God Hongtian

Chapter 757: The Sword Holder’s Mission

The scandal that Yun Hao became the sword holder of the Martial Palace caused a large-scale heated discussion in Tongtian City.

The holy son of the Wanjian Sect, the guest minister of the Source Pagoda, and the sword holder of the Martial Palace, three identities combined into one.

The most discussed thing... is not the pseudonym Jian Hongchen, nor the real name Yun Hao, but another pseudonym used a few days ago, Yun Ritian!

After the Divine Tree of Heaven sheds the light of the avenue, he fights all the way from the tenth circle to the first circle, and with the power of one person, he annihilates more than twenty people from the Golden Generation of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land.

This achievement is the most outstanding, and it is also the most sensitive.

Some people even listed a bunch of grievances between Yun Hao and the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land in chronological order.

At Wanjianmen, Yunhao disrupted the plot of Donghuang Holy Land to infiltrate Wanjian Space, killed Wanjianmen's genius Pu Jian, and then assisted Wanjianmen to uncover all the spies planted by Donghuang Holy Land.

Because Yun Ritian's identity was also exposed, everyone knew that the flames controlled by Yun Hao had the property of burning the Taoist order. In other words, he had obtained the Tianxuan True Fire in the Forbidden Zone of the Gods. , which means that Ye Lin, who died in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land in the Forbidden Zone of the Gods, also fell into his hands.

The glory of the great avenue has arrived, and Yun Hao's regiment has destroyed the golden generation of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land!

Then, there was the bounty assassination. Yunhao used fishing to fish out two great saints from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land and killed those two great saints!

Yesterday, Yun Hao, as a guest of the Source Tower, killed the super Source Master genius Yu Ye of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land!

Let all these things go

On the bright side, everyone thought it was incredible.

Yun Hao... This is a feud that will never end with the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land!

He seemed to be born to be the nemesis of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land... In a short period of time, this super holy land that dominated the Eastern Wasteland suffered heavy losses one after another!

Everyone in Tongtian City is very curious about what kind of reaction Donghuang Holy Land will have next!

The Eastern Wasteland Holy Land will definitely not let Yun Hao go.

However, Yun Hao is not something that the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land can just kill if he wants!

The identity of the Holy Son of the Wanjian Sect is not that great, but the identity of the guest minister of the Source Tower and the identity of the sword holder of the Martial Palace are all strong guarantees for Yun Hao!


In the Martial Palace.

The ancestor Jinghong of Wanjian Sect and Lord Zhongzhong have already left.

Liu Yi, the deputy leader of the Eastern Sky Alliance, has left.

Xu Guang from Yuanta also left, but Ge Chuanxiong still stayed here.

Fu Dongyang and Ou Yunqing entered a courtyard with Yun Hao.

"Yunhao, this courtyard is your residence as a sword holder." Fu Dongyang said.

Yun Hao nodded.

Ge Chuanxiong on the side: "If you have anything to do, just discuss it. I'm going to take a rest."

The courtyard was very large, with many rooms. Ge Chuanxiong randomly chose a room and went in, leaving the space for Yun Hao and the others to discuss matters regarding the Martial Palace.

The expression of excitement and joy on Ou Yunqing's face has faded a lot. Although he took a breath today and regained the game, the next situation is still not optimistic.

"For the recommendation

Regarding the new general hall master, there are now five votes in favor and only three of our votes against. There are still ten days left. If we cannot equalize the number of votes within these ten days, then this matter will be a foregone conclusion. Therefore, we have to We need to find Lin Xiaofeng and Yan Rumeng as soon as possible! "

Ou Yunqing's expression was solemn and his tone was quite serious.

"Lin Xiaofeng will be back soon." Fu Dongyang said.

"Seriously?" Ou Yunqing's face looked better.

Fu Dongyang: "..."

He didn't know if that was what Yun Hao said, so he could only look at Yun Hao.

Yun Hao nodded: "Yes, let's talk about Yan Rumeng. Where is she in seclusion? Go find her directly. If she can't come out of seclusion, then you have to let her out even if you force her way in!"

