God Hongtian

Chapter 76: What’s the use of keeping this mouth?

Yun Hao and Yun Tiankuo came to Beihan County and spent their first night back at their master's house in an abandoned and dilapidated house in the courtyard.

The next day, early in the morning, Yun Tiankuo had already gotten up, looked at Yun Hao with a guilty look, and said: "Hao'er, dad will go find the old man right now. As long as the old man knows about your talent, the old man will definitely value it. You, cultivate yours well!”

"Dad, why don't I go with you." Yun Hao was really uneasy, so he wanted to go together.

Yuntiankuo refused and said: "Hao'er, you still have to abide by the rules. I'll go see the old man first, and then I'll ask the old man to call you over."

Yun Hao thought for a moment, nodded, and said, "Dad, then you should be more careful."

Yun Tiankuo smiled and said: "Don't worry, this is the head of the Yun family in Beihan County, and it's not a den of wolves and beasts."

After tidying up, Yuntiankuo went out.

"Woof woof woof..."

Xiao Hei, who had been holding back all night, finally called out twice in front of Yun Hao.

Yun Hao looked at Xiao Hei: "If you have something to say, just say it, and don't bark like a dog here!"

Xiaohei: "Master, if someone comes to cause trouble, can I bite them?"

Obviously, even Xiao Hei can see more clearly than Yun Tiankuo and knows that the head of the Yun family is not a good person.

In fact, it's not that Yuntiankuo doesn't understand, it's that he has too much obsession in his heart and has always had expectations for his master's family, which led to the situation where the authorities were obsessed with it.

Yun Hao looked away from Xiao Hei and said calmly: "Just don't bite him to death."

Xiao Hei was suddenly excited

He jumped up and said, "Master, don't worry, I will definitely be careful with my words."


The other side.

Yun Feng, who had lost his arm, had already joined several young people from the Yun family early in the morning.

"Brother Yang, my father has received the news that Yun Tiankuo has gone to see the old man. Why don't we go find Yun Hao now!"

Yun Feng acted extremely flatteringly, with an impatient look on his face.

He couldn't wait to avenge his broken arm right away!

The man whom Yun Feng calls Brother Yang, whose full name is Yun Shaoyang, is quite influential among the younger generation of the head of the Yun family.

Yun Shaoyang snorted coldly and sneered: "Yun Feng, it's a good thing that you are still the one who walked out of the master's house. You have suffered such a big loss at the hands of that little bastard Yun Hao. The master's family has lost all face because of you." !”

Yun Feng's face suddenly turned red, he lowered his head and said, "Brother Yang, I..."

Yun Shaoyang was too lazy to take another look at Yun Feng and said, "Okay, since this matter was assigned by the elder Chuan Gong, I will naturally take care of it, let's go!"

After a while, Yun Shaoyang and others arrived at the courtyard.

Yun Feng immediately pointed to the dilapidated room and said, "Brother Yang, Yun Hao stays inside."

"Let him get out." Yun Shaoyang said coldly.

With Yun Shaoyang's support, Yun Feng was full of confidence and shouted: "Yun Hao, get out of here!"


Nothing happened.

"Did that little bastard go out too?" said a girl who came with Yun Shaoyang.

Another man looked at Yun Feng and said, "Yun Feng, go in and take a look!"

Yun Feng: “…


Fear arose uncontrollably in his heart.

After all, in Liuyun City, he was suppressed so miserably by Yun Hao that it left a psychological shadow.

But when he thought that this was the head of the Yun family, and that Yun Shaoyang and the others were watching next to him, Yun Feng gritted his teeth and headed straight for the door of the dilapidated house. There were still a few meters away. Yun Feng gave a low shout and raised his arms. He clenched his fist and slammed the door.

The vitality roars.

A fist seal shot through the air.

But before the punch mark penetrated the wooden door, suddenly, with a creak, the wooden door opened automatically.

Immediately afterwards.


A black shadow jumped out of the house.

