God Hongtian

Chapter 752: The man holding the sword calls for help

The Martial Palace is about to choose a new chief palace master.

Upon hearing the news, a layer of frost instantly appeared on Yun Hao's face!

The Wu Palace was built by Di Fei.

Di Fei is the chief palace master of the Martial Palace!

Although Di Fei has entered the abyss for a thousand years, he is not dead yet, he is still alive, so the Martial Palace should not re-elect a new chief palace master!

No one in the Martial Palace can replace Di Fei's position!

Ge Chuanxiong noticed something was wrong with Yun Hao's expression and said, "Holy Son of Heaven, what's wrong with you?"

Yun Hao: "It's okay, go back to Wanjianmen station first!"

The two of them had just returned to Wanjianmen's station. Fu Dongyang, the commander of the Wudian Demon Suppression Corps, was already waiting for him.

Yun Hao took Fu Dongyang alone into an undisturbed courtyard.

"Yunhao, I just came back from outside after dealing with the Taixuan Sect, so I came to see you first." Fu Dongyang said.

"Thank you, Mr. Fu, for your concern." Yun Hao thanked him, and then went straight to the point and said, "Mr. Fu, why is the Martial Palace so anxious to elect a new chief palace master?"

Speaking of this, Fu Dongyang's expression darkened and he said: "This is all caused by the two old guys, Deputy Palace Master Lu Fang and Song Xiao."

Yun Hao looked at Fu Dongyang without interrupting, and motioned for Fu Dongyang to continue speaking.

Fu Dongyang: "You should also know that there are three disciples under the leadership of Mr. Di.

The eldest disciple Yan Rumeng has not appeared in seclusion for many years.

The second disciple is Song Xiao.

However, Lin Xiaofeng, the third disciple of Master Di, has been in tit-for-tat confrontation with Song Xiao, and Song Xiao's power and ambition have been restricted.


Recently...Lin Xiaofeng also disappeared, unknown to where he went.

Without Lin Xiaofeng's checks and balances, Song Xiao became unscrupulous.

In addition, Lu Chaoyuan, the descendant of Deputy Palace Master Lu Fang, is now number one on the Qingyun Ranking and has been named the Sword Bearer of the Martial Palace! "

Yun Hao: "The sword holder? Mr. Fu, please tell me about the sword holder in detail!"

Fu Dongyang nodded and said: "The sword holder must be the number one among the younger generation in the Martial Palace. In addition, he must also have a great reputation in Donghuang.

Before, Lu Fang wanted to make his descendant Lu Chaoyuan the sword bearer several times, but Lu Chaoyuan was not famous enough, so they failed.

But as Lu Chaoyuan received the blessing of the Dragon God, the Golden Generation of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land was completely wiped out. Lu Chaoyuan suddenly became the number one in the Qingyun Ranking, and he successfully became the sword bearer.

But to become a sword holder, you also need to be recognized by the True Martial Emperor Sword left by Master Di.

Lu Chaoyuan failed to get the recognition of the sword, so his identity as the sword holder was half full! "

Yun Hao's eyes flickered and he said, "In other words, the identity of Lu Chaoyuan, the sword holder, is not certain?"

Fu Dongyang looked bitter and said, "It's true that it's not certain, but both Lu Fang and Song Xiao have recognized him, and the rest of the Martial Hall can't say anything."

"What power does the sword holder have?" Yun Hao asked again.

Fu Dongyang: "In the main hall of the Martial Palace, whenever major matters arise, a vote is required. The minority obeys the majority, and the sword holder has the right to vote.

I also have a vote.


Fang, Yan Rumeng, Song Xiao, Lin Xiaofeng... they all have the right to vote.

But now, neither Yan Rumeng nor Lin Xiaofeng showed up, which is equivalent to them abstaining from voting. Although I voted against it, the total number of objections was only two votes!

The number of votes supporting the election of the new chief palace master is six...

Therefore, this matter can no longer be stopped! "

Yun Hao: "If Lin Xiaofeng and Yan Rumeng can appear in the recent period, is it still too late?"

Fu Dongyang looked bitter and said: "If they show up, they can naturally vote against it, but...it doesn't make sense even if they come back and vote against it.

The factions headed by Lu Fang and Song Xiao received a total of six votes in support of re-electing the chief palace master. This matter has been confirmed...

A group of despicable and shameless guys. If Martial Palace is really controlled by them, then Martial Palace will no longer be the Martial Palace it once was. They are all selfish and only want to use Martial Palace as a capital for dominance. They will never Then take the elimination of demons as the purpose of Wudian!

