God Hongtian

Chapter 715 Kill them all

Yun Hao refined the energy of a Dao fruit, and clearly felt the further improvement of the God-killing Spiritual Mark, and a calm smile appeared on his face.

The end point of the God-killing Spiritual Mark is the Ancestral Mark!

The Ancestral Mark!

It completely interprets the power of the Dao!

And his God-killing Spiritual Mark, once it becomes the Ancestral Mark, is a power beyond the Dao.

Because the God-killing Spiritual Mark is completely a collection of his sword philosophy, artistic conception, etc.

Yun Hao is looking forward to the day when the God-killing Spiritual Mark will become the Ancestral Mark.

Just as Yun Hao had just refined the energy of the Dao fruit.

Suddenly, several powerful auras rushed towards him.

In the blink of an eye, Fan Ming from the East Wasteland Holy Land and two Tianjiao from the Qingyun List came to Yun Hao's side.

The three of them directly surrounded Yun Hao!

"Yun Ritian, you killed Hong Feng, the Tianjiao of my Donghuang Holy Land. You will die!"

"The majesty of the Donghuang Holy Land is inviolable. No matter who it is, don't think of stepping on the head of the Donghuang Holy Land and bullying it!"

The two shouted.

Fan Ming stared at Yun Hao with his cold eyes, snorted coldly, and said: "Tell me, which side are you from? Tell me honestly, and I can give you a quick death."

Killing Yun Ritian is just the beginning.

The style of the Donghuang Holy Land has always been to investigate to the end!

So, Fan Ming wanted to find out where Yun Ritian came from. After finding out, after finishing the ten days of practice in the area covered by the glory of the avenue, he would go out and report the truth to the strong men of the Donghuang Holy Land, and then attack strongly to uproot the forces behind Yun Ritian!

Yun Hao glanced at the three people, his expression was calm, and suddenly sneered, saying: "I just said that the waste of the Donghuang Holy Land,

I will kill one if one appears!"

Just then.

Long Kuang also flew over.

This guy rolled up his sleeves and looked like he couldn't wait to fight.

But Yun Hao's voice transmission instantly entered Long Kuang's ears.

"Don't do it. You are now representing Wanjianmen. If you participate in this battle, it will bring disaster to Wanjianmen."

Long Kuang: "..."

He sighed helplessly, then flew to a mountain, took out a jar of spirit wine, and said: "You fight, I said I am just here to watch the fun, I am Long Kuang a gentleman, I keep my word, I will never do anything if I say I won't mess with you!"

"Yun Ritian, this is your last chance, tell the truth!" Fan Ming shouted again.

"There is nothing to tell the truth to a dead man!" Yun Hao also shouted coldly, and the next moment, his figure rushed to Fan Ming's front in an instant.

A sword slashed out!

Fan Ming's reaction was quite fast, and he punched out in an instant and launched a counterattack.

His fist was very domineering, and it directly shattered the sword energy slashed out by Yun Hao.


The next moment, Yun Hao's sword swept, and he made a feint. He actually took advantage of the energy of Fan Ming's punch and flew to another genius on the Qingyun list of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land.


The cold light flashed, and the head flew away.

Then, Yun Hao's figure flashed again, and he appeared in front of another genius on the Qingyun list of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land.

Even though this person had already responded and used a protective magic weapon, his defense was completely a decoration and had no meaning. Under the power of Yun Hao's Wanli Sword Art, this person's body was directly split in half!

All this happened almost in the blink of an eye.

The two geniuses of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land have become two incomplete corpses!

Fan Ming's face was ashen and extremely ugly.

"Yun Ritian, you dare to play tricks on me!" He roared and roared, punching both fists together, hitting the sky and the earth, and the violent energy was extremely fierce.

Yun Hao used the Wanli Sword Art to fight against it.

The two engaged in a fierce battle!

Not far away, Long Kuang, who was watching the battle, was full of admiration.

Big Brother Hongchen is really powerful...

Long Chen sighed that he was not as good as him!

When he fought with Fan Ming, he could only rely on the Tianwai Miying Step to deal with him. Facing Fan Ming head-on, Long Kuang could not withstand the power of Fan Ming's fists.

Although Long Kuang could not make a move, so as not to drag Wanjianmen into the water, Long Kuang was not idle either, shouting: "Fan Ming, your fists are soft, like a woman!"

"Is that all the power? You are too bad, it's embarrassing, are all the people in Donghuang Holy Land so useless?"

