God Hongtian

Chapter 740: All must die

Bishuixuan, Qin family.

Yun Hao, Qin Yun, Yun Tiankuo, and Qin Wan escaped from the void and stood on the shore of the clear lake.

If you directly want to appear near the island and break through the void to come out, you will be attacked by a large formation from the Qin family.

As for Fu Dongyang and the group of elites from Wudian, they did not show up for the time being.

The guards of the Qin family saw Yun Hao and Qin Wan coming back, but this time, no one dared to come forward to stop them.

It wasn't because he was afraid of being killed by Yun Hao.

But because Qin Yun is also back!

In the Qin family, although Qin Yun rarely shows up and only comes back once a year on Qin Wan's birthday, Qin Yun's prestige is extremely high. Qin Yun is in charge of the sacred weapon and sits in the devil's cave. Her deeds have been described by the Qin family. Many people admired him.

"Eldest...eldest lady!"

An old man hurriedly came to Qin Yun, then with a bang, he knelt on the ground and said: "Miss... you are back. Qin Guang took advantage of the old man's death, and then acted unscrupulously in the Qin family and refused to submit to him. , he just went on a killing spree...

Moreover, Qin Guang completed the breakthrough after receiving the support of Taixuan Sect, condensing the power of order! "

A layer of frost appeared on Qin Yun's face.

Qin Guang is the second master of the Qin family!

"Where is Qin Guang?" Qin Yun shouted coldly.

"Qin Guang and his people from the Taixuan Sect are trying to open the Qin family's forbidden area..."

The next moment, the figures of Yunhao and the others suddenly appeared.

He disappeared from the spot and rushed directly to the island in the middle of the lake.


"Qin Guang, hurry up and don't procrastinate here!" An old woman urged Qin Guang with a gloomy face and an impatient look.

Qin Guang's forehead was already beading with sweat, and he kept making seals with his hands, trying to open the stone door in front of him that was full of restrictions.

"The Red Saint... I'm not procrastinating, I really tried my best. After all, I am not an orthodox member of the Qin family. I want to open this stone door and it will take time!" Qin Guang explained.

The old woman snorted coldly and said: "If you can't open it, then get out of the way and I will break this stone door with force!"

Qin Guang: "You can't do it, you can't do it. Once the stone gate is forcibly broken, the restrictions inside will be triggered, and the Taiyi Golden Lotus will be destroyed instantly, and it will also cause the giant crocodile dragon turtle, which was finally calmed down, to fall into a violent state. "

Old woman: "Then hurry up!"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Qin Guang responded quickly, extremely humble.

Although he has taken charge of the Qin family, everything he has gained is with the support of Taixuan Sect. In front of the people of Taixuan Sect, he is just a dog slave with no dignity and can be manipulated at will!

Just when Qin Guang was about to continue to use his means to lift the restrictions on Shimen, suddenly, a crisp sword sound sounded, and the powerful power of thunder order turned into a terrifying sword energy, slashing directly at Qin Guang.

Thunder order, positive

It is the power of order condensed by Qin Yun!

The old woman from the Taixuan Sect reacted instantly, snorted coldly, and formed a seal with one hand. The rumbling sound was deafening, and a mountain of order appeared, blocking the thundering order sword energy!


The order of thunder and the order of the earth collided, immediately setting off an extremely powerful storm wave.

"court death!"

The old woman shouted angrily, flew out, and started a fierce confrontation with Qin Yun who was coming to kill him.

Although the old woman is a veteran of the Holy Realm, Qin Yun's Order is Thunder with very domineering attack power.

Moreover, it was Yunhao who helped guide the condensed power of order, allowing Qin Yun to control the power of Thunder Order to an extremely high level.

Therefore, Qin Yun did not lose at all when fighting with this old woman!

Qin Guang wiped his sweat, he had been frightened just now.

He never expected that Qin Yun could come back alive, and that Qin Yun would become a saint!

Before Qin Guang could breathe a sigh of relief, suddenly, another terrifying force of order erupted. Yuntiankuo held a heavy sword and slashed at Qin Guang fiercely!

Qin Guang was frightened.

Damn it!

Even if Qin Yun transcends the ordinary and becomes a saint... a vulgar and reckless man from a small place like Yuntiankuo actually becomes a saint.

Qin Guang could no longer care about opening the stone gate and could only go all out to fight Yuntiankuo.

Such a change is unexpected.

The four holy realms instantly became inseparable and inseparable.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Hao and Qin Wan also flew over and arrived at the venue.

"Qin Yan, who are these two people?" A young man from the Taixuan Sect said coldly with an arrogant expression.

Qin Yan is the grandson of Qin Guang. Like Qin Guang, he bowed his head in front of the Taixuan sect and said respectfully: "Reporting to Master Sun, one of these two people is Qin Wan from our Qin family. As for that man , I don’t know him, but he came here once yesterday and killed an elder of our Qin family who was at the seventh level of the Tribulation Realm.”

The man who was called Master Sun said oh, then glanced at the old man beside him and said: "Kill this man directly. As for Qin Wan of the Qin family, you can stay. This little lady has thin skin and tender flesh. She has an excellent figure, especially her long legs. I like her very much and can play with her for a year. "

"Yes, Master!"

The old man immediately took the command and came out, and violent energy burst out from the old man's body. He was a monk at the ninth level of the Tribulation Realm.


There was an explosion, and the old man took a sudden step forward, blasting towards Yun Hao with powerful force.

At this time, Yunhao could no longer use the half-step ancestral pattern to kill gods because his mental power had not recovered.

But facing the old man's powerful offensive, Yun Hao was completely fearless. With a thought, ninety-nine and eighty-one flying swords roared out.

The sword light set off by the flying sword is like a bright river of starlight.

The old man punched out, and the fierce punch sent a batch of flying swords flying around.


The next moment, a starry sky descended.

It's Yun Hao's magical power to control the starry sky!

"I'll break this little plan!"

The old man roared angrily and kept punching out with his fists, causing the stars to shatter and their light to be annihilated.

But as soon as he broke Yun Hao's magical power, there was already a four-color spark waiting for him in front of him.

The old man's pupils tightened, and a feeling of extreme danger arose from the bottom of his heart.

Don't wait for him to respond.

The seemingly light, four-color spark exploded suddenly and turned into a terrifying wave of fire.


The old man screamed in the sea of ​​​​fire.

Yun Hao rushed into the sea of ​​​​fire, and the next moment, a vast dragon's power erupted, and a four-clawed golden dragon thousands of feet tall suddenly appeared in the raging sea of ​​​​fire!

The incomparable power of a dragon is breathtaking.

The whole audience was shocked!



The golden four-clawed divine dragon, this is the existence that is about to be promoted to the heavenly dragon...

The old man in the ninth level of the Tribulation Realm in the sea of ​​fire was so frightened when he saw the four-clawed golden dragon that he put aside the pain caused by his whole body being burned by the flames. His eyes were dull...

The breath of the dragon!

The dragon's breath slashed like a giant sword, and with a swish sound, the old man at the ninth level of the Tribulation Realm was chopped into pieces.

The golden four-clawed heavenly dragon flew in the midst of the raging fire, and its eyes with cold indifference swept over everyone in the audience.

"Today, you all must die!"

After an angry shout, the killing began!

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