God Hongtian

Chapter 713: See one, kill one

"Brother Yun, what is that?" Dongfang Xiu blinked and asked.

Fatty: "It looks delicious."

Shi Feng: "The Dao Fruit... has no taste, but it is indeed a good thing. It will only appear in the first to third circles. The probability of Dao Fruit appearing in the first circle is relatively high, but in the second circle, it will appear." The probability of the Great Dao Fruit is less than one-tenth of that in the first round!”

The Dao Fruit in the sky is still absorbing the brilliance of the Dao. As it absorbs more and more brilliance of the Dao, the Dao Fruit becomes more and more solid, just like a real fruit, crystal clear and flowing with a rich Dao charm!

At this moment.

Not only Yunhao and the others are paying attention to this Dao Fruit.

The other geniuses in the second circle were also staring at the Dao Fruit in the sky.

Everyone is waiting for the moment when the Dao Fruit takes complete shape.

This is a great opportunity and no one wants to miss it.

Must fight!

About half an hour passed.

The Dao Fruit in the sky is finally fully formed.

The astonishing Taoist rhyme emanated from the Dao Dao Fruit.

"You don't have to go!"

Yun Hao shouted softly, and the next moment, his body shot towards the location of Daoguo.

The speed was so fast that it was like a cold light of sword energy piercing the air in an instant. Yun Hao was the first to appear next to the Dao Dao Fruit. He raised his hand to grab the Dao Dao Fruit and took the Dao Dao Fruit in his hand.

"The Dao Fruit is mine!"

"Let go of Daoguo, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Boy, the Dao Fruit doesn't belong to you. You don't have the strength to own it. Let it go, otherwise, you will be miserable!"

Several people rushed up

, surrounded Yun Hao.

"I, Yun Ritian, will sweep across the young generation of Eastern Wasteland!"

Yun Hao's voice was powerful, stirring up waves of sound, and the next moment, the Taiyan Fire Seal floated out of his body.

The terrifying hot breath swept the entire place instantly.


The Taiyan Fire Seal exploded in the air and turned into a raging sea of ​​fire.




The geniuses who wanted to compete for the Great Dao Fruit screamed and fell from the sea of ​​fire one after another.

Their bodies fell to the ground, and everyone's face was full of shock!

What a terrifying flame!

Just now, they all felt the shadow of death!

If that Yun Ritian really wanted to kill them, none of them would be sure to save their lives!

What a terrifying Yun Ritian!

Who is this?

Why did such a monster appear in the second circle?

With such abnormal strength, it is enough to compete with those super geniuses in the first round... Why come to the second round?

They didn't dare to rush upwards, so they could only stand on the ground and look up at the raging fire in the sky. After a while, the fire dissipated, and Yun Ritian was no longer around!

Yun Hao did not return to the Dao Acupoint area where Fatty and the others were.

That's no longer necessary.

He took away a Dao Dao Fruit, then found an uninhabited area in the second circle and swallowed the Dao Dao Fruit in one gulp.

The Dao Fruit entered his stomach, and the rich Dao rhyme rushed straight into his sea of ​​consciousness!

Suddenly, Yun Hao's world of consciousness was filled with the blazing light of the avenue.


The god-killing pattern trembled like a small golden sword

, emitting an extremely crisp sword cry, bursting out with an extremely sharp edge, in the blink of an eye, the Dao Yun energy of Dao Dao Fruit rushed towards the God-killing Pattern crazily!

The God-killing Pattern is like a bottomless abyss. No matter how much Tao Yun energy it is, it will be absorbed directly!

When all the energy of a Great Dao Fruit is absorbed, the God-killing Pattern also undergoes a transformation!

That sharp edge has surged a lot!

The God-killing Pattern is the prototype of the Ancestral Pattern that Yun Hao condensed based on the Ancestral Divine Art.

Originally, the God-killing Pattern was only equivalent to the intermediate level of Innate Spirit Pattern.

Nowadays, the God Killing Pattern is equivalent to the high-level innate spirit pattern!

In addition, Yun Hao's soul has also been nourished, and his mental power has been greatly improved!