The speed of this black shadow was so fast, like a black electric light, it rushed in front of Yun Feng in an instant.

Yun Feng was unprepared. Of course, even if he was prepared, it would be useless. This mutated hurricane wolf possesses the strength of the early Yuangang realm, and its defense cannot be broken without golden elixir!


next moment.

Yun Feng screamed.

His body was thrown to the ground.

One of Xiao Hei's front paws pressed Yun Feng's face, and the other front paw pressed Yun Feng's chest.

The mouth opened, sharp fangs exposed, and saliva dripped down, smearing Yun Feng's face.

It seemed that he was not enjoying the game, so Xiao Hei's long tongue covered with barbs stretched out and licked Yun Feng's face.

The dense barbs immediately cut numerous gashes on Yun Feng's face, causing Yun Feng to scream in pain.

"Woof woof woof!"

Xiao Hei deliberately teased Yun Feng and barked several times, which frightened Yun Feng so much that he did not dare to struggle or

Dare to shout again.

Next to them, the faces of Yun Shaoyang and others changed slightly.

At this time.

Yunhao looked calm and walked out of the house.

"Are you Yun Hao?"

Yun Shaoyang's eyes immediately focused on Yun Hao. He looked at him for a few times, then snorted coldly and said, "Why don't you tell your dog to let him go?!"


Xiao Hei shouted directly, and then bit Yun Feng's shoulder.

Yun Feng was in pain and screamed as loudly as a slaughtered pig.

The man following Yun Shaoyang spoke up and said, "He is indeed a useless playboy from a run-down town, and he actually raised a vicious dog to show off his evil deeds!"

The woman said: "Brother Yang, save people first or deal with this bastard first?"

Yun Shaoyang stared at Yun Hao and said indifferently in a condescending tone: "You broke Yun Feng's arm, so today you must use both arms to make amends.

If you allow a dog to commit murder in the master's house, then you, the black dog, must die. If you continue to follow us to the torture chamber, you will be tried and severely punished! "

Yun Hao said calmly: "Who do you think you are?"

Don't wait for Yun Shaoyang to speak.

The woman following Yun Shaoyang laughed and said: "What an ignorant fool, he doesn't even know about Brother Yang.

Our Brother Yang is a genius of the younger generation in our master's family. He is just twenty years old and already has the cultivation level of the first level of the Spirit Gathering Realm.

And Brother Yang's elder brother is the core disciple of Qingfeng Martial Academy, with a bright future.

Brother Yang is here to teach you a lesson today. It is your honor. Whatever Brother Yang says is whatever it is. It’s useless if you don’t accept it. Don’t talk about you anymore, even if your father is here.

Here, if Brother Yang asks him to kneel down, he has to kneel down! "

As the woman spoke, she took a few steps forward and continued: "Yun Tiankuo, that good-for-nothing, was kicked out a few years ago, and he hung out with some shameless bitch, and gave birth to a bastard like you.

Yun Hao, you don't deserve the surname Yun. Your name is not even in the Yun family's genealogy.

You are just an outsider in the Yun family. In our eyes, you are just a bastard..."

This woman's words were extremely harsh.

Don't wait for her to finish.

Yun Hao's body instantly erupted with an icy aura.

He took one step forward and appeared in front of this woman.


A crisp sound followed.

It was Yun Hao who slapped the woman firmly on the face.

The woman's head tilted!

When she turned around, a clear slap mark appeared on her face.

She froze.

Others were also stunned.

None of them expected that Yun Hao would take the initiative!

The woman was brought back to consciousness by the burning pain on her face, and she suddenly yelled with bared teeth and claws: "Yunhao, you bastard, you bastard, how dare you hit me!"


Yun Hao slapped her again, hitting the woman's other cheek firmly.

This time, the woman was hit directly and her body flew away.


The woman's body hit the ground, her face was smashed, and all her teeth were broken.

Yun Hao's eyes were like two sharp swords, staring at the woman, and said: "If you can't speak human words, what's the use of keeping this mouth?"

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