God Hongtian

Chapter 776: Nine-Headed Nether Python, Super Potion

Inside the passage of Huangquan Tomb, there is a cold atmosphere.

Even though Yun Hao has a perfect Dao body and a strong physical body, he will still feel extremely obvious discomfort after his body is contaminated by this cold breath. Only by actively operating the Taichu Creation Art to make the blood and energy surge in his body can he control it.

As for the group of people in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, one person controlled a very protective treasure and held up a spiritual light to protect everyone as they moved forward.

Miles deep underground.

The people from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land stopped.

In front of them, nine forked paths appeared.

Everyone looked at the leader, Hong Jiao, waiting for Hong Jiao to make up his mind!

Hong Jiao stood at the crossroads, making seals with her hands, and a dreamy and blurry light bloomed from her body.

In the light.

One after another, Hong Jiao's shadow appeared.

A total of seven shadows!

"Phantom clone!"

Someone exclaimed, and then immediately flattered her: "Senior Sister Hong has mastered such an unpopular secret technique, she is really amazing!"

Someone else echoed, saying: "I have tried to practice phantom clones before, but it was too difficult and the clones had little fighting power, so I gave up. Now it seems that I was short-sighted. There is nothing useless in this world." The secret is that Senior Sister Hong has the foresight!”

Although the expression on Hong Jiao's face did not change, a glimmer of pride still flashed in her eyes. She said lightly: "I only practiced this secret technique casually for a few days."

Everyone continued to flatter him.

"It only took a few days to create seven phantom clones...Senior Sister Hong's talent is too strong!"

"I find it difficult to even get started, but Senior Sister Hong can master it in just a few days. I admire you!"

"If Senior Sister Hong can get the opportunity of the Underworld Tomb, coupled with such an incredible super talent, she will definitely surpass Jiang Chen in a short time!"

"That Jiang Chen is too arrogant. When the time comes, Senior Sister Hong will suppress him and see if he still dares to be arrogant!"

Hong Jiao smiled faintly, then raised her hand and waved.

Seven phantom clones entered different forks ahead.

Everyone was silent.

After a while.

Hong Jiao's body trembled slightly and she said: "All of the seven forked roads have big...

It is dangerous and cannot be entered. "

"Then...there are two other paths...how to choose?"

"Senior Sister Hong casts phantom clone again?"

Hong Jiao: "Phantom clones cannot be used continuously."

After saying that, she looked at the two people in the team.

Two people: "..."

Under coercion and inducement, the two had no other choice but to bite the bullet and enter a fork in the road.


An extremely shrill scream immediately erupted from one of the forks.

The group of people in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land all turned pale when they heard the screams.


Soon, the screams disappeared.

Another person who went in to explore the road rushed out and said: "Senior Sister Hong, this road is safe!"


Hong Jiao shouted excitedly, and immediately led everyone into the side road that they thought was safe.

Yun Hao then appeared.

He has been following the group of people in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land.

Can't take action at the moment.

There are many people on the other side, and none of them are weak.

Yun Hao looked at the nine forked roads in front of him. He did not choose the forked road that Hong Jiao and the others entered to follow. Instead, he used his clairvoyance to carefully observe each forked road.

in his observations.

All nine forks are dangerous.

The branch that Hong Jiao and the others entered seemed safe, but in fact, it hid an extremely terrifying aura and was countless times more dangerous than the other eight branches!

In the end, Yunhao chose a less dangerous branch to enter.


In the fork in the road, the dark wind howled.

The force protection supported by Yun Hao's body surface was directly corroded by the evil wind. The evil wind fell on the surface of his skin, and his skin disappeared in an instant, directly exposing his bones.

Yunhao immediately used all his strength to activate the Taichu Creation Technique.

The corroded skin and flesh grew back, the bright glow of the body illuminated the dark passage, and the powerful power of Qi and blood completely blocked the howling wind.


As Yunhao continued to go deeper into the forked road.

Waves of faint neighing sounds sounded intermittently.

Yun Hao's mental power unfolded silently.

However, some abnormalities were not caught at all.

Walked forward for a moment.


An extremely dangerous feeling emerged from his heart.

Yunhao made a quick decision and teleported in one step!


Where he was originally, a deep pit was directly penetrated by a strange force!

At this time, Yunhao finally discovered the source of the crisis in his heart!

A black snake!

This snake was only as thick as an arm. Its body was wrapped around a raised stone pillar on the rock wall of the passage. The upper half of its body was hanging in the air. The scarlet snake kept spitting and hissing sounds.

The weirdest thing is undoubtedly the pair of snake eyes.

Snake eyes are actually yellow!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't be able to sense this snake even if it appeared at his feet!

There is no breath fluctuation at all!

"Netherworld Snake!"

Yunhao recognized the origin of this object, but felt a little excited.

This is a creature that lives with the yellow spring water.

Where there are ghost snakes, it means that there must be yellow spring water nearby!

The Nether Snake's yellow eyes stared at Yun Hao. The next moment, its black body suddenly straightened and shot out like a javelin, rushing towards Yun Hao.