"You'd better not call me Fan Ming, it's more appropriate to call me a glutton, this name suits you perfectly!"

Fan Ming was furious, and he wanted to beat Long Kuang to death.

But he was entangled by Yun Hao's sword moves, and he was extremely exhausted and couldn't get out of it.

In a moment, fine cold sweat broke out on Fan Ming's forehead, and he felt a huge pressure.

He had never seen such a magnificent sword technique!

Moreover, Yun Ritian on the opposite side used swordsmanship, and every move was flawless, perfect and impeccable! Soon, Fan Ming fell into an absolute disadvantage. He wanted to escape from the battle again and again, but the sword could accurately predict his plan every time and block his retreat in advance! More importantly, it was not enough that he couldn't win, but the suffocation in his heart was too strong. His moves... It seemed that there was no secret at all in Yun Ritian's eyes. Yun Ritian could always find his flaws in the first place, causing him to have to end his move abruptly when he was halfway through exerting force!

Fan Ming has been dubbed a super genius since he entered the world of cultivation. As he has grown to this point, there are only a few young people in the entire Eastern Wasteland who can keep his head down.

Now, one suddenly appeared.

In front of Yun Ritian, Fan Ming almost bowed his head. He was so depressed that he wanted to lie down on the ground and beg for mercy...

far away.

On the Avenue to Heaven Stairway.

Zhuge Wuwang, who had already climbed to the fourth level of the Great Avenue Ladder, was sensing the battle carefully from a long distance away.

At this time.

A man also climbed to the fourth level of the Avenue Ladder.

Zhuge Wuwang's eyes flashed and he looked at this person.

"Lu Chaoyuan, you are able to reach this position so quickly. You are really wronged by being ranked third on the Qingyun Ranking. I didn't expect that you hid it deeply enough. It seems that the resources that Wudian has invested in you are more than all the others." More than anyone expected!”

This person is none other than Lu Chaoyuan, who is third on the Qingyun List!

But with the level he is showing now, he is definitely higher than Fan Ming!

Lu Chaoyuan smiled lightly and said: "You shouldn't pay attention to me. I don't want to fight with you here. You should just keep an eye on that Yun Ritian. He is your biggest threat now. After all, he said that he will kill them all." Where are you trash from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land!"

While talking.

Lu Chaoyuan stepped forward directly and continued towards the top of the avenue ladder.

"Although this Yun Ritian is indeed powerful, it is far from being able to threaten me!" Zhuge Wuwang said, and immediately caught up with Lu Chaoyuan.

Lu Chaoyuan: "You

He is ruthless enough, and would rather watch you people in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land die than waste any time to go over for reinforcements. "

"The Great Dao Ladder is the most important thing. Yun Ritian killed them. It is also their fault that they don't practice hard. Their strength is too weak. At worst, I can wait until I am done with my work and kill Yun Ritian to help them take revenge!" "

As Zhuge Wuwang spoke, he had already surpassed Lu Chaoyuan.

"Such a powerful genius cannot be cultivated by ordinary forces. Could it be that he is from your Martial Palace? If he is really from the Martial Palace, it should be you, Lu Chaoyuan, who should be worried about his death. This guy can definitely shake your influence. The status of the Martial Palace!”

Lu Chaoyuan: "He is not from the Martial Palace. Don't try to trick me. As for threatening my status? Hehe, he is not worthy!"

The two of them are chasing each other on the road to heaven.

And far away.

Fan Ming could no longer hold on, and one of his arms was cut off by Yun Hao's sword.

He screamed and flew backwards.

Yun Hao struck out with another sword, killing the second-ranked super genius of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land!

Long Kuang stood up excitedly.

Yun Hao looked at him.

Long Kuang trembled: "Don't kill me. I have two Great Dao Fruits here. As long as you don't kill me, I will give them to you."

Without waiting for Yun Hao to answer, Long Kuang directly threw two Dao Fruits to Yun Hao.

The acting is as poor as ever...

Yunhao found a total of four Dao Fruits from the storage rings of Fan Ming and the other guys.

Counting the two Dao Fruits given by Long Kuang, there are six in total!

Yunhao took six Dao Fruits and left immediately.

If these six Dao Fruits are all refined, they will definitely upgrade the God-killing Pattern to the top level of the Innate Spirit Pattern. At that time, you can try to promote the Ancestral Pattern!

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