God Hongtian

Chapter 727 The biggest fish takes the bait

The wild cat was really scared.

too crazy!

"This cat is a peaceful cat...I don't like to fight..." the wild cat muttered, completely forgetting that he was so excited that he rubbed his paws just now.

"You go back first." Yun Hao said.

Wild Cat: "What?"

"No need to follow me."

Aramao: "Are you sure?"


Arimao: "Oh, man!"

Yunhao:? ?

Wild Cat: "I have helped you so much this time, and you want to send me away without giving me a fish to eat? Are you dreaming!"

Yunhao took out a pack of dried fish from the storage ring.

Huangmao: "You really have it...but one pack of dried fish is not enough. If you get a thousand packs, you can't even think of denying it!"

Yun Hao: "I really don't need your help."

Wild Cat: "You are so shameless. Did I say that I would help you? I just want to get those 1,000 packs of dried fish! Huh, I don't care about your life or death!"

Yun Hao felt warmth flowing in his heart and said: "Okay, when I come back, I will give you a thousand bags of dried fish!"

Arimao: "...I have to follow you, and I won't leave until I get it!"

Yun Hao: "Huangmao, go back. I have other things to do next. I won't go back to Tongtian City for the time being. You go back to Tongtian City and help me take care of everyone. I believe you have the strength.

As for my life, these rabble cannot take it away! Even if a great sage comes, it won’t work! "

Originally, according to the original plan, he would fish out these killers who were preparing for the reward and kill them all, and then he would return to Tongtian City.

But he never expected that he would find his father

Qin Yun Tiankuo's clues.

Therefore, Yunhao must take a trip to the Qin family in Bishuixuan!

It would be a good idea to take this opportunity to go and kill all these killers so that no one can keep an eye on him. If he returns to Tongtian City to prepare before setting off, it will inevitably cause complications.

As for not bringing the wild cat, it's because there will definitely be a dangerous battle breaking out later.

He didn't want Aramao to fall into that kind of danger.

Huang Mao: "What if someone from the Imperial Realm comes?"

Yun Hao: "If an imperial realm really comes, can you help?"

Arimao: "I should...you can give it a try."

These words immediately gave Yun Hao a new understanding of Huang Mao's strength.

He was certain that Huang Mao was not bragging.

Huang Mao definitely has a hidden ultimate move that can deal with the existence of the Emperor Realm.

But Yunhao couldn't let Huang Mao participate in the next battle. He thought of the ferocious aura that erupted from Huang Mao last time. If he hadn't helped Huang Mao suppress it in time last time, the consequences would have been disastrous.

The rumors of the destruction of the world by wild beasts are unknown so far, but this is definitely a risk that cannot be taken!

Yun Hao shook his head and said: "Believe me, I will be back soon!"

Wild Cat: "...Then...don't forget the 10,000 packs of dried fish you owe me!"

"Isn't it a thousand?"

Huangmao: "Don't I charge interest?"

Yun Hao smiled faintly and said: "Okay!"


far away.

"Master Ge Tian... another holy realm has appeared... why don't we take action?" A voice said in the dark


"No, he hasn't notified us to take action yet, so we will continue to wait!"

"But... Holy Realm's action is so swift that even if we want to rescue, we are too late..."

"Since this is his plan, let's act according to his plan. If we take action now and kill a few holy realms, no one will dare to come. He is obviously trying to catch a super big fish!"

"This Holy Son of Wanjian Sect... is amazing!"

Ge Chuanxiong was silent for a moment and said: "More than just amazing? Just for his courage and the series of battle performances just now, I want to call him brother!"

The other side.

Yunhao traveled alone in the dark night.

He could sense that a truly extraordinary and holy aura was already chasing him.

This is countless times more powerful than the old man who was half a step into the holy realm just now. Even though Yun Hao already has an idea in his mind, he must not be careless. The slightest mistake will lead to a situation that will never be restored!


Yunhao, who was running forward, stopped abruptly.

In front of him, there was a space, silently annihilated.

The power of order filled the air, which was extremely terrifying.

It is conceivable that if Yun Hao had not stopped in time just now, he would have crashed into it...

"You are so weak, yet you can still detect my power in advance. Jian Hongchen, there are so many incredible things in you. Perhaps, catching you and getting the secrets in you is better than replacing them. The reward is even more valuable."

A slightly lazy female voice sounded.

In the annihilated space area in front of Yunhao, a woman dressed in extremely revealing clothes appeared.

The woman's exposed skin shone with an exciting light, full of temptation.

"Little guy, stop resisting and come with me. I'm not going to kill you. Tell me your secret and I can give you my body. We can be happy day and night. How wonderful!"

The woman let out a wanton laugh, as if she had thought of something. A layer of crimson appeared on her skin, and the alluring aura became even stronger.


Yunhao agreed directly.

The woman flew directly to Yun Hao's side and said, "Then let me love you well!"

As he spoke, he reached out with one hand and grabbed Yun Hao's face hard.

next moment.


From the center of Yun Hao's eyebrows, a small golden sword shot out.

The half-step ancestral mark level of the god-killing mark instantly pierced the woman's palm, with undiminished power, and also pierced the woman's throat.

The woman's body could not withstand this domineering edge at all, and her skin, flesh, muscles, bones, etc... then turned into blood mist.

Her soul was floating in the air, filled with fear and anger.

The golden sword flew back into Yun Hao's sea of ​​consciousness with a whoosh.

Yunhao felt dizzy for a while.

Using the God-killing Pattern twice in succession consumed too much mental power. The mental power in his sea of ​​consciousness was almost exhausted!

In the air, the woman's soul screamed: "You bastard, how dare you cheat on me, ah ah, I'm going to cut you into pieces!"

Even if he loses his body, a person

The soul body of a strong man in the Holy Realm is still very powerful and should not be underestimated.

The violent soul power crushed Yun Hao's body hard.

Yun Hao's body exploded into pieces with a loud bang!

But...the fragments of his body instantly turned into wisps of smoke and dispersed.


Another golden sword came from a short distance away.

The god-killing pattern once again bloomed with terrifying edge, cutting into pieces the soul of this holy woman!

The woman's remnant body looked towards the direction where the golden sword had shot.

"Jian Hongchen...you..."

Jian Hongchen, who had been truly shattered by her soul power just now, was actually walking towards her intact at this moment.

Yun Hao withdrew the God-killing Mark and said calmly: "You want to kill me, are you worthy?"

After being separated from Huangmao, he used his heaven-defying magical power, twins!

The man who fought with the woman just now was just an evolution of magical power!

He has the same power, the same aura... everything is the same. No one can tell the slightest clue except Yun Hao himself!

The woman's remnant soul body, filled with confusion and unwillingness, was completely torn apart by the remaining edge of the God-killing pattern.

Yun Hao glanced meaningfully into the distance, then turned around and escaped into the darkness again.

far away.

"Master Ge Tianshi...this...what is going on?"

Yuantian Master Ge Chuanxiong also looked confused and said: "Don't care what's going on, shut your mouth, don't talk nonsense, follow immediately, the biggest fish is about to take the bait!"

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