Fu Dongyang: "We don't know where she is in retreat. In fact, we have always suspected that she was not in retreat, but something happened, but there is no clue at all..."

Ou Yunqing: "We have searched secretly, but we have no clue!"

Yun Hao frowned.

It seems that this matter is not as simple as it seems!

Fu Dongyang changed the subject. He looked at Yun Hao and said, "Next, you have to prepare another thing."

"What's the matter?" Yun Hao asked.

Fu Dongyang: "Once you become the sword holder of the Martial Palace, you have to kill a descendant of the Demon Queen to sacrifice the sword. This is the rule set by the main palace master. I think Lu Fang and Song Xiao will definitely not just If they give up so easily, they will definitely speed up the process of this matter, and during this period...right

Do it! "

Ou Yunqing slapped his forehead. Fortunately, Fu Dongyang reminded him of such an important matter. He had forgotten it even if Fu Dongyang didn't mention it. Then he added: "There are regulations in this battle. The Martial Palace will provide you with protection, but outsiders must not be allowed to do so." Step in and help... In other words, when you want to do this, no one from the Eastern Sky Alliance or Source Tower can follow you."

"What I'm most worried about now is not Lu Fang and Song Xiao."

Fu Dongyang said: "The one who should be most vigilant should be the Eastern Barren Holy Land... Once Lu Fang and Song Xiao leak their whereabouts to the Eastern Barren Holy Land... The Eastern Barren Holy Land, which has suffered so much during this period, will take revenge... It will definitely be extremely difficult. fear!"

Yun Hao: "It's useless to worry about this now, just take one step at a time!"

Just as Fu Dongyang and Ou Yunqing expected.

As expected, the two old foxes Lu Fang and Song Xiao led a large group of people straight to the courtyard where Yun Hao lived the next day.

Fu Dongyang and Ou Yunqing came after hearing the news.

Lu Fang stared at Yun Hao, snorted coldly, and said: "According to the clues sent back by the Martial Palace spies, we found that among a group of demons running around, there is a descendant of the Demon Emperor.

Yunhao, as the sword holder, according to the rules, you should kill a descendant of the Demon Queen to sacrifice the sword, so you can go directly! "

Song Xiao added and emphasized: "Before departure, hand over the Zhenwu Emperor Sword. The Martial Palace has rules. Even the sword holder cannot leave Tongtian City with the Zhenwu Emperor Sword!"

Fu Dongyang immediately said:

"Yun Hao has just become a sword bearer, so there is no rush about the descendants of the Demon Killing Emperor sacrificing the sword!"

Lu Fang sneered and said: "It is difficult to track the whereabouts of a descendant of the Demon Queen. Are you not in a hurry now? Do you want to let that descendant of the Demon Queen go? As a sword holder in the Martial Palace, can you even hunt down a descendant of the Demon Queen?" If he doesn’t have the courage, what qualifications does he have to be a sword bearer?”

Song Xiao was also aggressive and said: "Extermination of demons is the purpose of the Martial Palace, and the sword holder should take the lead. Any demon-suppressing guard in the Martial Palace should not shrink back when facing the demons. As a sword holder, he shrinks If so, how can we convince the public?”

Fu Dongyang and Ou Yunqing wanted to say something more.

However, Yun Hao walked up to the two of them. His eyes calmly swept over Lu Fang and the others, and then said: "Within three days, I will come back with the head of the descendant of the Demon Queen to sacrifice the sword. !”

There is no point in arguing with them.

Since this is a rule set by Di Fei, Yun Hao will not break this rule and just act according to the rules!

Successful smiles appeared on the old faces of Lu Fang and Song Xiao.

"Okay, then we are looking forward to seeing you come back within three days with the head of the descendant of the Demon Queen!"

"If you can't do it, then you'd better not become a sword holder, so as not to disgrace the Martial Palace!"


The two left with a group of people.

"Yunhao...this..." Fu Dongyang sighed.

But Yun Hao was very calm and said: "General Fu, we will set off in an hour!"

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