God Hongtian

Chapter 732: Bishuixuan, Qin Family Incident

At this time, Yun Hao felt a little agitated.

Although he was reincarnated, Yun Tiankuo's feelings for him were indeed real.

When he was in Liuyun City, he had completely recognized that rough man.

Blood is thicker than water.

Now, after more than a year, he was finally going to see his father and his unmasked mother again, and he was actually a little nervous!

Family love was something he had never experienced in his previous life.

In this life, he had experienced the warmth of family affection, so he valued family affection very seriously.

Otherwise, he would not have known that once his identity was exposed, he would be chased madly by the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, and he would not have hesitated to choose to come to the Qin family's territory of Bishuixuan alone.

Yun Hao suppressed his ups and downs of emotions and did not reveal his identity immediately. After all, the situation of the Qin family was very unclear now.

"Miss Wan'er, a warm smile appears on your face when you mention your uncle and aunt. I think they must be very good people."

Qin Wan nodded heavily and said, "I'm actually not familiar with my uncle. He just came here to find my aunt more than a year ago. I've only met him a few times, but I can see that my uncle's eyes and heart are full of love. There was only my aunt.

As for my aunt...she is the most beautiful woman in the world, the kindest woman, the best and the best anyway.

My aunt is the apple of our Qin family's eye. Back then, countless young heroes in the Eastern Wasteland liked my aunt. Even the super second generation of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land wanted to win my aunt's heart.


My aunt took the trouble, so she went out to practice without telling everyone, and it took several years before she came back.

After coming back, my aunt said that she already had someone she liked and would never accept another man in this life. The news spread, and many young heroes in the Eastern Wasteland were heartbroken...

The reason why my aunt left her uncle behind and came back actually had her own reasons.

That year, the Demon Cave was shaken, and the demons almost broke through the defense line... My aunt had a mutual connection with a holy weapon used by the Qin family to seal off the Demon Cave. In order to prevent the demons from rushing out of the Demon Cave and causing destruction to all living beings, my aunt came back.

Once back.

My aunt has always been sitting in the magic cave. Only when I celebrate my birthday every year, my aunt will come back for a few days to celebrate my birthday with me. After my uncle came, I have always stayed there to accompany my aunt! "

Hear this.

Yun Hao's heartstrings suddenly tightened!

Just now, Qin Wan said that there was an external mysterious force that broke the Qin family's defense line that blocked the Demon Cave.

Now, Qin Wan added that her aunt has been suppressing the Demon Cave since she came back that year and has never left, and her uncle has always been there to accompany her!

"Mr. Yun, what's wrong with you?" Qin Wan asked after noticing an obvious change in Yun Hao's expression.

Yun Hao: "Where is the demon cave that the Qin family suppressed?"

Qin Wan shook her head: "I...I don't know. Regarding the Devil's Cave, direct descendants of the Qin family can only have contact with them if they are over twenty years old..."

Yun Hao said in a serious tone: "Let's go, I'll take you back to Qin's house!"

Although there is a problem within the Qin family now, Qin Wan will definitely

There will be dangers, but Yunhao can protect her. He can't wait to know the location of the devil's cave!

Qin Wan: "But... there were many demons in that town just now... and the people inside..."

"When the Great Demon Commander Biye chased you away, those demons had already withdrawn. They said they would massacre the city, but they were just talking. They didn't dare. If they really massacred the city, the situation in this matter would change. It will cause countless powerful people from the Eastern Barren Human Race to come in person." Yun Hao said.

This is not to fool Qin Wan.

Those demons have indeed withdrawn.

Qin Wan: "Okay, Mr. Yun, then you can send me back. Thank you for your hard work along the way."

Yun Hao: "Where are the Qin family going?"

Qin Wan: "..."

Then, Qin Wan showed Yun Hao the way, and Yun Hao took Qin Wan to Qin's house as quickly as possible.

"Mr. Yun, you seem to be in a hurry. Do you have any other important things to deal with? If so, you don't have to send me off. I can just go back by myself." Qin Wan said.

Yun Hao shook his head and said: "It's okay, the most important thing is that I send you back!"

Qin Wan felt warm in her heart and said, "Everyone named Yun is indeed a good man. By the way, Mr. Yun, let me tell you a secret."


"My aunt told me that I am probably the only one in the Qin family who knows about this matter."

" you say!"

"Actually, my aunt and uncle have a son who is one year older than me... My uncle told me that day that his son is so handsome.

, Yushu Linfeng... But actually, I think my little cousin is not very good-looking. "

Yun Hao gave her a meaningful look.

Qin Wan: "My little cousin is definitely not as good-looking as Mr. Yun."

Yun Hao: "..."

Qin Wan continued: "Even though my aunt is so beautiful...but my uncle's appearance is really hard to describe. How should I put it? He looks like a rough and burly man with a beard.

When I saw my uncle for the first time, I thought to myself, no, how could it be possible? Why does my uncle look like this...

But later, I discovered that my uncle and my aunt had a really good relationship... I figured it out, this should be true love!

So, due to the influence of my uncle’s bloodline, my little cousin should look different, hehe! "

Yunhao continued to remain silent.

Qin Wan continued like a chatterbox: "My uncle also said that my little cousin is very powerful...so I summed up one of my uncle's characteristics, he loves to brag, hehe!"

Yun Hao was speechless.

Qin Wan: "Of course, I still want to see my little cousin. I really want to find him and then bring him to my aunt and uncle to reunite their family of three.

My aunt misses my little cousin very much. I often see my aunt coming out with a small bellyband. When I look at the little bellyband, my aunt will shed tears... It makes me feel bad... "

Yun Hao's expression became complicated.

Qin Wan: "But there is one thing that my little cousin must not have done well, that is, he is not dedicated enough, because my uncle said that my little cousin is very popular with girls.

If my little cousin is a scumbag, when I see him, I must educate him well so that he cannot be a scumbag! "

Yun Hao really didn't know how to respond to Qin Wan's words.


Bishuixuan Qinjia is located on a small island in the middle of a clear lake.

At a glance, you can see rippling blue waves, which is said to be a lake, but you can't see the edge at a glance.

at this time.

On the shore of the lake, the guards of the Qin family were on guard, with a strong sense of killing.


A guard commander stepped forward and saluted Qin Wan.

Qin Wan raised her eyebrows and said, "What happened to the Qin family? Why did you stop me?"

Guard commander: "Miss, this is the second master's order. We are all following orders. We are not stopping Miss, but we are preventing people with evil intentions from entering the Qin family."

As he spoke, the guard commander looked at Yun Hao unabashedly.

Qin Wan snorted coldly: "Be brave, let me tell you, this Young Master Yun is my savior. Get out of my way quickly, otherwise, I...I will be angry!"

The guard commander seemed to have not heard Qin Wan's words at all, but still stared at Yun Hao and raised his hand: "Get this person and interrogate him strictly to see what evil thoughts he had in deliberately approaching the young lady! "

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