God Hongtian

Chapter 723: Bounty, big trouble

Yun Hao was silent for a moment.

Mysterious woman: "Too much pressure?"

Yun Hao smiled calmly and said: "The pressure is indeed a bit high, but it's nothing. Even if these things didn't happen, I would still go to the Heavenly Palace and kill all the alien gods to make a way for myself and the human race." !”

He was like this in his previous life.

He didn't know this at that time.

At that time, he didn't have only one choice to fight.

But he still resolutely took the sword and started a battle with the alien gods!

Mysterious woman: "Soon, there will be a big war."

Yun Hao: "You say."

"If the Human Emperor wants to lead humanity, he must be recognized by the Human Emperor's Seal."

"Where is the Seal of the Human Emperor?"

Mysterious woman: "You once triggered the human realm. Not only did I resurrect, but the immortal fighting spirits also resurrected one after another. The human emperor seal sealed by the ancestors of the human race will also appear in this world and take the initiative to move closer to you.

According to the original plan, the Human Emperor Seal should have appeared long ago.

The reappearance of the Human Emperor's Seal is obviously an accident, but I can still feel that the Human Emperor's Seal is gradually getting closer to you.

In other words, someone has discovered the Human Emperor Seal and wants to seize it, but that person is not strong enough. According to the speed at which the aura of the Human Emperor Seal is approaching you, you should have to face it in at most three months. This happened! "

"Three months..." Yun Hao nodded and said, "I will be ready!"

"That stopping

The Human Emperor Seal is close to your power. Even if you are not a great emperor, you should be almost at the peak of the emperor realm! "

The mysterious woman added: "At that time, the resurrected fighting spirits around you will help you, but since you have not yet been able to lead humanity to reappear, even if the fighting spirits help you, their power is limited, and you must not main idea!"

Yun Hao hummed and said, "If the fighting spirit dies, what will happen to the people chosen by the fighting spirit?"

Mysterious woman: "The war spirit chooses the heir, not the body. The death of the war spirit will not affect the heir's life, but... you have to know that the war spirit now needs to combine with the heir's body to fight. Once something happens, something can happen." The battle that destroyed the fighting spirit, and the heir's body will most likely not be able to escape that disaster!"

Yun Hao knew it in his mind, and then said: "The last question."

"you say."

"What...are you?"

Mysterious woman: "Is this important?"

Yun Hao: "You can say it if you want to, or if you don't want to."

Mysterious woman: "I am the destined daughter of the human race!"

Before Yun Hao could say anything else, the mysterious woman said: "Don't ask me what the Daughter of Destiny is, you will know when the time comes!"

"Okay, then I'm going out to practice!"

Yunhao had already gotten the answer he wanted, and his mind clone instantly withdrew from the heaven and earth inside the monument.

The mysterious woman stood there and suddenly let out a sigh.

"Immortal monument... but

It's just a cover. I hope that after you learn the real truth... don't blame me for lying to you today. "

After saying that, the mysterious woman turned around and walked back into the surging gray mist. Soon, her figure was completely engulfed by the gray mist, as if she had never existed.

Hidden in the inner world of the scabbard.

Yun Hao's expression was solemn.

The pressure is indeed great.

But the power is also more abundant!

He took a deep breath, calmed down his complicated thoughts, and then took out the True Fruit of the Great Dao!

In order to find this true fruit, he searched in the canopy of the Tongtian Sacred Tree for almost eight days.

The Dao True Fruit is as big as a baby's fist, crystal clear, with circles of mysterious brilliance exuding on its surface.

Yunhao took a bite.

The fragrance and sweetness flowed between his lips and teeth, and then turned into an extremely pure breath, rushing directly into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Yun Hao ate up all the true fruits of the Great Dao in two or three mouthfuls!

Incomparably majestic and pure auras surged in his sea of ​​consciousness. These auras all contained the true meaning of the great avenue.

Yunhao used all his mental power to practice the Ancestral Divine Art, and absorbed the energy into the God-killing Patterns.

The God-killing pattern, which is equivalent to the top-level innate spiritual pattern, is only one step away from the ancestral pattern!

If this step is taken, it will be a whole new world!

Yunhao knew very well how difficult it was to take this step, but he already had hope and there was no need to go further.

Just think, just go all out!


"Ancestor Jinghong, Sect Leader, something bad has happened!"

An elder from the Wanjianmen station rushed into the main hall where Patriarch Jinghong was discussing matters with Lord Zhongzhong.

"What happened?" Ancestor Jinghong asked, frowning.

The elder gasped and said: "The Holy Son... The Holy Son has been offered a reward..."

"Reward?" Mr. Zhongzhong looked solemn and said, "Be specific!"

"Someone has posted a reward for the life of the Holy Son for a high-grade heavenly skill and a high-grade heavenly weapon!"

As soon as these words came out.

The faces of Ancestor Jinghong and Shen Chongjun instantly became extremely ugly!

A top-grade heavenly skill, a top-grade weapon at the heavenly level.

This is the inheritance and holy weapon of the holy level!

Such an astonishing reward would make even a strong man in the Holy Realm very tempted!

It's even possible that even the Great Sage can't help but take action!

After all, the target of the bounty, Jian Hongchen, was just a young man. It was the first time in the history of the entire Eastern Wasteland that such a young man was killed with such a bounty!

Enough to make people crazy!

"Damn it, it must be that old man Ye Wei from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land who did it!" Ancestor Jinghong scolded angrily.

But what's the use of knowing it was him?

No evidence!

If there is evidence, you can also ask the Eastern Sky Alliance to sanction Ye Wei.

At this time, Royi also rushed in hurriedly,

Said: "Ancestor Jinghong, the leader, Jian Hongchen has been offered a reward..."

Mr. Zhongzhong: "We already know. From now on, don't let him leave Tongtian City. As long as he is still in Tongtian City, those who are tempted by the bounty will not dare to take action casually."

Roy Yi: "Okay, I will go to his training room to guard him and prevent him from running around."

Lord Zhongzhong looked at Ancestor Jinghong: "Ancestor, just in case, we can only invite Ancestor Tianque and Ancestor Youguang to Tongtian City!"

Ancestor Jinghong: "Well, let's send the message back immediately."

"Ancestor Jinghong, I will go to the Eastern Sky Alliance right now. Even if there is no evidence pointing to the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, I still have to let the Eastern Sky Alliance come forward to express its position. It may be used as a deterrent. It should be able to make some guys who are ready to make moves feel more confident. fear!"

Ancestor Jinghong is the only holy land where Wanjian Sect is stationed in Tongtian City. He can't go anywhere now and must stay here. If he leaves, those guys who are crazy for the reward may come directly to kill him. !

"Master, after you go to the Eastern Sky Alliance, go to the Source Pagoda and the Martial Palace!" Ancestor Jinghong added.

Although the Martial Hall was in a mess, the people from Fu Dongyang's faction were willing to help.

As for Yuan Pagoda... he will definitely help!

Mr. Zhongzhong immediately left the station.

Even after taking measures, Ancestor Jinghong... was still worried.

This trouble is too big!

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