instantly activated the heaven-defying magical power, the Eternal Golden Body!

His body was gleaming with golden light and seemed to be eternal!

The power of the nine-headed Nether Python is so terrifying that any ordinary Emperor Realm expert will be killed by one blow.

But Yunhao used his eternal golden body to instantly withstand this powerful blow from the nine-headed Netherworld Python!

The next moment, Yun Hao teleported in one step and wanted to leave the underground palace!

The exit of the underground palace was sealed by a thick layer of force.

Yun Hao was extremely decisive and directly performed the half-step ancestral tomb killing god.

, with a forcible sword, the force that blocked the exit tore a crack!

Immediately afterwards.

Flying swords shot out from Yun Hao's storage ring, shooting at the core of Shura's evil power in the underground palace!




Originally, the indestructible evil aspect of Shura was completely chopped into pieces by Yun Hao's flying sword!

And this time.

Yun Hao didn't even want the flying sword and rushed out.

The nine-headed Nether Python roared angrily and was about to give chase!

"Kill the people in the underground palace first!" At this moment, Emperor Huangquan's voice sounded.

Yun Hao has already escaped.

The key is that Yunhao escaped and destroyed all the evil aspects of Shura!

Without the power of Shura's evil aspect to suppress them, people like Ye Shanhe can explode with all their strength.

If the nine-headed Nether Python continues to hunt Yun Hao, Ye Shanhe and the others might find a way to escape from the underground palace.

To kill a Yun Hao, compared with the essence and blood of a large group of geniuses from the Cang Realm, Emperor Huang Quan chose the latter without hesitation!

The nine-headed Nether Python immediately stopped chasing Yun Hao, and turned its nine heads to stare at Ye Shanhe and the others.

"The evil aspect of Shura, the Hydra Emperor of the Huangquan Sect..." Ye Shanhe's face turned pale.

The others were so frightened that they couldn't even speak.

The next moment, the nine-headed Nether Python started the massacre!

Outside the Huangquan Tomb.

Yun Hao took out the blood voodoo that had reached the golden voodoo level.

He couldn't just trick and kill the geniuses like Zhongzhou and just leave.

We must also prevent the guy who practices the Heavenly Art of Underworld from becoming a murderous Shura, otherwise, the world of the Cang Realm will be filled with rivers of blood and all life will be in ruins!

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