God Hongtian

Chapter 778: Cutting off information and refining

According to what Hong Jiao said, this genius from the East Wasteland Holy Land wanted to go back and report about the Yellow Springs Heavenly Tomb.

They had lost too many people in the Yellow Springs Heavenly Tomb and dared not explore it privately anymore. The water inside was too deep and they could not control it.

However, not long after this person and Hong Jiao separated, suddenly, a sword light broke through the space and appeared behind him in an instant!


The sword energy fell.

Without giving him a chance to react, the sword split his body in half and exploded!

Yun Hao decisively took action and cut off the news of the Yellow Springs Heavenly Tomb!

On the other side.

Hong Jiao was full of resentment.

It was so aggrieved!

Originally thought that discovering the Yellow Springs Heavenly Tomb was a great opportunity, but it turned out to be a huge pit, and she herself almost fell into this pit.

There was only one person left who was willing to follow her.

"Yun Hao, that guy, actually sneaked into the Yellow Springs Heavenly Tomb, and it seems that he must have obtained something inside, which caused the creatures in the Yellow Springs Heavenly Tomb to hunt him down.

I must find him first and kill him. Not only can I take his life to get the hunting reward, but I can also get the treasures he got from the Yellow Springs Heavenly Tomb!"

Hong Jiao said to herself.

This is why she sent the only person left by her side away.

First, it is indeed necessary to let the East Wasteland Holy Land explore the Yellow Springs Heavenly Tomb, but more importantly, kill Yun Hao alone and get all the benefits!

"Strange, he obviously just left not long ago, but why can't my tracking secret technique capture any traces he left behind?" Hong Jiao seemed quite depressed.

She used secret techniques one after another, trying to grab a trace of Yun Hao's breath from the surrounding heaven and earth, but the guidance of the secret technique was like a headless fly, and there was no effect at all!

Hong Jiao still did not give up, and continued to use the secret technique to track Yun Hao's whereabouts.


Hong Jiao finally smiled.

Finally, she found a trace of Yun Hao's breath!

She immediately followed the guidance of this breath!

After a while, Hong Jiao came to a forest.

According to the guidance of the breath, Yun Hao was nearby.

"It seems that he was chased by the creatures in the Yellow Springs Heavenly Tomb and was seriously injured. He hid nearby and did not move. He must be healing. This is God's help. God has destined him to die in my hands!"

Hong Jiao was excited.

Although she almost fell in the Yellow Springs Heavenly Tomb, her condition was still very good and she could still exert her full combat power!

Just when Hong Jiao was about to search in this area.

Something changed suddenly.


"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"

In an instant, countless flying swords shot out from all directions of her.

The sword light was brilliant and boundless, and the whistling sound of the flying swords was like a huge wave!

Hong Jiao instantly realized that she was ambushed.

Her face was gloomy, she snorted coldly, and her mind urged a red silk to roll up, like a red river surging and washing, sweeping away all the flying swords that were shooting at her!

"What a petty trick, Yun Hao, come out and die!"

Hong Jiao shouted angrily, she grabbed the red silk with one hand and threw it out, the red silk directly rolled up the surrounding space, and forcibly pierced a hole in Yun Hao's flying sword, and she burst out at a speed and rushed out.


The sword formation is only the first level of means.

Hong Jiao, who had just escaped from the attack range of the sword formation, her gloomy face turned pale in an instant.


The surroundings were already covered by a dazzling spiritual light!


At this moment, Hong Jiao was completely panicked!

She knew that Yun Hao was a holy formation master!

What she didn't expect was that Yun Hao had just left Huangquan Tianmu not long ago, and in this short time, he could actually set up a holy-level formation here!

The speed of setting up the formation was really incredible, too fast.

Hong Jiao had never heard of any Saint-level formation master who could set up a holy formation in such a short time!

Whether she was shocked or panicked, Hong Jiao did not surrender!

As a seed player trained by the East Wasteland Holy Land, although she was only at the peak of the Tribulation Realm, she also had the super combat power of a Saint-killer.

Hong Jiao burst out with powerful means, and the top inherited magic of the East Wasteland Holy Land was constantly displayed, launching a fierce offensive, and confronting Yun Hao's holy formation head-on!

In a moment, Hong Jiao and the attack from the formation fell, and blasted against each other for hundreds of times!

Although she could protect herself temporarily.

But if this goes on, she will definitely be in trouble!

After all, her power is constantly being consumed, but as long as Yun Hao uses some materials, he can continuously provide energy for the formation to operate.

It is necessary to break through and kill through this


As soon as Hong Jiao thought of this, she gritted her teeth, and her aura suddenly surged. Her power was extremely violent, and dense blood appeared on the surface of her skin, which gave people an extremely ferocious feeling!

"Falling Desolate Finger!"

A light shout.

Hong Jiao's red silk rotated around her body, protecting her body. Her figure burst out and pointed forward.

Wherever the finger force passed, everything collapsed, and the desolate power was overwhelming.


The powerful desolate power successfully broke a hole in Yun Hao's formation!

Hong Jiao's mood instantly changed from dark to bright.

Breaking Yun Hao's formation, everything is worry-free!

Hong Jiao's red silk spurted, paving a long red bridge in the air, and rushed out along the hole in the formation.

Hong Jiao stepped on Hong Ling and escaped from Yun Hao's formation!

next moment.

A feeling of extreme danger arose in Hong Jiao's heart, and her pupils tightened... because, in front of her, there was a spark of four colors floating!

This spark seemed to be waiting for her right here!


Four-color spark explosion!

The extremely terrifying heat wave instantly hit Hong Jiao's body, and the raging sea of ​​fire directly submerged Hong Jiao!


Hong Jiao, who was in the sea of ​​fire, screamed in pain.

She broke out with all her strength and rushed out of the sea of ​​fire.

At this moment, Hong Jiao's whole body was scorched black, and the magic weapon red silk was also burned with holes all over it, like a rag.

Hong Jiao, whose hair and eyebrows were burned off, was so angry that she wanted to arrest her


She thought she was a hunter and Yunhao was her prey.

She locked onto the trace of her prey and was very excited, but in the end... her prey instead laid a triple series of traps here, which made her so embarrassed that she almost died!

this moment.

Hong Jiao finally saw her prey.

Yun Hao flew in the air with a calm expression, staring at her with indifferent eyes.

Black smoke was still coming out of Hong Jiao's nostrils, and she yelled angrily: "Yunhao, you have exhausted all your trump cards and still can't kill me. What else can you do next? Your death has come! "

Her body rushed out with an angry shout, and the tattered red silk whipped towards Yun Hao.


Yun Hao unsheathed his sword!

The cold light of the sword energy poured out from the scabbard like a torrent.

A sword tore Hong Jiao's red silk. The power of the sword did not diminish at all, and then fell on Hong Jiao, splitting Hong Jiao's body into pieces!

Yun Hao raised his hand and grabbed it.

Hong Jiao's soul that escaped from her broken body was suppressed by Yun Hao's power!


Hong Jiao's remnant soul struggled with all its strength, but to no avail, and was extremely frightened.

However, Yun Hao was not interested in hearing what she had to say. He waved his hand and completely crushed Hong Jiao's remaining soul!

After Hong Jiao was solved, the news about the Huangquan Tomb was completely cut off.

Next, it’s time to refine the Nine Nether Grass!

After the Nine Nether Grass is completely refined, those guys from Zhongzhou, Southern Xinjiang, Western Region, and Beihai should also arrive in the Eastern Wasteland!

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