God Hongtian

Chapter 782: If the Buddha wants to save me, I will kill the Buddha

Yunhao did not choose to stay near the Huangquan Tomb.

This is so obvious!

If a large number of people are attracted, maybe the Huangquan Tomb will be discovered by those people in advance, and the use of the trump card will be lost!

Next, he no longer hides his whereabouts.

No matter where you go, be honest.

A few days down.

There was never another battle at all!

The super geniuses of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land and the super geniuses of the Southern Xinjiang Holy Land are both dead. This undoubtedly sounds a wake-up call to all those who want to kill him in exchange for rewards!

If you want to get a reward and become a disciple of Emperor Yang Tianhua, you have to save your life first!

Yun Hao is not that easy to kill!

This day.

A group of young people broke through the space and descended over a city in the Eastern Wasteland.

The leader was a young man.

This man was carrying an extremely exaggerated sword on his back, and there was a fierce look between his brows.

One person in the team swooped down and entered the town.

Soon, the man flew high into the sky again, raised his hands towards the man carrying the sword, and said: "Senior Brother Ma, Yun Hao did stay here, but he has already left for an hour. According to what happened after he left Donghuang Tongtian City, The trajectory is certain, he is heading south!”

"Going south?" The man carrying the sword frowned slightly and said, "The emperor released the hunter Jin Bang, and he went all the way south. Is it possible that he wants to kill Zhongzhou? This man is really brave, chase him!"


At this time.

The space in front of the group split open.

In the void, a mighty golden light emerged.

Immediately afterwards, a group of monks wearing cassocks rushed out of the golden light.


The leading monk put his hands together and recited a Buddha's name. Then he looked at the man carrying the sword and said, "The donor has a very heavy killing karma. He should be the greedy wolf, sword and horse in Beihai!"

"Hmph, they say that the monks at the Ten Thousand Buddhas Pagoda in the Western Regions are very hypocritical. It seems that they are really well-deserved. They say that I have a heavy killing karma? You, the hypocritical monk, have killed as many people as me!"

Monk Xu Zhen called Amitabha Buddha again and said: "The poor monk does not kill people, but helps people escape from the sea of ​​suffering."

"Xu Zhen, get away, don't come and hinder me!" Ma Wuming shouted coldly.

Xu Zhen: "Donor Ma, let go. Fighting and killing will only increase your karmic debt. Give Yunhao to our Ten Thousand Buddhas Pagoda, and the Ten Thousand Buddhas Pagoda will save him."

Ma Wuming looked cold and said, "You want to steal prey from me?"

Xu Zhen: "Everything is fate. People in the Buddhist sect don't fight or rob each other. Yun Hao has a fate with the Buddha. It's up to me, the Buddha, to save him."


Ma Wuming didn't want to talk nonsense anymore and immediately drew his sword out of its sheath.

"If you don't get out, don't blame my knife for being rude!"

Xu Zhen clasped his hands together, and his body glowed with golden Buddha light.

The same goes for other people around him.

Pieces of golden Buddha light connected together and turned into a golden ocean.

"Do it!"

Ma Wuming completely lost his patience and slashed with his knife in an instant.


The knife comes out!

The domineering spirit of the Beihai Greedy Wolf Saber was revealed, and its murderous aura was extremely strong, tearing apart the golden ocean of Buddha's light!

A golden bowl suddenly flew out of the sleeve of Xuzhen's monk's robe!

The golden bowl hung high in the sky and tilted downwards. In an instant, a peaceful phantom of the world appeared, enveloping Beihai Ma Wuming and others.

Xu Zhen sat cross-legged in the sky, holding Buddha seals with both hands, chanting Buddhist sutras, and golden Buddhist Sanskrit words flew out one by one, blessing the golden bowl.

The other monks also did the same.

Ma Wuming and others were immediately trapped.

"Damn it...this group of hypocritical bald donkeys even brought a replica of the Buddha's Golden Bowl from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Pagoda. It will take at least half an hour for us to get out!" One person flew to Ma Wuming's side.