"The progress of the ancestral pattern matter has been delayed. Let's see if we can take advantage of this opportunity to completely condense the ancestral pattern!" Yun Hao said to himself.

The ancestral pattern is an extremely rare and rare power, an opportunity that he had been pursuing so hard in his previous life but never got!

The ancestral pattern is an interpretation of the great road.

And Yun Hao's ancestral pattern is his own sword path!

Once he successfully condenses the ancestral pattern, his combat effectiveness will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes!

Then, Yun Hao stood up and headed straight for the first lap.

The first circle is where the Dao Fruit appears most densely.

The brilliance of the avenue lasted for a total of ten days. Only half a day had passed since he came in, and there were still nine and a half days left!

As soon as Yun Hao entered the first circle, he immediately found two people competing for the Dao Fruit.

The two of them were fighting inextricably!

Force collision

, setting off waves of powerful storms.


Suddenly, one person was finally defeated and was thrown away.

"Hahaha, you are destined to lose if you are trying to rob something from our Eastern Wasteland Holy Land!" The victorious guy laughed, and then immediately rushed towards the Dao Dao Fruit, trying to take the Dao Dao Fruit away.

But the moment he got close to Daoguo.

An extremely dangerous intuition emerged in his mind.

He reacted very quickly and made a decisive decision. He immediately retracted the palm that was grabbing Daoguo and moved his body sideways.

Almost as soon as he dodged, a long sword struck where he was.

If it were any slower, he would have no doubt that his body would be split in half!

Yun Hao, holding a long sword in his hand, appeared next to the Dao Dao Fruit, grabbed the Dao Dao Fruit, threw it into his mouth, and swallowed it.

"You...who are you!" The guy from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land shouted angrily.

Almost furious.

He finally defeated his opponent and was about to get the Great Dao Fruit, but suddenly someone appeared and attacked him.

What's even more outrageous is that this guy took the Dao Fruit in front of him and ate it in one bite!

In this case, even if he defeats this guy, he will still lose the Great Dao Fruit.

What a waste!

Where can Daodao fruit be eaten directly like this?

"You bastard, I, Hong Feng, will not be a human until I kill you!"

Hearing this name, Yun Hao was somewhat impressed.

Number eight on the Qingyun list!

With a roar, Hong Feng rushed towards Yun Hao like a madman, slashing with a long knife, and the blade burst out with a terrifying cold light, full of murderous intent!

Yun Hao dodged, easily avoiding the incoming blade, and raised the sword in his hand at an angle.

In an instant, the mighty sword light swept out a majestic momentum that was like the heaven and earth thousands of miles away!

What he is using at this moment is the Wanli Sword Art of Luo Qingtian, the world's number one swordsman!

In order not to expose your identity, you can use the sword formation as long as you can!

But even if he doesn't use the sword formation, he still has a lot of powerful killer moves!

The aura of the Wanli Sword Art was extremely powerful and domineering. With one sweep of the sword energy, it directly knocked away Hong Feng, the eighth genius on the Qingyun Ranking of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land!


Yun Hao shouted coldly, stepped in the air, chased Hong Feng, who was flying backwards, and slashed with his long sword!

Hong Feng roared, and at the critical moment, he held up a protective light to block Yun Hao's domineering sword strike.

The precious light shook, crackled, and countless cracks appeared.

"Senior Brother Zhuge, save me..."

Hong Feng yelled with all his strength.

At this moment, a ray of light and shadow appeared in the distance, like a giant holding the sky.

"Let me, Junior Brother Hong, go. The Eastern Wasteland Holy Land will not pursue the issue of the Great Dao Fruit. If you insist on killing him, I will crush you to ashes!" A cold voice sounded.

There is only one person named Zhuge in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land.

It’s Zhuge Wuwu who is number one on the Qingyun List!

Facing the threat of Zhuge Wuwang's ten thousand feet of light and shadow, Yun Hao sneered and shouted: "I will kill every trash I see in the Eastern Wilderness Holy Land every day, until I kill them all!"

After the words fell, the power exploded again, and the sword sharply shattered the protective light held up by Hong Feng, splitting Hong Feng into pieces!

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