Before the Netherworld Snake could get closer, Yun Hao thought, and shot a flying sword out of the storage ring, directly striking the Netherworld Snake from its head to its tail!

split into two!


The two halves of the snake corpse fell to the ground in the passage.

An extremely fishy smell spread out, and in the blink of an eye, the Nether Snake's body rotted into a puddle of pus.

next moment.




Countless neighing sounds sounded.

On the rock wall of the passage, ghost snakes came out one after another, densely packed and countless!

In this dark environment, countless yellow snake eyes stared directly at Yun Hao, which was extremely weird.

Yun Hao snorted coldly.

The next moment, a scalding heat burst out from his spine!

Dragon power blooms!

Affected by the dragon's power, all the ghost snakes that appeared retreated in fear, and the light emitted from their earth-yellow eyes flickered on and off.

Yun Hao continued to move forward with Long Wei.

The Nether Snakes blocking the way forward gave way one after another!

After another moment, Yunhao finally

Walking out of this passage, you entered an extremely huge underground palace!

Around the underground palace, there are ferocious statues built one after another.

Every statue, just looking at it, will bring a very powerful spiritual oppression to people!


An extremely ferocious aura erupted from Yun Hao's sea of ​​consciousness, and a ferocious statue appeared directly in his world of sea of ​​consciousness.

This is a creature with a green face and fangs, holding a dark fork in its hand, stabbing Yun Hao's soul fiercely!


The next moment, Yun Hao's half-step ancestral pattern God Killing exploded in the sea of ​​consciousness, and he slashed with the golden sword.

This strange creature was annihilated immediately!

In Yun Hao's consciousness, everything returned to normal, and he immediately retracted his gaze from the statue.

The statues in this underground palace are so weird that they can directly invade the sea of ​​consciousness, making them impossible to guard against!

But even if Yun Hao retracted his gaze from staring at the statue, it was still useless. In the blink of an eye, another group of ferocious-looking creatures appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness!

These ferocious creatures make sharp and strange sounds, are extremely ferocious and terrifying!

Yun Hao snorted coldly, the Ancestral Divine Art was running at full strength, and the spiritual power in the sea of ​​consciousness instantly set off a vast golden light. The golden sword quickly shuttled through the sea of ​​consciousness, chopping up the strange creatures that invaded his sea of ​​consciousness!

The next moment, Yun Hao directly sealed all his aura!

This way.

Only then did the trouble like before finally cease to occur.

"What a weird arrangement!" Yun Hao said to himself.

When a normal person encounters the situation just now, the first reaction is not to look at these weird statues.

But in fact, sight is not the key to this weird power invading the sea of ​​consciousness.

Then, most people will react and withdraw their mental power, thinking that this way they will not be invaded by strange forces into the sea of ​​consciousness, but this still doesn't work.

The key to strange power invading the sea of ​​consciousness is breath!

As long as a trace of breath is leaked, the omnipresent power will penetrate into the sea of ​​consciousness.

This is a very difficult question.

It’s better not to fight.

Once you need to take action, your own breath cannot be sealed, and in that moment

There will be this weird power that transforms into ferocious creatures, invades the sea of ​​consciousness, and attacks the soul!

During the battle, there was trouble in the sea of ​​consciousness, and it was difficult to exert half of the combat power!

After Yunhao found a solution, peace finally returned to his world of consciousness.


Immediately afterwards, another extremely strong sense of crisis broke out.

Just now, he had been dealing with troubles in the world of Consciousness Sea and had no time to look around for other situations. Now... Yun Hao discovered that in front of him... there was a huge... nine-headed nether python!

The tail of the nine-headed Nether Python hovered on the ground.

Nine heads stood up.

Eighteen lantern-sized khaki eyes stared straight at Yun Hao!

In an instant, a layer of cold sweat appeared on Yun Hao's forehead!

This is already a legendary creature!

"so close!"

If he hadn't maintained the power of the dragon... and formed a kind of shock to the nine-headed Netherworld Python, otherwise... in the state of dealing with the troubles in the sea of ​​​​consciousness world just now, the nine-headed Netherworld Python casually struck down, and the consequences would be Unthinkable!

Yun Hao calmed down immediately.

Something is wrong with this nine-headed Netherworld Python!

It seems... not as terrifying a power as the legend says!

Soon, he discovered the problem.

Eight of the nine heads of the nine-headed Nether Python... all have obvious injuries...

This was a nine-headed Nether Python that had suffered serious injuries.

Of course, even if they are seriously injured, ordinary emperor-level experts cannot deal with such legendary creatures.

Yun Hao was preparing to withdraw first.

Taking advantage of now, Long Wei can still intimidate to a certain extent. If it is delayed for a little longer, Long Wei will no longer be able to intimidate!

But just when Yun Hao was about to withdraw first, his eyes caught a glimpse of a black elixir growing behind the nine Netherworld Pythons!

This black elixir has nine leaves in total. Apart from being completely black, it seems ordinary and has nothing special about it.

But when Yun Hao saw this elixir, his eyes flickered violently.

Nine Nether Grass!

A super medicine that must absorb yellow spring water to have a chance of growing, and its effect is not weaker than the dragon and phoenix blood fruit!

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