Ma Wuming looked gloomy and said: "Don't hide it, use all your strength. I'm sure Xu Zhen is here to stop us. Some of them are already attacking Yun Hao. These despicable bald donkeys, I must not let them steal the prey from me!"

The other side.

Yunhao stopped on an empty grassland.

He glanced around, and the next moment, swish, flying swords shot out in all directions from his storage ring!

The heaven and earth within a radius of ten miles were shattered by the sharp edge of this sword formation!

One after another, bald figures wearing monk robes were torn apart by his sword array, which concealed their figures.

"The people in the Ten Thousand Buddha Pagodas in the Western Regions are still the same

In the past, I liked to use sneak attacks! Yun Hao sneered, took one step forward, and instantly rushed in front of a bald donkey.

The holy land in all directions, the Ten Thousand Buddhas Pagoda is the holy land in the Western Region.


The sword edge swept out, as if there were thousands of troops in front of it, and it could be wiped out with one sword!

A golden light suddenly appeared on this person's body. In the golden light, Sanskrit words flowed and turned into a golden bell!

However, the phantom of the golden bell was unable to stop the sharp edge of Yun Hao's sword, and even the person was chopped into pieces!

After Yun Hao killed one person, he suddenly noticed something and slashed out with his backhand sword.


A crisp explosion erupted.

A golden demon-subduing pestle struck behind him and was chopped away by his sword.

But the power contained in the golden demon-subduing pestle was so overbearing that it caused Yun Hao's body to fly backwards!

"Formation of subduing the dragon!"

One person drank.

Immediately, all the monks in the Ten Thousand Buddha Pagoda made Buddha seals with their hands.

A huge amount of power suddenly turned into a huge golden shadow of the Dragon-Subduing Arhat!

Yun Hao's body was trapped in the shadow of the Dragon-Subduing Arhat.

The Dragon-Subduing Arhat is the head of the Eighteen Arhats in Buddhist legend and possesses very powerful power.

Seeing that Yun Hao was trapped in the phantom of Arhat Subduing the Dragon, all the monks breathed a sigh of relief, and then they all sat cross-legged and recited scriptures together. Their strength combined with the scriptures, offering dense Sanskrit Buddha power, blessing On the huge phantom of Arhat subduing the dragon.

The shadow of the Subduing Dragon Arhat became more and more solid.

Terrible pressure fell on Yun Hao.

The buzzing sounds of chanting were trying to invade his sea of ​​consciousness!

"Yun Hao, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and you can only find the shore when you turn around. You are destined to be my Buddha, so let me, the Buddha, help you!"

The leader of the monks spoke. His aura seemed to be peaceful and upright, but in fact it contained murderous intent and was vicious and cruel!

Yun Hao sneered and said: "Not to mention you little monks, even if the Buddha Lord of your Ten Thousand Buddha Pagoda comes, he is not qualified to save me!"

The leading monk shook his head and sighed, saying: "You are stubborn and have a deep demonic nature. You should be punished!"

next moment.

The light and shadow of the Dragon-Subduing Arhat that had become extremely solid reached out with one hand and grabbed Yun Hao fiercely!

Yun Hao thought.

Taiyan fire seals flew out and exploded in the palm of the dragon-subduing Arhat's light and shadow!

The raging fire burned the light and shadow of the Dragon-Subduing Arhat into nothingness in an instant!

The sea of ​​fire rolled, and Yun Hao stood in the sea of ​​fire, like a god who controlled the flames.

He snorted coldly, and like a sword, he shot towards the leading monk.

This person pinched the Buddha's seal and punched it out suddenly.

Just as the Buddha's Seal was about to hit Yun Hao, Yun Hao suddenly teleported in the air, disappeared, and then appeared in front of the leading monk.

Stab out with a sword!

A sword through the head!

"If the Buddha wants to save me, I will kill the Buddha!"

After the words fell, the sword energy exploded, strangling this person's body and soul!

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