I have already thought about leading a group of people to leave the Martial Palace before the outcome of this matter comes out. In short, I, Fu Dongyang, will definitely not collude with them! "

Yun Hao: "Commander Fu, don't make a decision in a hurry. Senior Lin Xiaofeng should be back in the next two days. If you find Yan Rumeng, you can stop Lu Fang and Song Xiao's ambitions!"

Calculating the time, it was almost time for Lin Xiaofeng to come back in the past two days.

Moreover, at the very least, he will return with the perfect strength of the Great Sage, and may even become the emperor directly!

With the prowess of Wu Sheng's swordsmanship, Lin Xiaofeng will have extremely powerful combat power when he returns.

Fu Dongyang: "... Even so, there are six votes in favor and four votes against..."

Yun Hao: "No, I also have a vote!"

Fu Dongyang: "..."

Yun Hao: "Commander Fu, don't forget, I am also a member of the Martial Palace. Since the sword holder of the Martial Palace can have a vote, then I will be the sword holder. Anyway, Lu Chaoyuan's status as the sword holder is Moisture can still get him off!”

Fu Dongyang: "This..."

Yun Hao: "Commander Fu, without further ado, I'm going to take over the identity of the sword holder first!"

After a while.

Yun Hao announced this decision in front of Ge Chuanxiong, Patriarch Jinghong and Shen Chongjun.

Three people: "..."

Ge Chuanxiong: "Holy Son of the Red Dust... you are not from the Martial Palace... If you want to argue about the identity of the swordsman... If your name is not justified, you cannot forcefully intervene in the affairs of the Martial Palace!"

Ancestor Jinghong and Lord Zhongzhong had the same thoughts as Ge Chuanxiong.

Yun Hao: "I am from the Martial Palace. Before I joined the Wanjian Sect, I was the demon-suppressing envoy of the Martial Palace in the ancient country of Daxia, Yun Hao!"

As soon as these words came out.

Ge Chuanxiong and others were all stunned.

It turned out that Jian Hongchen was not called Jian Hongchen, but Yunhao!

Suddenly, Ge Chuanxiong suddenly slapped his forehead.

"Yun Hao...Yun Ritian...under the Tongtian Sacred Tree, the person who united to destroy the golden generation of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land...is you!"

Ancestor Jinghong and Lord Zhongzhong looked at each other in confusion.

is not that right? The word Hao, when broken down, is Ritian!

Jian Hongchen's

His real name is Yun Hao, and he was also Yun Ritian who destroyed the Golden Generation of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land in the brilliance of the Great Dao...

"Master Ge Tianshi, the relationship between Yuan Pagoda and the Eastern Sky Alliance should be good, right?" Yun Hao asked.

The last time the Eastern Sky Alliance held the Qingyun Banquet, they were able to get a place to enter the Nine-Level Source Tower, so their relationship was obviously good.

Ge Chuanxiong nodded: "The leader of the Eastern Sky Alliance, Zuo Dao, is his daughter-in-law. She is my daughter."

Yun Hao: "..."

In this case, it will be much easier to handle.

"In order to prevent some accidents from happening, I would like Master Ge to invite a powerful figure from the Eastern Heaven Alliance to accompany us to the main hall of Wudian. Wudian is also a member of the Eastern Heavenly Alliance. It is justifiable to act like this. I will do it in front of In front of the people of the Eastern Sky Alliance, take away the identity of the sword holder!"

Ge Chuanxiong knew the urgency of this matter and said immediately: "Okay, I will go to the Dongtian League to find someone. In addition, I will also bring Xu Guang over.

Although we, Yuan Pagoda, have nothing to do with Martial Palace, you are now not only the Holy Son of Wanjian Sect, but also a guest of Yuan Pagoda. It is reasonable and reasonable for Yuan Pagoda to go and watch you compete for the identity of the sword holder of Martial Palace! "

Ge Chuanxiong left Wanjianmen's station to call for help.

Half an hour later.

Ge Chuanxiong led two people to the station of Wanjianmen.

One is Xu Guang from Source Tower.

There is another one, the deputy leader of the Eastern Sky Alliance, Liu!

With this kind of power, we are not afraid of anything that Lu Fang and Song Xiao from the Martial Palace Headquarters might do.

"Next, I'd like to trouble you all." Yun Hao bowed his hands politely, and then immediately set off to the main hall of the Martial Palace!

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